Actual source code: petscis.h

  1: /* $Id: petscis.h,v 1.63 2001/06/21 21:15:49 bsmith Exp $ */

  3: /*
  4:    An index set is a generalization of a subset of integers.  Index sets
  5:    are used for defining scatters and gathers.
  6: */
 9:  #include petsc.h

 11: extern int IS_COOKIE;

 13: /*S
 14:      IS - Abstract PETSc object that indexing.

 16:    Level: beginner

 18:   Concepts: indexing, stride

 20: .seealso:  ISCreateGeneral(), ISCreateBlock(), ISCreateStride(), ISGetIndices(), ISDestroy()
 21: S*/
 22: typedef struct _p_IS* IS;

 24: /*
 25:     Default index set data structures that PETSc provides.
 26: */
 27: typedef enum {IS_GENERAL=0,IS_STRIDE=1,IS_BLOCK = 2} ISType;
 28: EXTERN int   ISCreateGeneral(MPI_Comm,int,const int[],IS *);
 29: EXTERN int   ISCreateBlock(MPI_Comm,int,int,const int[],IS *);
 30: EXTERN int   ISCreateStride(MPI_Comm,int,int,int,IS *);

 32: EXTERN int   ISDestroy(IS);

 34: EXTERN int   ISSetPermutation(IS);
 35: EXTERN int   ISPermutation(IS,PetscTruth*);
 36: EXTERN int   ISSetIdentity(IS);
 37: EXTERN int   ISIdentity(IS,PetscTruth*);

 39: EXTERN int   ISGetIndices(IS,int *[]);
 40: EXTERN int   ISRestoreIndices(IS,int *[]);
 41: EXTERN int   ISGetSize(IS,int *);
 42: EXTERN int   ISGetLocalSize(IS,int *);
 43: EXTERN int   ISInvertPermutation(IS,int,IS*);
 44: EXTERN int   ISView(IS,PetscViewer);
 45: EXTERN int   ISEqual(IS,IS,PetscTruth *);
 46: EXTERN int   ISSort(IS);
 47: EXTERN int   ISSorted(IS,PetscTruth *);
 48: EXTERN int   ISDifference(IS,IS,IS*);
 49: EXTERN int   ISSum(IS,IS,IS*);

 51: EXTERN int   ISBlock(IS,PetscTruth*);
 52: EXTERN int   ISBlockGetIndices(IS,int *[]);
 53: EXTERN int   ISBlockRestoreIndices(IS,int *[]);
 54: EXTERN int   ISBlockGetSize(IS,int *);
 55: EXTERN int   ISBlockGetBlockSize(IS,int *);

 57: EXTERN int   ISStride(IS,PetscTruth*);
 58: EXTERN int   ISStrideGetInfo(IS,int *,int*);

 60: EXTERN int   ISStrideToGeneral(IS);

 62: EXTERN int   ISDuplicate(IS,IS*);
 63: EXTERN int   ISAllGather(IS,IS*);
 64: EXTERN int   ISAllGatherIndices(MPI_Comm,int,int*,int*,int**);

 66: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

 69: /*S
 70:    ISLocalToGlobalMapping - mappings from an arbitrary
 71:       local ordering from 0 to n-1 to a global PETSc ordering 
 72:       used by a vector or matrix.

 74:    Level: intermediate

 76:    Note: mapping from Local to Global is scalable; but Global
 77:   to Local may not be if the range of global values represented locally
 78:   is very large.

 80:    Note: the ISLocalToGlobalMapping is actually a private object; it is included
 81:   here for the MACRO ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply() to allow it to be inlined since
 82:   it is used so often.

 84: .seealso:  ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate()
 85: S*/
 86: struct _p_ISLocalToGlobalMapping{
 87:   PETSCHEADER(int)
 88:   int n;                  /* number of local indices */
 89:   int *indices;           /* global index of each local index */
 90:   int globalstart;        /* first global referenced in indices */
 91:   int globalend;          /* last + 1 global referenced in indices */
 92:   int *globals;           /* local index for each global index between start and end */
 93: };
 94: typedef struct _p_ISLocalToGlobalMapping* ISLocalToGlobalMapping;

 96: /*E
 97:     ISGlobalToLocalMappingType - Indicates if missing global indices are 

 99:    IS_GTOLM_MASK - missing global indices are replaced with -1
100:    IS_GTOLM_DROP - missing global indices are dropped

102:    Level: beginner

104: .seealso: ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply()

106: E*/
107: typedef enum {IS_GTOLM_MASK,IS_GTOLM_DROP} ISGlobalToLocalMappingType;

109: EXTERN int ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(MPI_Comm,int,const int[],ISLocalToGlobalMapping*);
110: EXTERN int ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateNC(MPI_Comm,int,const int[],ISLocalToGlobalMapping*);
111: EXTERN int ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS(IS,ISLocalToGlobalMapping *);
112: EXTERN int ISLocalToGlobalMappingView(ISLocalToGlobalMapping,PetscViewer);
113: EXTERN int ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(ISLocalToGlobalMapping);
114: EXTERN int ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyIS(ISLocalToGlobalMapping,IS,IS*);
115: EXTERN int ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply(ISLocalToGlobalMapping,ISGlobalToLocalMappingType,int,const int[],int*,int[]);
116: EXTERN int ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetSize(ISLocalToGlobalMapping,int*);
117: EXTERN int ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetInfo(ISLocalToGlobalMapping,int*,int**,int**,int***);
118: EXTERN int ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreInfo(ISLocalToGlobalMapping,int*,int**,int**,int***);
119: EXTERN int ISLocalToGlobalMappingBlock(ISLocalToGlobalMapping,int,ISLocalToGlobalMapping*);

121: #define ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(mapping,N,in,out) 0;
122: {
123:   int _i,*_idx = (mapping)->indices,_Nmax = (mapping)->n;
124:   for (_i=0; _i<N; _i++) {
125:     if ((in)[_i] < 0) {(out)[_i] = (in)[_i]; continue;}
126:     if ((in)[_i] >= _Nmax) SETERRQ3(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Local index %d too large %d (max) at %d",(in)[_i],_Nmax,_i);
127:     (out)[_i] = _idx[(in)[_i]];
128:   }
129: }

131: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
132: /*E
133:     ISColoringType - determines if the coloring is for the entire parallel grid/graph/matrix
134:                      or for just the local ghosted portion

136:     Level: beginner

138: $   IS_COLORING_LOCAL - does not include the colors for ghost points
139: $   IS_COLORING_GHOSTED - includes colors for ghost points

141: .seealso: DAGetColoring()
142: E*/
143: typedef enum {IS_COLORING_LOCAL,IS_COLORING_GHOSTED} ISColoringType;

145: /*S
146:      ISColorings - sets of IS's that define a coloring
147:               of the underlying indices

149:    Level: intermediate

151:     Notes:
152:         One should not access the *is records below directly because they may not yet 
153:     have been created. One should use ISColoringGetIS() to make sure they are 
154:     created when needed.

156: .seealso:  ISColoringCreate(), ISColoringGetIS(), ISColoringView(), ISColoringGetIS()
157: S*/
158: struct _p_ISColoring {
159:   int            refct;
160:   int            n;                /* number of colors */
161:   IS             *is;              /* for each color indicates columns */
162:   MPI_Comm       comm;
163:   int            *colors;          /* for each column indicates color */
164:   int            N;                /* number of columns */
165:   ISColoringType ctype;
166: };
167: typedef struct _p_ISColoring* ISColoring;

169: EXTERN int ISColoringCreate(MPI_Comm,int,const int[],ISColoring*);
170: EXTERN int ISColoringDestroy(ISColoring);
171: EXTERN int ISColoringView(ISColoring,PetscViewer);
172: EXTERN int ISColoringGetIS(ISColoring,int*,IS*[]);
173: EXTERN int ISColoringRestoreIS(ISColoring,IS*[]);
174: #define ISColoringReference(coloring) ((coloring)->refct++,0)
175: #define ISColoringSetType(coloring,type) ((coloring)->ctype = type,0)

177: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

179: EXTERN int ISPartitioningToNumbering(IS,IS*);
180: EXTERN int ISPartitioningCount(IS,int[]);

182: #endif