
Adds a serialization method to the partition package.


PartitionSerializeRegister(char *serialize_name, char *path, char *serialize_func_name,
int (*serialize_func)(MPI_Comm, Partition *, PetscViewer, PetscTruth))

Not Collective

Input Parameters

serialize_name - The name of a new user-defined serialization routine
path - The path (either absolute or relative) of the library containing this routine
serialize_func_name - The name of routine to create method context
serialize_func - The serialization routine itself


PartitionSerializeRegister() may be called multiple times to add several user-defined partitioners.

If dynamic libraries are used, then the fourth input argument (routine_create) is ignored.

Sample usage

  PartitionSerializeRegister("my_store", /home/username/my_lib/lib/libO/solaris/mylib.a, "MyStoreFunc", MyStoreFunc);

Then, your serialization can be chosen with the procedural interface via

    PartitionSetSerializeType(vec, "my_store")
or at runtime via the option
    -part_serialize_type my_store

$PETSC_ARCH and $BOPT occuring in pathname will be replaced with appropriate values.


partition, register

See Also

PartitionSerializeRegisterAll(), PartitionSerializeRegisterDestroy()

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