[Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
[Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences]
[12s22 Hands-On Astronomy]

Initial Organizational Meeting


Meeting is Monday Jan. 7, 2001 at 7:00 pm, Room 37-562

This meeting is for all students who are considering taking 12s22 this term, whether pre-registered or not. (We'll deal with making the Registrar's records match reality later on...) The main purpose of the meeting is to help you make an informed decision about whether to take 12s22 this term. It's an atypical MIT class in several respects, and we believe it's important to be as up-front and complete as we can about what you can expect from the class, and about what we'll expect from you. At the meeting we'll give out a very complete (if we do say so ourselves) summary of information useful to help in deciding whether to take 12s22 this term. We section instructors will be present at the meeting so that you can ask us any additional questions directly! Depending on the weather we may get to go up on the roof and do some observing, so be sure to dress warmly if it looks clear!

If you're interested in taking 12s22 but cannot attend this organizational meeting, you should contact Andy Rivkin (asrivkin@mit.edu) as soon as possible for instructions.

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