Island of Capri, Italy  
Evening, a bar on the waterfront 

6 June 

What is Leigh thinking?  This is bad, bad, bad, one should really not take drinks from complete strangers, not especially ones like this!  Rather sleazy looking ones too.  Well, I suppose they're just Italians, trying to look all sexy with their tight shirts and chest hair and slicked back hairdos.  Actually one of them, Vincenzo I believe, is rather sweet, but it's truly against my nature to do this. 

We were just innocently lying out on the beach in our skimpy little bikinis after we swam (it was getting cold as the sun was setting).  So these two guys walk up and ask us in English if we want to have a drink at this little pub on the quay.    So rather than politely declining as she should have done, Leigh jumps right in and decides that it will be fine, despite the fact that we are in our bikinis and we have never met these men before. So she just throws on a T-shirt.  I wish I had more covering.  The other one, Marco, is currently looking straight at my chest.  I HATE it when men do that.  I do not trust these ones at all. 

Sometimes I wish I were a guy so that I could do spontaneous things like this, just meet people and go sit down with them without worrying about anything. 

No, thank you, I've already had plenty. 

NO, Leigh, why are you having another?  sigh  I guess we'll just live with it and move along.  I hope we can end this soon. 

Oh brilliant!  Now they want to buy us more and then go out somewhere.  Oh, good, good for Leigh, saying no.  I want to get out of here! 

[later, at the hostel] 

Leigh, what do you mean the travelers' checks are not there?!