Adjustable Mirror

The adjustable mirror is mounted through a magnetic ball mount. This allows for the mirror to be tilted both horizontally and vertically, while remaining securely attached to the wall with a robust mechanism. The walls are designed to be just larger than the mirror to minimize possibilities of players getting their fingers caught in the gap. Inside the box containing the mirror sits four blocks that limit the angle of the mirror, to further prevent damage to the assemply.

Light Detector

The light detctor is designed to measure the cumulative amount of light hitting the sensor to complete the analogy of "recharging" the rocket. It operates by using a photo-resistor to detect the intensity of light coming in. Once enough light reaches the sensor, an LED on the arduino lights up, indicating the rocket is fully charged. Parameters in the code allow for the detector to be more or less sensitive to suit different lighting conditions or difficulties.

The shade around the light detector prevents ambient light from hitting the sensor. The thickness of the solar panel will act as a shade for the actual prob.