Somewhere between Bologna and Perugia...  
On a train 

3 June 

Another night train!  At least this time there's air conditioning of a sort.  Here's the conductor.   A rather stunning man.  And Italian too!  What a beautiful language that is... Oh!  My biglietto, of course, sir.  Anything! 
Yes, we're going to Perugia for a few days

Leigh is looking at me a bit funny.  I suppose I shouldn't speak so much.  Leigh has a little more experience in the travel department I suppose.  But he's so friendly!  He's smiling at me. 

Oh, no, I don't know where we're staying there. 

Hmmm.  Now Leigh's mad at me.  But at least he's gone... who knows, maybe we'll meet up with him at some later point.  He's cute. 
But we can lock this door here, and now we need to pull down the beds.  These couchettes are great, plus we splurged on a first class cabin so it's only the two of us. 


I love sleeping in trains.  The rocking, back and forth, knowing that you're hurtling through the hot summer night.  Nestled safe inside your cabin, on your own bed...  Leigh's tossing round... I guess she's not as keen on couchettes as I am.  But perhaps she has something on her mind. 

Hmmmm.    Click, clack down the tracks... 
Rocking, rocking...