Florence, Italy 
Night, atop the cathedral  

8 June 

Finally, just Rob and I together... We've been dragging around those others for the last day and finally, here I am, my love and I alone above the whole world.  

This cathedral is gorgeous, all those stairs had me a little winded by the time we reached the top, but the view and the feeling up here is truly worth the hike.

I am now at peace with everything, and hey, even the travelers' checks have worked out OK.

And Rob's arms are so familiar and comfortable.

Sabrina should finally be happy-- she doesn't need to tag along with me anymore and can do what she wants.
Well, I suppose Erik needs to go with her!  That should make for interesting time.  I wonder what they've managed to agree on doing this evening.  Well, you know, I really don't wonder.  I don't care.

This is everything.  

Sentimental, yes, and it won't last forever, that I know.  But for right now, life is perfect.

Um, except that it seems we need to leave now.


OK, let's go.