FALL 1998

Mon-Wed 1:00-2:30 E51-057

(Updated 9/8/98)

Instructor:John Little
E56-308 x3-3738
Office hours: Mon 3:00-4:00 and by appointment
Teaching Assistant:David Godes
E56-345e x3-0159
Office Hours:By appointment
Course Admin. Asst.: Sandra Crawford-Jenkins
E56-364 x3-0495

Class Schedule Download Assignments and Overheads TA Schedule


A marketing information revolution has taken place in which large databases, models, and supporting information technology play a major role in many marketing decisions. The goal of the course is to give students an understanding of these developments and hands-on experiences with a number of them. We address four broad topics:

Scanner Data in Modern Brand Management

Database Marketing

Marketing Models for Decision Making

Decision Support and the Internet

Assignments: Readings and problem sets - including computer exercises using commercial data. Computer assignments will be done in teams of two or three people. Ten-page term paper.

Grading: 60% on problem sets, 25% on term paper, 15% on class participation.

Prerequisites: 15.810 and either 15.075 or 15.061 (or equivalents), or permission of the instructor.

Required text: Lilien, Gary L. and Arvind Rangaswamy (1998), Marketing Engineering: Computer Assisted Marketing Analysis and Planning, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA (book, tutorial, and CD).

Recommended books: