
Gets a block of values from a matrix.


#include "petscmat.h" 
int MatGetValues(Mat mat,int m,int *idxm,int n,int *idxn,PetscScalar *v)
Not Collective; currently only returns a local block

Input Parameters

mat - the matrix
v - a logically two-dimensional array for storing the values
m, idxm - the number of rows and their global indices
n, idxn - the number of columns and their global indices


The user must allocate space (m*n PetscScalars) for the values, v. The values, v, are then returned in a row-oriented format, analogous to that used by default in MatSetValues().

MatGetValues() uses 0-based row and column numbers in Fortran as well as in C.

MatGetValues() requires that the matrix has been assembled with MatAssemblyBegin()/MatAssemblyEnd(). Thus, calls to MatSetValues() and MatGetValues() CANNOT be made in succession without intermediate matrix assembly.

See Also

MatGetRow(), MatGetSubmatrices(), MatSetValues()

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