Rome, Italy 
Near the Colosseum, 1:55pm 

7 June 

Argh!  Why am I being dragged around like this!  I wanted to stop in and look quickly at the ruins on Capri, but no, we had to run to catch the train, and then I needed to check something in the Roma Termini station, but no, we must rush to meet up with Rob, and Erik.  Leigh is obsessed!  Yet she tries so hard to not seem it. I kindly ask after her missing Rob, but she always responds weakly, if at all.  But I can tell by the way she's insistent on being on time that she does miss him rather terribly.  

We're virtually running towards the Colosseum, which is towering over the landscape here.  I love Rome, it's truly a shame we will not have much more than this evening in the city... there's so MUCH to see!  The Vatican, containing such works of art as I cannot believe, and the culture and the history.... amazing.  I love Italy so much and here we are RUSHING, well at least we're at the Colosseum now.

No, Leigh, I do not see them.  But I will look.

Are they around?  They must be... Rob is just as crazy about her as she is for him, but Rob's more open about.  I find him to be sometimes even a bit on the sappy side, but at least he genuinely loves her... that's more than I can say for some of my past relationships.... any of them actually!  I'd like to someday find a guy I know really loves me.  It must be nice.

Leigh, how about right there?  I think that looks like Rob and Erik.

Finally.  Now we will be all set and we can do some real seeing things and everything.  I hope it works out though, I'm just realising that what with Rob and Leigh together, it may be difficult to have an intact group after all!  Erik's sweet though.  I'll play it by ear, I'm sure everything will work out right.

Yes, it's them.