
Zeros all entries (except possibly the main diagonal) of a set of rows of a matrix; using local numbering of rows.


#include "petscmat.h" 
int MatZeroRowsLocal(Mat mat,IS is,PetscScalar *diag)
Collective on Mat

Input Parameters

mat - the matrix
is - index set of rows to remove
diag - pointer to value put in all diagonals of eliminated rows. Note that diag is not a pointer to an array, but merely a pointer to a single value.


Before calling MatZeroRowsLocal(), the user must first set the local-to-global mapping by calling MatSetLocalToGlobalMapping().

For the AIJ matrix formats this removes the old nonzero structure, but does not release memory. For the dense and block diagonal formats this does not alter the nonzero structure.

If the option MatSetOption(mat,MAT_KEEP_ZEROED_ROWS) the nonzero structure of the matrix is not changed (even for AIJ and BAIJ matrices) the values are merely zeroed.

The user can set a value in the diagonal entry (or for the AIJ and row formats can optionally remove the main diagonal entry from the nonzero structure as well, by passing a null pointer (PETSC_NULL in C or PETSC_NULL_SCALAR in Fortran) as the final argument).

See Also

MatZeroEntries(), MatZeroRows(), MatSetLocalToGlobalMapping

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