typedef struct { PetscReal levels; /* ILU(levels) */ PetscReal fill; /* expected fill; nonzeros in factored matrix/nonzeros in original matrix*/ PetscReal diagonal_fill; /* force diagonal to fill in if initially not filled */ PetscReal dt; /* drop tolerance */ PetscReal dtcol; /* tolerance for pivoting */ PetscReal dtcount; /* maximum nonzeros to be allowed per row */ PetscReal damping; /* scaling of identity added to matrix to prevent zero pivots */ PetscReal damp; /* if is 1.0 and factorization fails, damp until successful */ PetscReal zeropivot; /* pivot is called zero if less than this */ PetscReal pivotinblocks; /* for BAIJ and SBAIJ matrices pivot in factorization on blocks, default 1.0 factorization may be faster if do not pivot */ } MatILUInfo;In Fortran these are simply double precision arrays of size MAT_ILUINFO_SIZE
Notes: These are not usually directly used by users, instead use the PC type of ILU All entries are double precision.
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