Rome, Italy 
Near the Colosseum, 1:55pm  

7 June 

We're late!  Damn.  Well, we'll just about make it in time.  It's only a short walk from here.  It's a good thing we made it!  The train supplement was almost too expensive to cover without the traveler's checks that seem to have been stolen by those guys on Capri.  I'm sure that Rob and Erik will be able to spot us a little cash until American Express replaces the lost cash.  It's a good thing travelers' checks are insured!

Now, we're almost there.  God, I cannot wait to spend time with Rob.  It'll be cool to hang with Erik too, staying too long with just Sabrina is getting a little trying.  I mean, she really is so sweet of course but she's a little too much into sticking with the historical guidebooks... there's so much more to life!   But she'll get a change of pace out of all this too. 

OK, so where are they!  I'm hot and sweaty and far less than pefectly presentable here, but... I'm more than ready to see Rob again after more than a week.  Is that them over there?  No, I guess not.

Sabrina, do you see them?

OK, so we're at the Colosseum.  This place is huge.  OK, well, of course, hence the name, but I mean for finding someone... not so easy a place to meet up with someone.  

Oh, I think that's them.   Yes, it looks like.... ah, finally!
