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The Structure of Mission 2012
Solving Complex Problems (12.000) meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3 to 4 pm. Depending on the nature of each day's class, the meeting may take place in a standard lecture hall with fixed seating (32-123 or 32-155 Stata Center) or a room with tables and chairs that can be moved (32-082). Team meetings will vary and some rooms will be made available as needed.

Because the location changes so frequently you must familiarize yourself with the locations of these classrooms. Also, you should check this website before each class to make sure that you know where to go. Attendance at all classes is mandatory and not knowing where you are supposed to go is not an excuse.

Learn your team
After the second class meeting on September 5th, students in Mission 2012 will be divided into ten teams, each of which will be responsible for doing background research on one aspect of the final problem and for proposing prelininary components of the final solution. Once you know your team assignment, you will need to consult the Community page in order to know where your team will meet each week.

Meeting Structure
Other than the initial Introductory meeting, there are five different meeting types: Information Sessions, Case Study Sessions, Team Meetings, Coordination Meetings, and Freeform Sessions.
  1. Information Sessions are special meetings of the entire class to learn about research techniques, teamwork strategies, and presentation skills.
  2. Case Study Sessions provide an opportunity for the class to discuss various aspects of Hurricane Katrina and how the lessons learned from the disaster can help shape the final Mission 2010 results
  3. Team Meetings are weekly opportunities for teams to meet to "brainstorm" in independent work sessions.
  4. Coordination Meetings are whole-section meetings designed to enable the coordination of team-design strategies in advance of the final section solutions.
  5. Freeform Sessions are formal meetings of special-interest groups that develop as the semester progresses.