1) Establish a connection between your iPaq and your computer using ActiveSync. You don't need to set up a parternership. Setup a Guest Partnership if "No Partnership" is not an option.


2) The data you've collected is stored in a series of shapefiles on the storage card of the iPaq. Since the data is on the storage card, should your Ipaq's battery run dead, you will not lose your data. The MapSmith program makes 6 shapefiles. They are:

a) Lithology: This point shapefile contains not only the information you entered on the lithology page of the MapSmith forms, but also the location information of each station, the keyword you entered for each station, and paths to the notes and sketch files you may have made.

b) Planar: This point shapefile contains all the planar structural data that you collected.

c) Linear: This point shapefile contains all the linear structural data that you collected.

d) Photo: This point shapefile contains information about where you took photos, and what filenames or roll/exposure they were.

e) Sample: This point shapefile contains the information you entered about samples you may have collected.

f) Lines: This polyline shapefile contains the lines you've drawn, and the information you recorded with regards to what the lines represent.

Also, any notes you recorded are in text files with names corresponding to the station at which you took the notes. When you transfer data to your PC, you want to be sure to have gotten all the files the you've written data to throughout the day.


4) Use ActiveSync to explore the files on your iPaq.

All the files that you've been adding data to are contained within the Storage Card/MapSmith/Data folder. Drag the entire data folder to the location you'd like it on your PC.


5) That's it! You've transfered all your data. In order to avoid data redundancy and overwriting any previous day's work, see the section on organization.