
Views a grid vector.


#include "gvec.h" 
int GVecView(GVec v, PetscViewer viewer)

Input Parameters

v -The grid vector
viewer -[Optional] A visualization context


GVecView() supports the same viewers as VecView(). The only difference is that for all multiprocessor cases, the output vector employs the natural ordering of the grid, so it many cases this corresponds to the ordering that would have been used for the uniprocessor case.

The available visualization contexts include

    PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_SELF - standard output (default)
    PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD - synchronized standard
      output where only the first processor opens
      the file.  All other processors send their 
      data to the first processor to print. 

The user can open alternative vistualization contexts with

   PetscViewerFileOpenASCII() - output vector to a specified file
   PetscViewerFileOpenBinary() - output in binary to a
        specified file; corresponding input uses VecLoad()
   PetscViewerDrawOpenX() - output vector to an X window display
   DrawLGCreate() - output vector as a line graph to an X window display
   PetscViewerMatlabOpen() - output vector to Matlab viewer
   PetscViewerMathematicaOpen() - output vector to Mathematica viewer


view, visualize, output, print, write, draw

See Also


Index of all GVec routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages