
Sets the grid information for setting values into a matrix via MatSetStencil()


#include "petscmat.h" 
int MatSetStencil(Mat mat,int dim,int *dims,int *starts,int dof)
Not Collective

Input Parameters

mat - the matrix
dim - dimension of the grid 1,2, or 3
dims - number of grid points in x, y, and z direction, including ghost points on your processor
starts - starting point of ghost nodes on your processor in x, y, and z direction
dof - number of degrees of freedom per node

Inspired by the structured grid interface to the HYPRE package (

See Also

MatSetOption(), MatAssemblyBegin(), MatAssemblyEnd(), MatSetValuesBlocked(), MatSetValuesLocal()
MatSetValues(), MatSetValuesBlockedStencil(), MatSetValuesStencil()

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