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Summary:  The beginning of ANWR begins with Alaska's statehood in 1959.  Many groups had claims to land in Alaska but a federal land freeze put Native land claims first.

Purpose:  This research pertains to the current status of Native groups in Alaska.

Relevance:  The ANCSA led to the formation of Native Corporations, which have many purposes, but one of interest is that they benefit from oil production.  The knowledge of historic laws, acts, and actions is important to be able to successfully assess the current situation.  This knowledge of Alaska's history provides a starting point for current state opinion of drilling in ANWR.

    1959 -- Statehood
    1960s -- Alaskan Natives filed land claims with the Federal Government.
    1966 -- Federal government froze all federal lands in Alaska.  The state, natives, and other organizations were unable to claim over 96% of the land in Alaska.
    1968 -- Oil discovered in Alaska.

    There were several ways to get rid of the land freeze:  a lawsuit against the federal government, have the ban lifted by the Secretary of the Interior, or settle the Native land claims.  There was not potential for a successful lawsuit because the federal government put the Native land claims before the state's and other private organizations' claims.  
    Alaskan governor Walter Hickel was appointed Secretary of the Interior by President Nixon in 1968.  Congress approved his nomination on the condition that Hickel would not lift the land freeze.  This left only the option of settling the Native land claims.  The result was the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA, PL 92-203).


Martin, Guy. "Environmental Issues in the Land Claims."  The Native Land Claims (June 1975).  Online.  16 Oct. 03.

Anders Gary C. and Kathleen Anders.  "Incompatible Goals in Unconventional Organizations:  The Politics of Alaska Native Corporations."  Developing America's Northern Frontier (1987).  Online.  16 Oct. 03.

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Last updated: 9 Nov. 03 20:29
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