The floor represents the cooling pool players want to avoid falling in. We prototyped 2 zones of our room to show the varying densities of the radioactive bins. For each zone, we used a 4’x6’ piece of plywood for the base. We routed the bottom side of the plywood and taped wires into those channels for the electronics, as shown below.
This allowed us to protect the electronics from people stepping on them, hid them from view, and easy wiring to a central location. On the top side of the plywood we placed blue mats with holes cut out for the radioactive barrels. The radioactive barrels were spray painted yellow and the radioactive signs were vinyl cut. We laser cut and frosted the caps of the barrels to create an even glow for the LED strips, which were mounted in the barrels. For the barrels we chose concrete forming tubes and used acrylic for the caps. We used these for their stability as they would need to support a person jumping to and from each.

To support the bins and securely attach them to the plywood, we used 2"x4" pieces of wood, with arcs cut on each side, so that they would fit well inside the cylindrical barrels. These 2"x4"s were screwed into the plywood, and the barrels were placed around these supports, and screwed onto the supports from the outside

Motion sensors would be placed at floor-level and level with the tops of the barrels so that the floor is lava and that we can detect if people are in certain zones when the lights are on. The motion sensor was able to detect initial motion quickly, however the sensor we ordered had a reset time of up to 18 seconds. This meant that when someone moved on the ground, the sensor detected this, but when that person stopped moving, the sensor would still detect motion because it still hadn’t reset.