Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
> > Subjects in Observational Optical Astronomy

[weather info: BOS ETA/NGM output | BOS Forecast | ORH Forecast | Visible | IR | Water Vapor ]

12s22 Hands-On Astronomy

"The Universe is a grand book of philosophy.
The book lies continuously open to Man's gaze."

- Galileo Galilei

Forecast for Wednesday, 23 January: Cloudy/Potentially Rainy, apparently. If it's not actually rainy, maybe we'll try some CCD observations of Boston from the roof...

12s22 is the IAP version of the popular 12.409 introductory astronomical observing seminar. Background for and techniques of visual observation, electronic imaging, and spectroscopy of the Moon, planets, satellites, stars, and brighter deep-space objects. Nightly (!) outdoor observing sessions using 8-inch diameter telescopes when weather permits. Indoor sessions introduce needed skills. Introduction to contemporary observational astronomy including astronomical computing, image and data processing, and how astronomers work. Student must maintain a careful and complete written log which is graded. (Limited enrollment with priority to freshmen. Consumes an entire evening for each class session; 100% attendance at observing sessions required to pass.)