To navigate the site, please use the links above.

Powerpoint - A powerpoint that team 5 presented to the class pointing out some concerns and answering some questions

Information - Information that Team 5 collected that helped create the proposal

Proposal - Team Five's solution to the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans

Contact - E-mail for all the group members as well as links to each member's website

Credits - Thank you to members of the class and those who helped with this assignment.

Special Thanks To:

Mahalia Miller
Mahalia is a sophomore in Course 1 - Civil and Environmental Engineering. She has offered insight to the group about Mission 2010 based on her experience with Mission 2009 on the tsunami disaster. Mahalia has also been able to help the team based on her own experiences with green architecture, especially during her trip to Germany.

Aron Walker
Aron is a senior who is double majoring in Course 12 - Earth, Atmpospheric, and Planetary Sciences and Course 10 - Chemical Engineering. Aron has truly challenged the members of the group to analyze all of the complexities of the situation in order to truly understand the issue at hand.

Katrina Cornell
Katrina is the TA for Mission 2010. She has helped guide our class in the right direction and offered helpful suggestions about web design and presentation content.

Ari Epstein
Ari is a lecturer and is involved in the Earth Science Initiative. He graciously loaned a recorder to Team 5 so that we could record first hand accounts and ask about the culture and life of New Orleans from people who have actually lived and worked in the area.

Sam Bowring
Sam is a professor in the Earth, Atmoshperic, and Planetary Sciences department. Dr. Bowring arranged for the class to meet with various lecturers and provided the students with a plethora of information.

Maria Shkolnik
Maria Shkolnik is deeply involved in Terrascope. She has helped the class with the website and helps organize the rooms that the class will meet in.

A BIG Special Thanks to: Jeffrey Schwartz, Karl Baker, Leigh Graham, Jessie Berman Boatright, and Steve Moga for taking time out of their busy schedules and allowing us to interview them.