Dumps the allocated memory blocks to a file. The information printed is: size of space (in bytes), address of space, id of space, file in which space was allocated, and line number at which it was allocated.
#include "petsc.h"
int PetscTrDump(FILE *fp)
Collective on PETSC_COMM_WORLD
Input Parameter
fp -file pointer. If fp is NULL, stdout is assumed.
Options Database Key
-trdump -Dumps unfreed memory during call to PetscFinalize()
Fortran Note
The calling sequence in Fortran is PetscTrDump(integer ierr)
The fp defaults to stdout.
Notes: uses MPI_COMM_WORLD, because this may be called in PetscFinalize() after PETSC_COMM_WORLD
has been freed.
See Also
PetscTrSpace(), PetscTrLogDump()
Index of all Sys routines
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