Every day you'll come back with more data in shapefiles with the same name as those you used last time. In order to avoid data redundancy, I'd suggest doing the following things:

1) Put each days shapefiles in a folder on the PC named "JoeDay1" or "TomDay1" or "TomDay2" or something to that effect. This keeps each persons data from each day separate.

2) Every day, merge all the data from your mapping group with all the data from previous days into a master shapefile. This basically involves merging today's data with yesterday's master data file and erasing yesterday's file.

3) Every day, after you're sure that the data has been backed up onto the PC, put new, blank shapefiles onto your iPAQ. This ensures that at the end of each day you don't download extra copies of the data from all the previous days. It will make the transfer process infinitely faster. It also ensures that your master shapefiles don't have redundant data points.