Medical School Info

Acceptance into medical school is the final destination of the undergraduate career path of any premedical student. However, there are over 200 medical schools scattered throughout the United States. Among the numerous factors involved in selecting a suitable medical school, there are four main categories to consider: the reputation of the academic program, the quality of the campus life, the financial costs, and the location.

The process in choosing a medical school differs slightly from deciding which college to attend. Most medical students are accepted because of outstanding academic and extracurricular credentials. Most medical schools have a standard of excellence to uphold in teaching students to become physicians. Two major departments that distinguish medical schools from one another are the strength of the research programs available and the area that these medicals schools specialize. In addition, medical schools play a factor in determining where medical students train during their residency. Therefore, personal needs play an important part in choosing where inviduals will live for four years or perhaps the rest of their life. To help students in their quest for determining which medical schools best suit their academic, financial, and personal needs, a list of the profiles of some select medical schools is provided.

Medical School Profiles

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