ctml Namespace Reference

The ctml namespace adds functionality to the XML object, by providing standard functions that read, write, and interpret XML files and object trees. More...


void ct2ctml (const char *file, const int debug=0)
 Convert a cti file into a ctml file.
void get_CTML_Tree (Cantera::XML_Node *node, const std::string file, const int debug=0)
 Read an ctml file from a file and fill up an XML tree.
void addBool (Cantera::XML_Node &node, const std::string &titleString, const bool value)
 This function adds a child node with the name, "bool", with a value consisting of a single bool.
void addInteger (Cantera::XML_Node &node, const std::string &titleString, const int value, const std::string unitsString="", const std::string typeString="")
 This function adds a child node with the name, "integer", with a value consisting of a single integer.
void addIntegerArray (Cantera::XML_Node &node, const std::string &titleString, const int n, const int *const values, const std::string unitsString="", const std::string typeString="", const doublereal minval=Cantera::Undef, const doublereal maxval=Cantera::Undef)
 This function adds a child node with the name, "intArray", with a value consisting of a comma separated list of integers.
void addFloat (Cantera::XML_Node &node, const std::string &titleString, const doublereal value, const std::string unitsString="", const std::string typeString="", const doublereal minval=Cantera::Undef, const doublereal maxval=Cantera::Undef)
 This function adds a child node with the name, "float", with a value consisting of a single floating point number.
void addFloatArray (Cantera::XML_Node &node, const std::string &titleString, const int n, const doublereal *const values, const std::string unitsString="", const std::string typeString="", const doublereal minval=Cantera::Undef, const doublereal maxval=Cantera::Undef)
 This function adds a child node with the name, "floatArray", with a value consisting of a comma separated list of floats.
void addString (Cantera::XML_Node &node, const std::string &titleString, const std::string &valueString, const std::string typeString="")
 This function adds a child node with the name string with a string value to the current node.
XML_Node * getByTitle (const Cantera::XML_Node &node, const std::string &title)
 Search the child nodes of the current node for an XML Node with a Title attribute of a given name.
std::string getChildValue (const Cantera::XML_Node &parent, const std::string &nameString)
 This function reads a child node with the name, nameString, and returns its xml value as the return string.
void getString (const Cantera::XML_Node &node, const std::string &titleString, std::string &valueString, std::string &typeString)
 This function reads a child node with the name string with a specific title attribute named titleString.
void getIntegers (const Cantera::XML_Node &node, std::map< std::string, int > &v)
 Get a vector of integer values from a child element.
void getFloats (const Cantera::XML_Node &node, std::map< std::string, double > &v, const bool convert=true)
 Get a vector of floating-point values from a child element.
doublereal getFloat (const Cantera::XML_Node &parent, const std::string &name, const std::string type="")
 Get a floating-point value from a child element.
doublereal getFloatCurrent (const Cantera::XML_Node &currXML, const std::string type="")
 Get a floating-point value from the current XML element.
bool getOptionalFloat (const Cantera::XML_Node &parent, const std::string &name, doublereal &fltRtn, const std::string type="")
 Get an optional floating-point value from a child element.
doublereal getFloatDefaultUnits (const Cantera::XML_Node &parent, std::string name, std::string defaultUnits, std::string type="toSI")
 Get a floating-point value from a child element with a defined units field.
bool getOptionalModel (const Cantera::XML_Node &parent, const std::string nodeName, std::string &modelName)
 Get an optional model name from a named child node.
int getInteger (const Cantera::XML_Node &parent, std::string name)
 Get an integer value from a child element.
int getFloatArray (const Cantera::XML_Node &node, Cantera::vector_fp &v, const bool convert=true, const std::string unitsString="", const std::string nodeName="floatArray")
 This function reads the current node or a child node of the current node with the default name, "floatArray", with a value field consisting of a comma separated list of floats.
void getMap (const Cantera::XML_Node &node, std::map< std::string, std::string > &m)
 This routine is used to interpret the value portions of XML elements that contain colon separated pairs.
int getPairs (const Cantera::XML_Node &node, std::vector< std::string > &key, std::vector< std::string > &val)
 This function interprets the value portion of an XML element as a series of "Pairs" separated by white space.
void getMatrixValues (const Cantera::XML_Node &node, const std::vector< std::string > &keyStringRow, const std::vector< std::string > &keyStringCol, Cantera::Array2D &returnValues, const bool convert=true, const bool matrixSymmetric=false)
 This function interprets the value portion of an XML element as a series of "Matrix ids and entries" separated by white space.
void getStringArray (const Cantera::XML_Node &node, std::vector< std::string > &v)
 This function interprets the value portion of an XML element as a string.
void getFunction (const Cantera::XML_Node &node, std::string &typeString, doublereal &xmin, doublereal &xmax, Cantera::vector_fp &v)
 This function reads a child node with the default name, "floatArray", with a value consisting of a comma separated list of floats.


const std::string CTML_Version = "1.4.1"
 const Specifying the CTML version number

Detailed Description

The ctml namespace adds functionality to the XML object, by providing standard functions that read, write, and interpret XML files and object trees.

Function Documentation

void addBool ( Cantera::XML_Node node,
const std::string &  titleString,
const bool  value 

This function adds a child node with the name, "bool", with a value consisting of a single bool.

This function will add a child node to the current XML node, with the name "bool". It will have a title attribute, and the body of the XML node will be filled out with a single bool.


Code snipet:

     const XML_Node &node;
     std::string titleString = "doSpecialOp";
     bool value = true;
     addBool(node, titleString, value);

Creates the following the snippet in the XML file:

       <bool title="doSpecialOp" type="optional">
node reference to the XML_Node object of the parent XML element
titleString String name of the title attribute
value Value - single bool
I don't think this is used. Figure out what is used for writing bools, and codify that.
void addFloat ( Cantera::XML_Node node,
const std::string &  titleString,
const doublereal  value,
const std::string  unitsString = "",
const std::string  typeString = "",
const doublereal  minval = Cantera::Undef,
const doublereal  maxval = Cantera::Undef 

This function adds a child node with the name, "float", with a value consisting of a single floating point number.

This function will add a child node to the current XML node, with the name "float". It will have a title attribute, and the body of the XML node will be filled out with a single float


Code snipet:

     const XML_Node &node;
     std::string titleString = "activationEnergy";
     doublereal  value = 50.3;
     doublereal maxval = 1.0E3;
     doublereal minval = 0.0;
     std::string typeString = "optional";
     std::string unitsString = "kcal/gmol";
     addFloat(node, titleString, value, unitsString, typeString, minval, maxval);

Creates the following the snippet in the XML file:

       <float title="activationEnergy" type="optional" units="kcal/gmol" min="0.0" max="1.0E3">
node reference to the XML_Node object of the parent XML element
titleString String name of the title attribute
value Value - single integer
unitsString String name of the Units attribute. The default is to have an empty string.
typeString String type. This is an optional parameter. The default is to have an empty string.
minval Minimum allowed value of the float. The default is the special double, Cantera::Undef, which means to ignore the entry.
maxval Maximum allowed value of the float. The default is the special double, Cantera::Undef, which means to ignore the entry.
I don't think this is used. Figure out what is used for writing floats, and codify that. minval and maxval should be codified. typeString should be codified as to its usage.
void addFloatArray ( Cantera::XML_Node node,
const std::string &  titleString,
const int  n,
const doublereal *const   values,
const std::string  unitsString = "",
const std::string  typeString = "",
const doublereal  minval = Cantera::Undef,
const doublereal  maxval = Cantera::Undef 

This function adds a child node with the name, "floatArray", with a value consisting of a comma separated list of floats.

This function will add a child node to the current XML node, with the name "floatArray". It will have a title attribute, and the body of the XML node will be filled out with a comma separated list of doublereals.


Code snipet:

     const XML_Node &node;
     std::string titleString = "additionalTemperatures";
     int  n = 3;
     int Tcases[3] = [273.15, 298.15, 373.15];
     std::string typeString = "optional";
     std::string units = "Kelvin";
     addFloatArray(node, titleString, n, &cases[0], typeString, units);

Creates the following the snippet in the XML file:

       <floatArray title="additionalTemperatures" type="optional" units="Kelvin">
          273.15, 298.15, 373.15
node reference to the XML_Node object of the parent XML element
titleString String name of the title attribute
n Length of the doubles vector.
values Pointer to a vector of doubles
unitsString String name of the Units attribute. This is an optional parameter. The default is to have an empty string.
typeString String type. This is an optional parameter. The default is to have an empty string.
minval Minimum allowed value of the int. This is an optional parameter. The default is the special double, Cantera::Undef, which means to ignore the entry.
maxval Maximum allowed value of the int. This is an optional parameter. The default is the special double, Cantera::Undef, which means to ignore the entry.
I don't think this is used. Figure out what is used for writing integers, and codify that. unitsString shouldn't be here, since it's an int. typeString should be codified as to its usage.
void addInteger ( Cantera::XML_Node node,
const std::string &  titleString,
const int  value,
const std::string  unitsString = "",
const std::string  typeString = "" 

This function adds a child node with the name, "integer", with a value consisting of a single integer.

This function will add a child node to the current XML node, with the name "integer". It will have a title attribute, and the body of the XML node will be filled out with a single integer


Code snipet:

     const XML_Node &node;
     std::string titleString = "maxIterations";
     int  value = 1000;
     std::string typeString = "optional";
     std::string units = "";
     addInteger(node, titleString, value, typeString, units);

Creates the following the snippet in the XML file:

       <integer title="maxIterations" type="optional">
node reference to the XML_Node object of the parent XML element
titleString String name of the title attribute
value Value - single integer
unitsString String name of the Units attribute. The default is to have an empty string.
typeString String type. This is an optional parameter. The default is to have an empty string.
I don't think this is used. Figure out what is used for writing integers, and codify that. unitsString shouldn't be here, since it's an int. typeString should be codified as to its usage.
void addIntegerArray ( Cantera::XML_Node node,
const std::string &  titleString,
const int  n,
const int *const   values,
const std::string  unitsString = "",
const std::string  typeString = "",
const doublereal  minval = Cantera::Undef,
const doublereal  maxval = Cantera::Undef 

This function adds a child node with the name, "intArray", with a value consisting of a comma separated list of integers.

This function will add a child node to the current XML node, with the name "intArray". It will have a title attribute, and the body of the XML node will be filled out with a comma separated list of integers


Code snipet:

     const XML_Node &node;
     std::string titleString = "additionalCases";
     int  n = 3;
     int cases[3] = [3, 6, 10];
     std::string typeString = "optional";
     std::string units = "";
     addIntegerArray(node, titleString, n, &cases[0], typeString, units);

Creates the following the snippet in the XML file:

       <intArray title="additionalCases" type="optional">
          3, 6, 10
node reference to the XML_Node object of the parent XML element
titleString String name of the title attribute
n Length of the integer vector.
values Pointer to a vector of integers
unitsString String name of the Units attribute. This is an optional parameter. The default is to have an empty string.
typeString String type. This is an optional parameter. The default is to have an empty string.
minval Minimum allowed value of the int. This is an optional parameter. The default is the special double, Cantera::Undef, which means to ignore the entry.
maxval Maximum allowed value of the int. This is an optional parameter. The default is the special double, Cantera::Undef, which means to ignore the entry.
I don't think this is used. Figure out what is used for writing integers, and codify that. unitsString shouldn't be here, since it's an int. typeString should be codified as to its usage.
void addString ( Cantera::XML_Node node,
const std::string &  titleString,
const std::string &  valueString,
const std::string  typeString = "" 

This function adds a child node with the name string with a string value to the current node.

This function will add a child node to the current XML node, with the name "string". It will have a title attribute, and the body of the XML node will be filled out with the valueString argument verbatim.


Code snipet:

   const XML_Node &node;
   addString(XML_Node& node, std::string titleString, std::string valueString, 
   std::string typeString);

Creates the following the snippet in the XML file:

   <string title="titleString" type="typeString">
node reference to the XML_Node object of the parent XML element
valueString Value string to be used in the new XML node.
titleString String name of the title attribute
typeString String type. This is an optional parameter.
void get_CTML_Tree ( Cantera::XML_Node node,
const std::string  file,
const int  debug = 0 

Read an ctml file from a file and fill up an XML tree.

This is the main routine that reads a ctml file and puts it into an XML_Node tree

node Root of the tree
file Name of the file
debug Turn on debugging printing
Cantera::XML_Node * getByTitle ( const Cantera::XML_Node node,
const std::string &  title 

Search the child nodes of the current node for an XML Node with a Title attribute of a given name.

node Current node from which to conduct the search
title Name of the title attribute
Returns a pointer to the matched child node. Returns 0 if no node is found.
std::string getChildValue ( const Cantera::XML_Node parent,
const std::string &  nameString 

This function reads a child node with the name, nameString, and returns its xml value as the return string.

If the child XML_node named "name" doesn't exist, the empty string is returned.

Code snipet:

   const XML_Node &parent;
   string nameString = "vacency_species";
   string valueString = getChildValue(parent, nameString
   std::string typeString);

returns valueString = "O(V)"

from the following the snippet in the XML file:

parent parent reference to the XML_Node object of the parent XML element
nameString Name of the childe XML_Node to read the value from.
String value of the child XML_Node

Referenced by HMWSoln::initThermoXML(), DebyeHuckel::initThermoXML(), ThermoPhase::setStateFromXML(), SurfPhase::setStateFromXML(), and MolalityVPSSTP::setStateFromXML().

doublereal getFloat ( const Cantera::XML_Node parent,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string  type = "" 

Get a floating-point value from a child element.

Returns a doublereal value for the child named 'name' of element 'parent'. If 'type' is supplied and matches a known unit type, unit conversion to SI will be done if the child element has an attribute 'units'.

Note, it's an error for the child element not to exist.


Code snipet:

   const XML_Node &State_XMLNode;
   doublereal pres = OneAtm;
   if (state_XMLNode.hasChild("pressure")) {
     pres = getFloat(State_XMLNode, "pressure", "toSI");

reads the corresponding XML file:

     <pressure units="Pa"> 101325.0 </pressure>
parent reference to the XML_Node object of the parent XML element
name Name of the XML child element
type String type. Currently known types are "toSI" and "actEnergy", and "" , for no conversion. The default value is "", which implies that no conversion is allowed.

Referenced by PDSS_SSVol::constructPDSSXML(), PDSS_HKFT::constructPDSSXML(), PDSS_ConstVol::constructPDSSXML(), VPSSMgr_Water_ConstVol::createInstallPDSS(), VPSSMgr_ConstVol::createInstallPDSS(), VPSSMgr_Water_ConstVol::initThermoXML(), VPSSMgr_ConstVol::initThermoXML(), MineralEQ3::initThermoXML(), IdealSolidSolnPhase::initThermoXML(), IdealMolalSoln::initThermoXML(), HMWSoln::initThermoXML(), DebyeHuckel::initThermoXML(), EdgePhase::setParametersFromXML(), SurfPhase::setParametersFromXML(), StoichSubstanceSSTP::setParametersFromXML(), MetalSHEelectrons::setParametersFromXML(), ThermoPhase::setStateFromXML(), and MolalityVPSSTP::setStateFromXML().

int getFloatArray ( const Cantera::XML_Node node,
Cantera::vector_fp &  v,
const bool  convert = true,
const std::string  unitsString = "",
const std::string  nodeName = "floatArray" 

This function reads the current node or a child node of the current node with the default name, "floatArray", with a value field consisting of a comma separated list of floats.

This function will read either the current XML node or a child node to the current XML node, with the name "floatArray". It will have a title attribute, and the body of the XML node will be filled out with a comma separated list of doublereals. Get an array of floats from the XML Node. The argument field is assumed to consist of an arbitrary number of comma separated floats, with an arbitrary amount of white space separating each field. If the node array has an units attribute field, then the units are used to convert the floats, iff convert is true.


Code snipet:

     const XML_Node &State_XMLNode;
     vector_fp v;
     bool convert = true;
     unitsString = "";
     getFloatArray(State_XMLNode, v, convert, unitsString, nodeName);

reads the corresponding XML file:

     <floatArray  units="m3">   32.4, 1, 100. <\floatArray>

Will produce the vector

v[0] = 32.4 v[1] = 1.0 v[2] = 100.

node XML parent node of the floatArray
v Output vector of floats containing the floatArray information.
convert Conversion to SI is carried out if this boolean is True. The default is true.
unitsString String name of the type attribute. This is an optional parameter. The default is to have an empty string. The only string that is recognized is actEnergy. Anything else has no effect. This affects what units converter is used.
nodeName XML Name of the XML node to read. The default value for the node name is floatArray
Returns the number of floats read into v.

Referenced by PDSS_SSVol::constructPDSSXML(), HMWSoln::readXMLBinarySalt(), HMWSoln::readXMLLambdaNeutral(), HMWSoln::readXMLMunnnNeutral(), HMWSoln::readXMLPsiCommonAnion(), HMWSoln::readXMLPsiCommonCation(), HMWSoln::readXMLThetaAnion(), HMWSoln::readXMLThetaCation(), and HMWSoln::readXMLZetaCation().

doublereal getFloatCurrent ( const Cantera::XML_Node currXML,
const std::string  type = "" 

Get a floating-point value from the current XML element.

Returns a doublereal value from the current element. If 'type' is supplied and matches a known unit type, unit conversion to SI will be done if the child element has an attribute 'units'.

Note, it's an error for the child element not to exist.


Code snipet:

   const XML_Node &State_XMLNode;
   doublereal pres = OneAtm;
   if (state_XMLNode.hasChild("pressure")) {
     XML_Node *pres_XMLNode = State_XMLNode.getChild("pressure");
     pres = getFloatCurrent(pres_XMLNode, "toSI");

reads the corresponding XML file:

     <pressure units="Pa"> 101325.0 </pressure>
currXML reference to the current XML_Node object
type String type. Currently known types are "toSI" and "actEnergy", and "" , for no conversion. The default value is "", which implies that no conversion is allowed.
doublereal getFloatDefaultUnits ( const Cantera::XML_Node parent,
std::string  name,
std::string  defaultUnits,
std::string  type = "toSI" 

Get a floating-point value from a child element with a defined units field.

Returns a doublereal value for the child named 'name' of element 'parent'. 'type' must be supplied and match a known unit type.

Note, it's an error for the child element not to exist.


Code snipet:

   const XML_Node &State_XMLNode;
   doublereal pres = OneAtm;
   if (state_XMLNode.hasChild("pressure")) {
   pres = getFloatDefaultUnits(State_XMLNode, "pressure", "Pa", "toSI");

reads the corresponding XML file:

     <pressure units="Pa"> 101325.0 </pressure>
parent reference to the XML_Node object of the parent XML element
name Name of the XML child element
defaultUnits Default units string to be found in the units attribute. If the units string in the XML field is equal to defaultUnits, no units conversion will be carried out.
type String type. Currently known types are "toSI" and "actEnergy", and "" , for no conversion. The default value is "", which implies that no conversion is allowed.

Referenced by StoichSubstanceSSTP::initThermoXML(), MineralEQ3::initThermoXML(), and MetalSHEelectrons::initThermoXML().

void getFloats ( const Cantera::XML_Node node,
std::map< std::string, double > &  v,
const bool  convert = true 

Get a vector of floating-point values from a child element.

Returns a std::map containing a keyed values for child XML_Nodes of the current node with the name, "float". In the keyed mapping there will be a list of titles vs. values for all of the XML nodes. The float XML_nodes are expected to be in a particular form created by the function addFloat(). One value per XML_node is expected.


Code snipet:

     const XML_Node &State_XMLNode;
     std::map<std::string,double> v;
     bool convert = true;
     getFloats(State_XMLNode, v, convert);

reads the corresponding XML file:

     <float title="a1" units="m3">   32.4 <\float>
     <float title="a2" units="cm3">   1.  <\float>
     <float title="a3">             100.  <\float>

Will produce the mapping:

v["a1"] = 32.4 v["a2"] = 1.0E-6 v["a3"] = 100.

node Current XML node to get the values from
v Output map of the results.
convert Turn on conversion to SI units
void getFunction ( const Cantera::XML_Node node,
std::string &  typeString,
doublereal &  xmin,
doublereal &  xmax,
Cantera::vector_fp &  v 

This function reads a child node with the default name, "floatArray", with a value consisting of a comma separated list of floats.

This function will read a child node to the current XML node, with the name "floatArray". It will have a title attribute, and the body of the XML node will be filled out with a comma separated list of doublereals. Get an array of floats from the XML Node. The argument field is assumed to consist of an arbitrary number of comma separated floats, with an arbitrary amount of white space separating each field. If the node array has an units attribute field, then the units are used to convert the floats, iff convert is true. This function is a wrapper around the function getFloatArray().


Code snipet:

     const XML_Node &State_XMLNode;
     vector_fp v;
     bool convert = true;
     unitsString = "";
     getFloatArray(State_XMLNode, v, convert, unitsString, nodeName);

reads the corresponding XML file:

     <floatArray  units="m3">   32.4, 1, 100. <\floatArray>

Will produce the vector

v[0] = 32.4 v[1] = 1.0 v[2] = 100.

node XML parent node of the floatArray
typeString Returns the type attribute of the current node.
xmin Returns the minimum value attribute of the current node.
xmax Returns the maximum value attribute of the current node.
v Output vector of floats containing the floatArray information.
int getInteger ( const Cantera::XML_Node parent,
std::string  name 

Get an integer value from a child element.

Returns an integer value for the child named 'name' of element 'parent'.

Note, it's an error for the child element not to exist.


Code snipet:

   const XML_Node &State_XMLNode;
   int number = 1;
   if (state_XMLNode.hasChild("NumProcs")) {
   number = getInteger(State_XMLNode, "numProcs");

reads the corresponding XML file:

     <numProcs> 10 <numProcs/>
parent reference to the XML_Node object of the parent XML element
name Name of the XML child element
void getIntegers ( const Cantera::XML_Node node,
std::map< std::string, int > &  v 

Get a vector of integer values from a child element.

Returns a std::map containing a keyed values for child XML_Nodes of the current node with the name, "integer". In the keyed mapping there will be a list of titles vs. values for all of the XML nodes. The integer XML_nodes are expected to be in a particular form created by the function addInteger(). One value per XML_node is expected.


Code snipet:

     const XML_Node &State_XMLNode;
     std::map<std::string, integer> v;
     getinteger(State_XMLNode, v);

reads the corresponding XML file:

     <integer title="i1">   1  <\integer>
     <integer title="i2">   2  <\integer>
     <integer title="i3">   3  <\integer>

Will produce the mapping:

v["i1"] = 1 v["i2"] = 2 v["i3"] = 3

node Current XML node to get the values from
v Output map of the results.
void getMap ( const Cantera::XML_Node node,
std::map< std::string, std::string > &  m 

This routine is used to interpret the value portions of XML elements that contain colon separated pairs.

These are used, for example, in describing the element composition of species.

          <atomArray> H:4 C:1 <atomArray\>

The string is first separated into a string vector according to the location of white space. Then each string is again separated into two parts according to the location of a colon in the string. The first part of the string is used as the key, while the second part of the string is used as the value, in the return map. It is an error to not find a colon in each string pair.

node Current node
m Output Map containing the pairs of values found in the XML Node

Referenced by HMWSoln::initThermoXML(), and DebyeHuckel::initThermoXML().

void getMatrixValues ( const Cantera::XML_Node node,
const std::vector< std::string > &  keyStringRow,
const std::vector< std::string > &  keyStringCol,
Cantera::Array2D returnValues,
const bool  convert = true,
const bool  matrixSymmetric = false 

This function interprets the value portion of an XML element as a series of "Matrix ids and entries" separated by white space.

Each pair consists of nonwhite-space characters. The first two ":" found in the pair string is used to separate the string into three parts. The first part is called the first key. The second part is the second key. Both parts must match an entry in the keyString1 and keyString2, respectively, in order to provide a location to place the object in the matrix. The third part is called the value. It is expected to be a double. It is translated into a double and placed into the correct location in the matrix.

Warning: No spaces are allowed in each triplet. Quotes are part of the string. Example keyString = red, blue, black, green


Returns: retnValues(0, 3) = 112 retnValues(1, 2) = 3.3E-23

node XML Node containing the information for the matrix
keyStringRow Key string for the row
keyStringCol Key string for the column entries
returnValues Return Matrix.
convert If this is true, and if the node has a units attribute, then conversion to si units is carried out. Default is true.
matrixSymmetric If true entries are made so that the matrix is always symmetric. Default is false.

Referenced by DebyeHuckel::initThermoXML().

bool getOptionalFloat ( const Cantera::XML_Node parent,
const std::string &  name,
doublereal &  fltRtn,
const std::string  type = "" 

Get an optional floating-point value from a child element.

Returns a doublereal value for the child named 'name' of element 'parent'. If 'type' is supplied and matches a known unit type, unit conversion to SI will be done if the child element has an attribute 'units'.


Code snipet:

   const XML_Node &State_XMLNode;
   doublereal pres = OneAtm;
   bool exists = getOptionalFloat(State_XMLNode, "pressure", pres, "toSI");

reads the corresponding XML file:

     <pressure units="Pa"> 101325.0 </pressure>
parent reference to the XML_Node object of the parent XML element
name Name of the XML child element
fltRtn Float Return. It will be overridden if the XML element exists.
type String type. Currently known types are "toSI" and "actEnergy", and "" , for no conversion. The default value is "", which implies that no conversion is allowed.
returns true if the child element named "name" exists

Referenced by HMWSoln::initThermoXML(), HMWSoln::readXMLCroppingCoefficients(), and SurfPhase::setStateFromXML().

bool getOptionalModel ( const Cantera::XML_Node parent,
const std::string  nodeName,
std::string &  modelName 

Get an optional model name from a named child node.

Returns the model name attribute for the child named 'nodeName' of element 'parent'. Note, it's optional for the child node to exist


Code snipet:

   std::string modelName = "";
   bool exists = getOptionalModel(transportNode, "compositionDependence",

reads the corresponding XML file:

    <transport model="Simple">
      <compositionDependence model="Solvent_Only"/>

On return modelName is set to "Solvent_Only".

parent reference to the XML_Node object of the parent XML element
nodeName Name of the XML child element
modelName On return this contains the contents of the model attribute
True if the nodeName XML node exists. False otherwise
int getPairs ( const Cantera::XML_Node node,
std::vector< std::string > &  key,
std::vector< std::string > &  val 

This function interprets the value portion of an XML element as a series of "Pairs" separated by white space.

Each pair consists of nonwhite-space characters. The first ":" found in the pair string is used to separate the string into two parts. The first part is called the "key" The second part is called the "val". String vectors of key[i] and val[i] are returned in the argument list. Warning: No spaces are allowed in each pair. Quotes get included as part of the string. Example:

          red:112    blue:34

Returns: key val 0: "red" "112" 1: "blue" "34" 2: "green" "banana"

node XML Node
key Vector of keys for each entry
val Vector of values for each entry
Returns the number of pairs found
void getString ( const Cantera::XML_Node node,
const std::string &  titleString,
std::string &  valueString,
std::string &  typeString 

This function reads a child node with the name string with a specific title attribute named titleString.

This function will read a child node to the current XML node, with the name "string". It must have a title attribute, named titleString, and the body of the XML node will be read into the valueString output argument.

If the child node is not found then the empty string is returned.


Code snipet:

   const XML_Node &node;
   getString(XML_Node& node, std::string titleString, std::string valueString, 
   std::string typeString);

Reads the following the snippet in the XML file:

   <string title="titleString" type="typeString">
node reference to the XML_Node object of the parent XML element
titleString String name of the title attribute of the child node
valueString Value string that is found in the child node. output variable
typeString String type. This is an optional output variable
void getStringArray ( const Cantera::XML_Node node,
std::vector< std::string > &  v 

This function interprets the value portion of an XML element as a string.

It then separates the string up into tokens according to the location of white space.

The separate tokens are returned in the string vector

node Node to get the value from
v Output vector containing the string tokens

Referenced by Elements::addElementsFromXML(), HMWSoln::constructPhaseXML(), DebyeHuckel::constructPhaseXML(), IdealMolalSoln::initThermoXML(), HMWSoln::initThermoXML(), and DebyeHuckel::initThermoXML().

Variable Documentation

const std::string CTML_Version = "1.4.1"

const Specifying the CTML version number

Codify what the CTML_Version number means.

Definition at line 31 of file ctml.h.

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