
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**
00002  *  @file VPStandardStateTP.h
00003  *    Header file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that handles
00004  *    variable pressure standard state methods for calculating
00005  *    thermodynamic properties (see \ref thermoprops and
00006  *    class \link Cantera::VPStandardStateTP VPStandardStateTP\endlink).
00007  *
00008  *    These include most of the
00009  *    methods for calculating liquid electrolyte thermodynamics.
00010  */
00011 /*
00012  * Copywrite (2005) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of 
00013  * Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the
00014  * U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
00015  */
00016 /*
00017  *  $Date: 2010-01-17 12:05:46 -0500 (Sun, 17 Jan 2010) $
00018  *  $Revision: 385 $
00019  */
00024 #include "ThermoPhase.h"
00025 #include "VPSSMgr.h"
00027 namespace Cantera {
00029   class XML_Node;
00030   class PDSS;
00032   /**
00033    * @ingroup thermoprops
00034    *
00035    *  This is a filter class for ThermoPhase that implements some prepatory
00036    *  steps for efficiently handling
00037    *  a variable pressure standard state for species.
00038    *
00039    *  Several concepts are introduced. The first concept is there are temporary
00040    *  variables for holding the species standard state values 
00041    *  of Cp, H, S, G, and V at the
00042    *  last temperature and pressure called. These functions are not recalculated
00043    *  if a new call is made using the previous temperature and pressure. Currently,
00044    *  these variables and the calculation method are handled by the VPSSMgr class,
00045    *  for which VPStandardStateTP owns a pointer to.
00046    *
00047    *  To support the above functionality, pressure and temperature variables,
00048    *  m_Plast_ss and m_Tlast_ss, are kept which store the last pressure and temperature
00049    *  used in the evaluation of standard state properties. 
00050    *
00051    *  This class is usually used for nearly incompressible phases. For those phases, it
00052    *  makes sense to change the equation of state independent variable from
00053    *  density to pressure. The variable m_Pcurrent contains the current value of the
00054    *  pressure within the phase.
00055    *
00056    * @todo
00057    *   Put some teeth into this level by overloading the setDensity() function. It should
00058    *   now throw an exception. Instead, setPressure routines should calculate the
00059    *   solution density and then call State:setDensity() directly.
00060    *   
00061    *  @nosubgrouping
00062    */
00063   class VPStandardStateTP : public ThermoPhase {
00065   public:
00067     /*!
00068      *   
00069      * @name Constructors and Duplicators for %VPStandardStateTP 
00070      *
00071      */   
00072     /// Constructor. 
00073     VPStandardStateTP();
00075     //! Copy Constructor.
00076     /*!
00077      *  @param b   Object to be copied
00078      */
00079     VPStandardStateTP(const VPStandardStateTP &b);
00081     //! Assignment operator
00082     /*!
00083      *  @param b   Object to be copied
00084      */
00085     VPStandardStateTP& operator=(const VPStandardStateTP &b);
00087     //! Destructor. 
00088     virtual ~VPStandardStateTP();
00090     /*
00091      * Duplication routine
00092      */
00093     virtual ThermoPhase *duplMyselfAsThermoPhase() const;
00095     //@}
00097     /**
00098      * @name  Utilities (VPStandardStateTP)
00099      */
00100     //@{
00101     /** 
00102      * Equation of state type flag. The base class returns
00103      * zero. Subclasses should define this to return a unique
00104      * non-zero value. Constants defined for this purpose are
00105      * listed in mix_defs.h.
00106      */
00107     virtual int eosType() const { return 0; }
00109     //! This method returns the convention used in specification
00110     //! of the standard state, of which there are currently two,
00111     //! temperature based, and variable pressure based.
00112     /*!
00113      * Currently, there are two standard state conventions:
00114      *  - Temperature-based activities
00116      *      - default
00117      *
00118      *  -  Variable Pressure and Temperature -based activities
00119      *   cSS_CONVENTION_VPSS 1
00120      */
00121     virtual int standardStateConvention() const;
00123     //! Get the array of log concentration-like derivatives of the 
00124     //! log activity coefficients
00125     /*!
00126      * This function is a virtual method.  For ideal mixtures 
00127      * (unity activity coefficients), this can return zero.  
00128      * Implementations should take the derivative of the 
00129      * logarithm of the activity coefficient with respect to the 
00130      * logarithm of the concentration-like variable (i.e. mole fraction,
00131      * molality, etc.) that represents the standard state.  
00132      * This quantity is to be used in conjunction with derivatives of 
00133      * that concentration-like variable when the derivative of the chemical 
00134      * potential is taken.  
00135      *
00136      *  units = dimensionless
00137      *
00138      * @param dlnActCoeffdlnC    Output vector of derivatives of the 
00139      *                         log Activity Coefficients. length = m_kk
00140      */
00141     virtual void getdlnActCoeffdlnC(doublereal *dlnActCoeffdlnC) const {
00142       err("getdlnActCoeffdlnC");
00143     }
00146     //@}
00147      /// @name  Partial Molar Properties of the Solution  (VPStandardStateTP)
00148     //@{
00151     //! Get the array of non-dimensional species chemical potentials
00152     //! These are partial molar Gibbs free energies.
00153     /*!
00154      * \f$ \mu_k / \hat R T \f$.
00155      * Units: unitless
00156      *
00157      * We close the loop on this function, here, calling
00158      * getChemPotentials() and then dividing by RT. No need for child
00159      * classes to handle.
00160      *
00161      * @param mu    Output vector of  non-dimensional species chemical potentials
00162      *              Length: m_kk.
00163      */
00164     void getChemPotentials_RT(doublereal* mu) const;
00166     //@}
00168     /*!
00169      * @name  Properties of the Standard State of the Species in the Solution 
00170      *                (VPStandardStateTP)
00171      *
00172      *  Within VPStandardStateTP, these properties are calculated via a common routine, 
00173      *  _updateStandardStateThermo(),
00174      *  which must be overloaded in inherited objects.
00175      *  The values are cached within this object, and are not recalculated unless
00176      *  the temperature or pressure changes.
00177      */
00178     //@{
00180     //!Get the array of chemical potentials at unit activity.
00181     /*!
00182      * These are the standard state chemical potentials \f$ \mu^0_k(T,P)
00183      * \f$. The values are evaluated at the current temperature and pressure.
00184      *
00185      * @param mu   Output vector of standard state chemical potentials.
00186      *             length = m_kk. units are J / kmol.
00187      */
00188     virtual void getStandardChemPotentials(doublereal* mu) const;
00190     /**
00191      * Get the nondimensional Enthalpy functions for the species
00192      * at their standard states at the current
00193      * <I>T</I> and <I>P</I> of the solution.
00194      *
00195      * @param hrt     Output vector of standard state enthalpies.
00196      *                length = m_kk. units are unitless.
00197      */
00198     virtual void getEnthalpy_RT(doublereal* hrt) const;
00200     /**
00201      * Get the array of nondimensional Enthalpy functions for the
00202      * standard state species
00203      * at the current <I>T</I> and <I>P</I> of the solution.
00204      *
00205      * @param sr     Output vector of nondimensional standard state
00206      *               entropies. length = m_kk.
00207      */
00208     virtual void getEntropy_R(doublereal* sr) const;
00210     /**
00211      * Get the nondimensional Gibbs functions for the species
00212      * at their standard states of solution at the current T and P
00213      * of the solution.
00214      *
00215      * @param grt    Output vector of nondimensional standard state
00216      *               Gibbs free energies. length = m_kk.
00217      */
00218     virtual void getGibbs_RT(doublereal* grt) const;
00221     //! Get the nondimensional Gibbs functions for the standard
00222     //! state of the species at the current T and P.
00223     /*!
00224      *  (Note resolved at this level)
00225      *
00226      * @param gpure  Output vector of standard state
00227      *               Gibbs free energies. length = m_kk.
00228      *               units are J/kmol.
00229      *
00230      * @todo This could be eliminated. It doesn't fit into the current
00231      *       naming convention.
00232      */
00233     void getPureGibbs(doublereal* gpure) const;
00235     /**
00236      *  Returns the vector of nondimensional
00237      *  internal Energies of the standard state at the current temperature
00238      *  and pressure of the solution for each species.
00239      * \f[
00240      *  u^{ss}_k(T,P) = h^{ss}_k(T)  - P * V^{ss}_k
00241      * \f]
00242      *
00243      * @param urt    Output vector of nondimensional standard state
00244      *               internal energies. length = m_kk.
00245      */
00246     virtual void getIntEnergy_RT(doublereal *urt) const;
00248     /**
00249      * Get the nondimensional Heat Capacities at constant
00250      * pressure for the standard state of the species 
00251      * at the current T and P. 
00252      *
00253      * This is redefined here to call the internal function,  _updateStandardStateThermo(),
00254      * which calculates all standard state properties at the same time.
00255      *
00256      * @param cpr    Output vector containing the 
00257      *               the nondimensional Heat Capacities at constant
00258      *               pressure for the standard state of the species.
00259      *               Length: m_kk. 
00260      */
00261     virtual void getCp_R(doublereal* cpr) const;
00264     //! Get the molar volumes of each species in their standard
00265     //! states at the current
00266     //! <I>T</I> and <I>P</I> of the solution.
00267     /*!
00268      * units = m^3 / kmol
00269      *
00270      * This is redefined here to call the internal function,  _updateStandardStateThermo(),
00271      * which calculates all standard state properties at the same time.
00272      *
00273      * @param vol Output vector of species volumes. length = m_kk.
00274      *            units =  m^3 / kmol
00275      */
00276     virtual void getStandardVolumes(doublereal *vol) const;
00279     //! Set the temperature of the phase
00280     /*!
00281      *    Currently this passes down to setState_TP(). It does not
00282      *    make sense to calculate the standard state without first
00283      *    setting T and P.
00284      *
00285      * @param temp  Temperature (kelvin)
00286      */
00287     virtual void setTemperature(const doublereal temp);
00290     //! Set the internally storred pressure (Pa) at constant
00291     //! temperature and composition
00292     /*!
00293      *  Currently this passes down to setState_TP().  It does not
00294      *    make sense to calculate the standard state without first
00295      *    setting T and P.
00296      *
00297      *  @param p input Pressure (Pa)
00298      */
00299     virtual void setPressure(doublereal p);
00301 protected:
00302     /**
00303      * Calculate the density of the mixture using the partial 
00304      * molar volumes and mole fractions as input
00305      *
00306      * The formula for this is
00307      *
00308      * \f[ 
00309      * \rho = \frac{\sum_k{X_k W_k}}{\sum_k{X_k V_k}} 
00310      * \f]
00311      *
00312      * where \f$X_k\f$ are the mole fractions, \f$W_k\f$ are
00313      * the molecular weights, and \f$V_k\f$ are the pure species
00314      * molar volumes.
00315      *
00316      * Note, the basis behind this formula is that in an ideal
00317      * solution the partial molar volumes are equal to the pure
00318      * species molar volumes. We have additionally specified
00319      * in this class that the pure species molar volumes are
00320      * independent of temperature and pressure.
00321      *
00322      * NOTE: This is a non-virtual function, which is not a 
00323      *       member of the ThermoPhase base class. 
00324      */
00325     virtual void calcDensity();
00327  public:
00328     //! Set the temperature and pressure at the same time
00329     /*!
00330      *  Note this function triggers a reevalulation of the standard
00331      *  state quantities.
00332      *
00333      *  @param T  temperature (kelvin)
00334      *  @param pres pressure (pascal)
00335      */
00336     virtual void setState_TP(doublereal T, doublereal pres);
00338     //! Returns the current pressure of the phase
00339     /*!
00340      *  The pressure is an independent variable in this phase. Its current value
00341      *  is storred in the object VPStandardStateTP.
00342      *
00343      * @return return the pressure in pascals.
00344      */
00345     doublereal pressure() const {
00346       return m_Pcurrent;
00347     }
00349   protected:
00351     //! Updates the standard state thermodynamic functions at the current T and P of the solution.
00352     /*!
00353      * @internal
00354      *
00355      * If m_useTmpStandardStateStorage is true,
00356      * this function must be called for every call to functions in this  class.
00357      *
00358      * This function is responsible for updating the following internal members,
00359      * when  m_useTmpStandardStateStorage is true.
00360      *
00361      *  -  m_hss_RT;
00362      *  -  m_cpss_R;
00363      *  -  m_gss_RT;
00364      *  -  m_sss_R;
00365      *  -  m_Vss
00366      *
00367      *  This function doesn't check to see if the temperature or pressure
00368      *  has changed. It automatically assumes that it has changed.
00369      *  If m_useTmpStandardStateStorage is not true, this function may be
00370      *  required to be called by child classes to update internal member data..
00371      *
00372      */                    
00373     virtual void _updateStandardStateThermo() const;
00375   public:
00377     //! Updates the standard state thermodynamic functions at the current T and P of the solution.
00378     /*!
00379      *
00380      * If m_useTmpStandardStateStorage is true,
00381      * this function must be called for every call to functions in this
00382      * class. It checks to see whether the temperature or pressure has changed and
00383      * thus the ss thermodynamics functions for all of the species
00384      * must be recalculated.
00385      *
00386      * This function is responsible for updating the following internal members,
00387      * when  m_useTmpStandardStateStorage is true.
00388      *
00389      *  -  m_hss_RT;
00390      *  -  m_cpss_R;
00391      *  -  m_gss_RT;
00392      *  -  m_sss_R;
00393      *  -  m_Vss
00394      *
00395      *  If m_useTmpStandardStateStorage is not true, this function may be
00396      *  required to be called by child classes to update internal member data.
00397      *
00398      */           
00399     virtual void updateStandardStateThermo() const;
00401     //@}
00402     /// @name Thermodynamic Values for the Species Reference States (VPStandardStateTP)
00403     /*!
00404      *  There are also temporary
00405      *  variables for holding the species reference-state values of Cp, H, S, and V at the
00406      *  last temperature and reference pressure called. These functions are not recalculated
00407      *  if a new call is made using the previous temperature.
00408      *  All calculations are done within the routine  _updateRefStateThermo().
00409      */
00410     //@{
00413     //!  Returns the vector of nondimensional
00414     //!  enthalpies of the reference state at the current temperature
00415     //!  of the solution and the reference pressure for the species.
00416     /*!
00417      * @param hrt Output vector contains the nondimensional enthalpies
00418      *            of the reference state of the species
00419      *            length = m_kk, units = dimensionless.
00420      */
00421     virtual void getEnthalpy_RT_ref(doublereal *hrt) const;
00423 #ifdef H298MODIFY_CAPABILITY
00424     //!  Modify the value of the 298 K Heat of Formation of the standard state of
00425     //!  one species in the phase (J kmol-1)
00426     /*!
00427      *   The 298K heat of formation is defined as the enthalpy change to create the standard state
00428      *   of the species from its constituent elements in their standard states at 298 K and 1 bar.
00429      *
00430      *   @param  k           Index of the species
00431      *   @param  Hf298New    Specify the new value of the Heat of Formation at 298K and 1 bar.
00432      *                       units = J/kmol.
00433      */
00434     void modifyOneHf298SS(const int k, const doublereal Hf298New);
00435 #endif
00437     //!  Returns the vector of nondimensional
00438     //!  Gibbs free energies of the reference state at the current temperature
00439     //!  of the solution and the reference pressure for the species.
00440     /*!
00441      *
00442      * @param grt Output vector contains the nondimensional Gibbs free energies
00443      *            of the reference state of the species
00444      *            length = m_kk, units = dimensionless.
00445      */
00446     virtual void getGibbs_RT_ref(doublereal *grt) const;
00448   protected:
00449     const vector_fp & Gibbs_RT_ref() const;
00450   public:
00451     /*!
00452      *  Returns the vector of the
00453      *  gibbs function of the reference state at the current temperature
00454      *  of the solution and the reference pressure for the species.
00455      *  units = J/kmol
00456      *
00457      * @param g   Output vector contain the Gibbs free energies
00458      *            of the reference state of the species
00459      *            length = m_kk, units = J/kmol.
00460      */
00461     virtual void getGibbs_ref(doublereal *g) const;
00463     /*!
00464      *  Returns the vector of nondimensional
00465      *  entropies of the reference state at the current temperature
00466      *  of the solution and the reference pressure for the species.
00467      *
00468      * @param er  Output vector contain the nondimensional entropies
00469      *            of the species in their reference states
00470      *            length: m_kk, units: dimensionless.
00471      */
00472     virtual void getEntropy_R_ref(doublereal *er) const;
00474     /*!
00475      *  Returns the vector of nondimensional
00476      *  constant pressure heat capacities of the reference state
00477      *  at the current temperature of the solution
00478      *  and reference pressure for the species.
00479      *
00480      * @param cprt Output vector contains the nondimensional heat capacities
00481      *             of the species in their reference states
00482      *             length: m_kk, units: dimensionless.
00483      */
00484     virtual void getCp_R_ref(doublereal *cprt) const;
00486     //!  Get the molar volumes of the species reference states at the current
00487     //!  <I>T</I> and <I>P_ref</I> of the solution.
00488     /*!
00489      * units = m^3 / kmol
00490      *
00491      * @param vol     Output vector containing the standard state volumes.
00492      *                Length: m_kk.
00493      */
00494     virtual void getStandardVolumes_ref(doublereal *vol) const;
00496   protected:
00500     //@}
00503   public:
00505     //! @name Initialization Methods - For Internal use (VPStandardState)
00506     /*!
00507      * The following methods are used in the process of constructing
00508      * the phase and setting its parameters from a specification in an 
00509      * input file. They are not normally used in application programs.
00510      * To see how they are used, see files importCTML.cpp and 
00511      * ThermoFactory.cpp.
00512      */
00513     //@{
00515     /**
00516      * Set equation of state parameter values from XML
00517      * entries. This method is called by function importPhase in
00518      * file importCTML.cpp when processing a phase definition in
00519      * an input file. It should be overloaded in subclasses to set
00520      * any parameters that are specific to that particular phase
00521      * model. 
00522      *   
00523      * @param eosdata An XML_Node object corresponding to
00524      *                the "thermo" entry for this phase in the input file.
00525      */
00526     virtual void setParametersFromXML(const XML_Node& eosdata) {}
00528     //! @internal Initialize the object
00529     /*!
00530      * This method is provided to allow
00531      * subclasses to perform any initialization required after all
00532      * species have been added. For example, it might be used to
00533      * resize internal work arrays that must have an entry for
00534      * each species.  The base class implementation does nothing,
00535      * and subclasses that do not require initialization do not
00536      * need to overload this method.  When importing a CTML phase
00537      * description, this method is called after calling installSpecies()
00538      * for each species in the phase. It's called before calling
00539      * initThermoXML() for the phase. Therefore, it's the correct
00540      * place for initializing vectors which have lengths equal to the
00541      * number of species.
00542      *
00543      * @see importCTML.cpp
00544      */
00545     virtual void initThermo();
00547     //!   Initialize a ThermoPhase object, potentially reading activity
00548     //!   coefficient information from an XML database.
00549     /*!
00550      * This routine initializes the lengths in the current object and
00551      * then calls the parent routine.
00552      * This method is provided to allow
00553      * subclasses to perform any initialization required after all
00554      * species have been added. For example, it might be used to
00555      * resize internal work arrays that must have an entry for
00556      * each species.  The base class implementation does nothing,
00557      * and subclasses that do not require initialization do not
00558      * need to overload this method.  When importing a CTML phase
00559      * description, this method is called just prior to returning
00560      * from function importPhase().
00561      *
00562      * @param phaseNode This object must be the phase node of a
00563      *             complete XML tree
00564      *             description of the phase, including all of the
00565      *             species data. In other words while "phase" must
00566      *             point to an XML phase object, it must have
00567      *             sibling nodes "speciesData" that describe
00568      *             the species in the phase.
00569      * @param id   ID of the phase. If nonnull, a check is done
00570      *             to see if phaseNode is pointing to the phase
00571      *             with the correct id. 
00572      */
00573     virtual void initThermoXML(XML_Node& phaseNode, std::string id);
00576     //! set the VPSS Mgr
00577     /*!
00578      * @param vp_ptr Pointer to the manager
00579      */
00580     void setVPSSMgr(VPSSMgr *vp_ptr);
00582     //! Return a pointer to the VPSSMgr for this phase
00583     /*!
00584      *  @return Returns a pointer to the VPSSMgr for this phase
00585      */
00586     VPSSMgr *provideVPSSMgr();
00588     void createInstallPDSS(int k,  const XML_Node& s, const XML_Node * phaseNode_ptr);
00590     PDSS* providePDSS(int k);
00591     const PDSS* providePDSS(int k) const;
00593   private:
00594     //!  @internal Initialize the internal lengths in this object.
00595     /*!
00596      * Note this is not a virtual function.
00597      */
00598     void initLengths();
00600    //@}
00602   protected:
00604     //! Current value of the pressure - state variable
00605     /*!
00606      *  Because we are now using the pressure as a state variable, we need to carry it
00607      *  along within this object
00608      *
00609      *  units = Pascals
00610      */
00611     doublereal  m_Pcurrent;
00613     //! The last temperature at which the standard statethermodynamic properties were calculated at.
00614     mutable doublereal    m_Tlast_ss;
00616     //! The last pressure at which the Standard State thermodynamic
00617     //! properties were calculated at.
00618     mutable doublereal    m_Plast_ss;
00620     /*!
00621      * Reference pressure (Pa) must be the same for all species
00622      * - defaults to OneAtm
00623      */
00624     doublereal m_P0;
00626     // -> suggest making this private!
00627   protected:
00629     //! Pointer to the VPSS manager that calculates all of the standard state
00630     //! info efficiently.
00631     mutable VPSSMgr *m_VPSS_ptr;
00633     //! Storage for the PDSS objects for the species
00634     /*!
00635      *  Storage is in species index order.
00636      *  VPStandardStateTp owns each of the objects.
00637      *  Copy operations are deep.
00638      */
00639     std::vector<PDSS *> m_PDSS_storage;
00642   private:
00644     //! VPStandardStateTP has its own err routine
00645     /*!
00646      * @param msg  Error message string
00647      */
00648     doublereal err(std::string msg) const;
00650   };
00651 }
00653 #endif
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