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Sept9Introduction. Information for marketing decisions

1. Scanner Data in Modern Brand Management

14Marketing decision support systems.
Little, "Information Technology in Marketing."
Little and Cassettari, "Decision Support Systems for Marketing Managers."
Assignment 1 due: Features, displays, and price-cuts
21 Brand planning. Promotional productivity.
Abraham and Lodish, "An Implemented System for Improving Promotion Productivity Using Store Scanner Data."
Little, "Integrated Measures of Sales, Merchandising, and Distribution"
23 Marketing-mix models for individual customers.

Little, "Modeling Market Response in Large Customer Panels
Assignment 2 due: Promotional productivity
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28 Modeling marketing mix decisions with the multinomial logit.
Guadagni and Little, "A Logit Model of Brand Choice Calibrated on Scanner Data"
Guadagni and Little, "When and What to Buy: A Nested Logit Model of Coffee Purchase"
30 Outside speaker: Gordon Armstrong
Senior Marketing Information Scientist,
Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.
Assignment 3 due: Fact-based selling
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2. Database Marketing

Oct5 Database marketing is direct marketing brought up to date.

Blattberg and Deighton, "Interactive Marketing: Exploiting the Age of Addressability,"
7 Targeting methods. Response modeling for direct marketing. Relationship marketing.

Lilien and Rangaswamy, Tutorial, skim 67-85, read 86-88.

Assignment 4 due: Logit model of customer purchase behavior.
13 Outside speaker: Greg Holzwarth
Epsilon Systems, Inc.
"Database Marketing"
14 Data mining techniques.

Assignment 5 due: Bookbinders book club 1. Ques. 1, 2, and 3 for linear regression only.
19 Neural Networks.

Lilien and Rangaswamy, Text, 140-143.
21 Direct marketing: Models that include purchase size.

Assignment 6 due: Bookbinders book club 2. Ques. 1, 2, and 3 for binary logit only.

(End of H1: Oct 23)

3. Marketing Models for Decision Making

26 Outside speaker: Steven Gaskin
The Delphi Group
"Applying Marketing Models in Practice"

Lilien and Rangaswamy, Text, Chap 2
28 Sales force allocation decisions; CALLPLAN.
Lilien and Rangaswamy, Text, 262-7
Little, "On Model Building"

Assignment 7 due: Bookbinders book club 3. Ques. 1, 2, and 3 for neural nets, plus Ques. 4.
Nov2 Decision calculus models; BRANDAID marketing mix model.
Little,"Managers and Models: The Concept of a Decision Calculus"
Little, "BRANDAID: A Marketing Mix Model"
4 Advertising decisions.

Lilien and Rangaswamy, Text, Chap 8

Assignment 8 due: Term paper proposal.
9 Sales force decisions: case discussion.

Assignment 9: Syntex Laboratories Case (Lilien and Rangaswamy, Tutorial, p265)
16 Price and promotion decisions.

Lilien and Rangaswamy, Text, Chap 10,
Assignment 10 due: ABB Electric.

4. Decision Support and the Internet

23 Marketing and the internet.
Ceglowski, Liu, Qui, Sim, "Revenue Generating Models for Web Commerce"
Barros, Billante, Deley, Nores, "The Value of E-Commerce"
Matsuda, Rosenstein, Scovitch, Takamura, "Direct Marketing on the Internet"
Assignment 11 due: INFORMS International Marketing
30 Internet shopping; groceries on the web.
Alba et al., "Interactive Home Shopping and the Retail Industry"
Haubl and Trifts, "Consumer Decision Making in Interactive Online Shopping Environments"
Dec2 Destructive price competition is spooking retailers.
Bakos, "Reducing Buyer Search Costs: Implications for Electronic Marketplaces"
Lynch and Ariely, "Interactive Home Shopping: Effects of Search Cost for Price and Quality Information"
7 Outside speaker: Hart Singh, ChewsGroups Inc.
9 Trust-based marketing. Wrap up.

Urban, "Trust Based Marketing on the Web."

Assignment 12 due: Term paper.

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