Somewhere on the Mediterranean... 
On a Ferry boat  
3 June 

Wow, Françoise really is gorgeous, and I LOVE that French thing! 

I LOVE this backpacking thing!  No parents, no worries except what to do next!  And that's never hard...  Here we are on this friggin' large ferry boat, crossing over to Italy. 

And would you just LOOK at this woman, Françoise, who I'm standing next to now, she just happened to be on the boat too.  I think I'm in luurrrvePlus it was SO easy to ditch Rob and that Greek guy.  He was cool and all, but this WOMAN.  I think she likes me, in fact, .... 

WHOA! She really DOES like me.... She's getting pretty close...  She's.... 
She's.... one of the best kissers I've ever ...WOW. 

And we're all alone on the deck of a gently rocking ocean ferry, at the rail above the sea, below the dark sky and pinpoints of stars.  No one else on the ocean but us.  How amazing this... 
... WOW again.  This is my chance!  She's seriously interested, and she is HOT. 

Where are we going? ... Hey this cabin is completely empty... and the door locks ... Do I really want this?  Yeah, I think I do.  This is perfect. 

I can't believe this is happening.