I rode down the streets, my steed's hooves noisily announcing their presence as we hurtled down avenue after avenue. My breathing was heavy even though I was not the one that was running. Still, I felt breathless, exhilarated. My heart was pounding in time with the hooves upon the cobblestone.

Whoops! I reined in Bonne Chance, turned him around, and headed down the alley I was about to miss. Even though I was far ahead of when they expected me back, for they did not expect me back until tomorrow, I felt rushed, hurried. History had just been made; I could feel it deep within my bones, deep within my soul. Before God and Heaven, this day would be forever known around the world as the day that the French were made free.

I slowed Bonne Chance to a halt, petting him encouragingly as I led him down a thinner alley behind the printshop for which I was a courier. I rode for other businesses as well, but had recently been running messages for Monsieur Abelliard's printshop exclusively for almost three months. The depth and breadth of the news coming from Versailles exceeded my expectations but not his. He gave me a hefty tip for current news; this piece would bring great reward.

I opened the back entrance, tying Bonne Chance to his customary hitching post. As I walked in I found Diego standing in the back, getting ready to go home. "I know it’s the end of the day, Diego, but the Monsieur may want you to stay a little longer today. I bring more news from Versailles, urgent news."

He quirked an eyebrow. A former slave, taken from his home somewhere off the coast of Africa, Diego escaped from his master in Spain and made his way to France. He has a keen mind, easily picking up languages, and he's almost learned his letters after having worked in the printshop as one of the press operators. "I wondered why you were coming in now, instead of tomorrow. I suppose that I can stay a little longer. More hours means more pay and I could always use that."

I grinned at him, "You might find this news interesting. Very interesting." Without another word, and purposefully ignoring his curious glance, I hurried towards the stairwell and up to Monsieur Abelliard's study.

Upstairs to Monsieur Abelliard's Study.