Actual source code: dalocal.c

  1: /*$Id: dalocal.c,v 1.35 2001/08/07 03:04:39 balay Exp $*/
  3: /*
  4:   Code for manipulating distributed regular arrays in parallel.
  5: */

 7:  #include src/dm/da/daimpl.h

  9: /*
 10:    This allows the DA vectors to properly tell Matlab their dimensions
 11: */
 12: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_MATLAB_ENGINE) && !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX) && !defined(PETSC_USE_SINGLE)
 13: #include "engine.h"   /* Matlab include file */
 14: #include "mex.h"      /* Matlab include file */
 16: #undef __FUNCT__  
 18: int VecMatlabEnginePut_DA2d(PetscObject obj,void *mengine)
 19: {
 20:   int          ierr,n,m;
 21:   Vec          vec = (Vec)obj;
 22:   PetscScalar  *array;
 23:   mxArray      *mat;
 24:   DA           da;

 27:   PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)vec,"DA",(PetscObject*)&da);
 28:   if (!da) SETERRQ(1,"Vector not associated with a DA");
 29:   DAGetGhostCorners(da,0,0,0,&m,&n,0);

 31:   VecGetArray(vec,&array);
 32: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
 33:   mat  = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m,n,mxREAL);
 34: #else
 35:   mat  = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m,n,mxCOMPLEX);
 36: #endif
 37:   PetscMemcpy(mxGetPr(mat),array,n*m*sizeof(PetscScalar));
 38:   PetscObjectName(obj);
 39:   mxSetName(mat,obj->name);
 40:   engPutArray((Engine *)mengine,mat);
 42:   VecRestoreArray(vec,&array);
 43:   return(0);
 44: }
 46: #endif

 49: #undef __FUNCT__  
 51: /*@C
 52:    DACreateLocalVector - Creates a Seq PETSc vector that
 53:    may be used with the DAXXX routines.

 55:    Not Collective

 57:    Input Parameter:
 58: .  da - the distributed array

 60:    Output Parameter:
 61: .  g - the local vector

 63:    Level: beginner

 65:    Note:
 66:    The output parameter, g, is a regular PETSc vector that should be destroyed
 67:    with a call to VecDestroy() when usage is finished.

 69: .keywords: distributed array, create, local, vector

 71: .seealso: DACreateGlobalVector(), VecDuplicate(), VecDuplicateVecs(),
 72:           DACreate1d(), DACreate2d(), DACreate3d(), DAGlobalToLocalBegin(),
 73:           DAGlobalToLocalEnd(), DALocalToGlobal(), DAGetLocalVector(), DARestoreLocalVector()
 74: @*/
 75: int DACreateLocalVector(DA da,Vec* g)
 76: {

 81:   VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF,da->nlocal,g);
 82:   VecSetBlockSize(*g,da->w);
 83:   PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)*g,"DA",(PetscObject)da);
 84: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_MATLAB_ENGINE) && !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX) && !defined(PETSC_USE_SINGLE)
 85:   if (da->w == 1  && da->dim == 2) {
 86:     PetscObjectComposeFunctionDynamic((PetscObject)*g,"PetscMatlabEnginePut_C","VecMatlabEnginePut_DA2d",VecMatlabEnginePut_DA2d);
 87:   }
 88: #endif
 89:   return(0);
 90: }

 92: #undef __FUNCT__  
 94: /*@C
 95:    DAGetLocalVector - Gets a Seq PETSc vector that
 96:    may be used with the DAXXX routines.

 98:    Not Collective

100:    Input Parameter:
101: .  da - the distributed array

103:    Output Parameter:
104: .  g - the local vector

106:    Level: beginner

108:    Note:
109:    The output parameter, g, is a regular PETSc vector that should be returned with 
110:    DARestoreLocalVector() DO NOT call VecDestroy() on it.

112:    VecStride*() operations can be useful when using DA with dof > 1

114: .keywords: distributed array, create, local, vector

116: .seealso: DACreateGlobalVector(), VecDuplicate(), VecDuplicateVecs(),
117:           DACreate1d(), DACreate2d(), DACreate3d(), DAGlobalToLocalBegin(),
118:           DAGlobalToLocalEnd(), DALocalToGlobal(), DACreateLocalVector(), DARestoreLocalVector(),
119:           VecStrideMax(), VecStrideMin(), VecStrideNorm()
120: @*/
121: int DAGetLocalVector(DA da,Vec* g)
122: {
123:   int ierr,i;

127:   for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_VECTORS; i++) {
128:     if (da->localin[i]) {
129:       *g             = da->localin[i];
130:       da->localin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
131:       goto alldone;
132:     }
133:   }
134:   DACreateLocalVector(da,g);

136:   alldone:
137:   for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_VECTORS; i++) {
138:     if (!da->localout[i]) {
139:       da->localout[i] = *g;
140:       break;
141:     }
142:   }
143:   return(0);
144: }

146: #undef __FUNCT__  
148: /*@C
149:    DARestoreLocalVector - Returns a Seq PETSc vector that
150:      obtained from DAGetLocalVector(). Do not use with vector obtained via
151:      DACreateLocalVector().

153:    Not Collective

155:    Input Parameter:
156: +  da - the distributed array
157: -  g - the local vector

159:    Level: beginner

161: .keywords: distributed array, create, local, vector

163: .seealso: DACreateGlobalVector(), VecDuplicate(), VecDuplicateVecs(),
164:           DACreate1d(), DACreate2d(), DACreate3d(), DAGlobalToLocalBegin(),
165:           DAGlobalToLocalEnd(), DALocalToGlobal(), DACreateLocalVector(), DAGetLocalVector()
166: @*/
167: int DARestoreLocalVector(DA da,Vec* g)
168: {
169:   int ierr,i,j;

173:   for (j=0; j<DA_MAX_WORK_VECTORS; j++) {
174:     if (*g == da->localout[j]) {
175:       da->localout[j] = PETSC_NULL;
176:       for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_VECTORS; i++) {
177:         if (!da->localin[i]) {
178:           da->localin[i] = *g;
179:           goto alldone;
180:         }
181:       }
182:     }
183:   }
184:   VecDestroy(*g);
185:   alldone:
186:   return(0);
187: }

189: #undef __FUNCT__  
191: /*@C
192:    DAGetGlobalVector - Gets a MPI PETSc vector that
193:    may be used with the DAXXX routines.

195:    Collective on DA

197:    Input Parameter:
198: .  da - the distributed array

200:    Output Parameter:
201: .  g - the global vector

203:    Level: beginner

205:    Note:
206:    The output parameter, g, is a regular PETSc vector that should be returned with 
207:    DARestoreGlobalVector() DO NOT call VecDestroy() on it.

209:    VecStride*() operations can be useful when using DA with dof > 1

211: .keywords: distributed array, create, Global, vector

213: .seealso: DACreateGlobalVector(), VecDuplicate(), VecDuplicateVecs(),
214:           DACreate1d(), DACreate2d(), DACreate3d(), DAGlobalToLocalBegin(),
215:           DAGlobalToLocalEnd(), DALocalToGlobal(), DACreateLocalVector(), DARestoreLocalVector()
216:           VecStrideMax(), VecStrideMin(), VecStrideNorm()

218: @*/
219: int DAGetGlobalVector(DA da,Vec* g)
220: {
221:   int ierr,i;

225:   for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_VECTORS; i++) {
226:     if (da->globalin[i]) {
227:       *g             = da->globalin[i];
228:       da->globalin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
229:       goto alldone;
230:     }
231:   }
232:   DACreateGlobalVector(da,g);

234:   alldone:
235:   for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_VECTORS; i++) {
236:     if (!da->globalout[i]) {
237:       da->globalout[i] = *g;
238:       break;
239:     }
240:   }
241:   return(0);
242: }

244: #undef __FUNCT__  
246: /*@C
247:    DARestoreGlobalVector - Returns a Seq PETSc vector that
248:      obtained from DAGetGlobalVector(). Do not use with vector obtained via
249:      DACreateGlobalVector().

251:    Not Collective

253:    Input Parameter:
254: +  da - the distributed array
255: -  g - the global vector

257:    Level: beginner

259: .keywords: distributed array, create, global, vector

261: .seealso: DACreateGlobalVector(), VecDuplicate(), VecDuplicateVecs(),
262:           DACreate1d(), DACreate2d(), DACreate3d(), DAGlobalToGlobalBegin(),
263:           DAGlobalToGlobalEnd(), DAGlobalToGlobal(), DACreateLocalVector(), DAGetGlobalVector()
264: @*/
265: int DARestoreGlobalVector(DA da,Vec* g)
266: {
267:   int ierr,i,j;

271:   for (j=0; j<DA_MAX_WORK_VECTORS; j++) {
272:     if (*g == da->globalout[j]) {
273:       da->globalout[j] = PETSC_NULL;
274:       for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_VECTORS; i++) {
275:         if (!da->globalin[i]) {
276:           da->globalin[i] = *g;
277:           goto alldone;
278:         }
279:       }
280:     }
281:   }
282:   VecDestroy(*g);
283:   alldone:
284:   return(0);
285: }

287: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
288: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_ADIC) && !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)

291: #include "adic/ad_utils.h"

294: #undef __FUNCT__
296: /*@C
297:      DAGetAdicArray - Gets an array of derivative types for a DA
299:     Input Parameter:
300: +    da - information about my local patch
301: -    ghosted - do you want arrays for the ghosted or nonghosted patch

303:     Output Parameters:
304: +    ptr - array data structured to be passed to ad_FormFunctionLocal()
305: .    array_start - actual start of 1d array of all values that adiC can access directly (may be null)
306: -    tdof - total number of degrees of freedom represented in array_start (may be null)

308:      Notes: Returns the same type of object as the DAVecGetArray() except its elements are 
309:            derivative types instead of PetscScalars

311:      Level: advanced

313: .seealso: DARestoreAdicArray()

315: @*/
316: int DAGetAdicArray(DA da,PetscTruth ghosted,void **iptr,void **array_start,int *tdof)
317: {
318:   int  ierr,j,i,deriv_type_size,xs,ys,xm,ym,zs,zm,itdof;
319:   char *iarray_start;

323:   if (ghosted) {
324:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
325:       if (da->adarrayghostedin[i]) {
326:         *iptr                   = da->adarrayghostedin[i];
327:         iarray_start            = (char*)da->adstartghostedin[i];
328:         itdof                   = da->ghostedtdof;
329:         da->adarrayghostedin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
330:         da->adstartghostedin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
332:         goto done;
333:       }
334:     }
335:     xs = da->Xs;
336:     ys = da->Ys;
337:     zs = da->Zs;
338:     xm = da->Xe-da->Xs;
339:     ym = da->Ye-da->Ys;
340:     zm = da->Ze-da->Zs;
341:   } else {
342:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
343:       if (da->adarrayin[i]) {
344:         *iptr            = da->adarrayin[i];
345:         iarray_start     = (char*)da->adstartin[i];
346:         itdof            = da->tdof;
347:         da->adarrayin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
348:         da->adstartin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
350:         goto done;
351:       }
352:     }
353:     xs = da->xs;
354:     ys = da->ys;
355:     zs = da->zs;
356:     xm = da->xe-da->xs;
357:     ym = da->ye-da->ys;
358:     zm = da->ze-da->zs;
359:   }
360:   deriv_type_size = PetscADGetDerivTypeSize();

362:   switch (da->dim) {
363:     case 1: {
364:       void *ptr;
365:       itdof = xm;

367:       ierr  = PetscMalloc(xm*deriv_type_size,&iarray_start);
368:       ierr  = PetscMemzero(iarray_start,xm*deriv_type_size);

370:       ptr   = (void*)(iarray_start - xs*deriv_type_size);
371:       *iptr = (void*)ptr;
372:       break;}
373:     case 2: {
374:       void **ptr;
375:       itdof = xm*ym;

377:       ierr  = PetscMalloc((ym+1)*sizeof(void *)+xm*ym*deriv_type_size,&iarray_start);
378:       ierr  = PetscMemzero(iarray_start,xm*ym*deriv_type_size);

380:       ptr  = (void**)(iarray_start + xm*ym*deriv_type_size - ys*sizeof(void*));
381:       for(j=ys;j<ys+ym;j++) {
382:         ptr[j] = iarray_start + deriv_type_size*(xm*(j-ys) - xs);
383:       }
384:       *iptr = (void*)ptr;
385:       break;}
386:     case 3: {
387:       void ***ptr,**bptr;
388:       itdof = xm*ym*zm;

390:       ierr  = PetscMalloc((zm+1)*sizeof(void **)+(ym*zm+1)*sizeof(void*)+xm*ym*zm*deriv_type_size,&iarray_start);
391:       ierr  = PetscMemzero(iarray_start,xm*ym*zm*deriv_type_size);

393:       ptr  = (void***)(iarray_start + xm*ym*zm*deriv_type_size - zs*sizeof(void*));
394:       bptr = (void**)(iarray_start + xm*ym*zm*deriv_type_size + zm*sizeof(void**));
395:       for(i=zs;i<zs+zm;i++) {
396:         ptr[i] = bptr + ((i-zs)*ym* - ys)*sizeof(void*);
397:       }
398:       for (i=zs; i<zs+zm; i++) {
399:         for (j=ys; j<ys+ym; j++) {
400:           ptr[i][j] = iarray_start + deriv_type_size*(xm*ym*(i-zs) + xm*(j-ys) - xs);
401:         }
402:       }

404:       *iptr = (void*)ptr;
405:       break;}
406:     default:
407:       SETERRQ1(1,"Dimension %d not supported",da->dim);
408:   }

410:   done:
411:   /* add arrays to the checked out list */
412:   if (ghosted) {
413:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
414:       if (!da->adarrayghostedout[i]) {
415:         da->adarrayghostedout[i] = *iptr ;
416:         da->adstartghostedout[i] = iarray_start;
417:         da->ghostedtdof          = itdof;
418:         break;
419:       }
420:     }
421:   } else {
422:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
423:       if (!da->adarrayout[i]) {
424:         da->adarrayout[i] = *iptr ;
425:         da->adstartout[i] = iarray_start;
426:         da->tdof          = itdof;
427:         break;
428:       }
429:     }
430:   }
431:   if (i == DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS+1) SETERRQ(1,"Too many DA ADIC arrays obtained");
432:   if (tdof)        *tdof = itdof;
433:   if (array_start) *array_start = iarray_start;
434:   return(0);
435: }

437: #undef __FUNCT__
439: /*@C
440:      DARestoreAdicArray - Restores an array of derivative types for a DA
442:     Input Parameter:
443: +    da - information about my local patch
444: -    ghosted - do you want arrays for the ghosted or nonghosted patch

446:     Output Parameters:
447: +    ptr - array data structured to be passed to ad_FormFunctionLocal()
448: .    array_start - actual start of 1d array of all values that adiC can access directly
449: -    tdof - total number of degrees of freedom represented in array_start

451:      Level: advanced

453: .seealso: DAGetAdicArray()

455: @*/
456: int DARestoreAdicArray(DA da,PetscTruth ghosted,void **iptr,void **array_start,int *tdof)
457: {
458:   int  i;
459:   void *iarray_start = 0;
463:   if (ghosted) {
464:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
465:       if (da->adarrayghostedout[i] == *iptr) {
466:         iarray_start             = da->adstartghostedout[i];
467:         da->adarrayghostedout[i] = PETSC_NULL;
468:         da->adstartghostedout[i] = PETSC_NULL;
469:         break;
470:       }
471:     }
472:     if (!iarray_start) SETERRQ(1,"Could not find array in checkout list");
473:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
474:       if (!da->adarrayghostedin[i]){
475:         da->adarrayghostedin[i] = *iptr;
476:         da->adstartghostedin[i] = iarray_start;
477:         break;
478:       }
479:     }
480:   } else {
481:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
482:       if (da->adarrayout[i] == *iptr) {
483:         iarray_start      = da->adstartout[i];
484:         da->adarrayout[i] = PETSC_NULL;
485:         da->adstartout[i] = PETSC_NULL;
486:         break;
487:       }
488:     }
489:     if (!iarray_start) SETERRQ(1,"Could not find array in checkout list");
490:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
491:       if (!da->adarrayin[i]){
492:         da->adarrayin[i]   = *iptr;
493:         da->adstartin[i]   = iarray_start;
494:         break;
495:       }
496:     }
497:   }
498:   return(0);
499: }

501: #undef __FUNCT__
503: int ad_DAGetArray(DA da,PetscTruth ghosted,void **iptr)
504: {
507:   DAGetAdicArray(da,ghosted,iptr,0,0);
508:   return(0);
509: }

511: #undef __FUNCT__
513: int ad_DARestoreArray(DA da,PetscTruth ghosted,void **iptr)
514: {
517:   DARestoreAdicArray(da,ghosted,iptr,0,0);
518:   return(0);
519: }

521: #endif

523: #undef __FUNCT__
525: /*@C
526:      DAGetArray - Gets a work array for a DA
528:     Input Parameter:
529: +    da - information about my local patch
530: -    ghosted - do you want arrays for the ghosted or nonghosted patch

532:     Output Parameters:
533: .    ptr - array data structured

535:      Level: advanced

537: .seealso: DARestoreArray(), DAGetAdicArray()

539: @*/
540: int DAGetArray(DA da,PetscTruth ghosted,void **iptr)
541: {
542:   int  ierr,j,i,xs,ys,xm,ym,zs,zm;
543:   char *iarray_start;

547:   if (ghosted) {
548:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_ARRAYS; i++) {
549:       if (da->arrayghostedin[i]) {
550:         *iptr                 = da->arrayghostedin[i];
551:         iarray_start          = (char*)da->startghostedin[i];
552:         da->arrayghostedin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
553:         da->startghostedin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
555:         goto done;
556:       }
557:     }
558:     xs = da->Xs;
559:     ys = da->Ys;
560:     zs = da->Zs;
561:     xm = da->Xe-da->Xs;
562:     ym = da->Ye-da->Ys;
563:     zm = da->Ze-da->Zs;
564:   } else {
565:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_ARRAYS; i++) {
566:       if (da->arrayin[i]) {
567:         *iptr          = da->arrayin[i];
568:         iarray_start   = (char*)da->startin[i];
569:         da->arrayin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
570:         da->startin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
572:         goto done;
573:       }
574:     }
575:     xs = da->xs;
576:     ys = da->ys;
577:     zs = da->zs;
578:     xm = da->xe-da->xs;
579:     ym = da->ye-da->ys;
580:     zm = da->ze-da->zs;
581:   }

583:   switch (da->dim) {
584:     case 1: {
585:       void *ptr;

587:       ierr  = PetscMalloc(xm*sizeof(PetscScalar),&iarray_start);
588:       ierr  = PetscMemzero(iarray_start,xm*sizeof(PetscScalar));

590:       ptr   = (void*)(iarray_start - xs*sizeof(PetscScalar));
591:       *iptr = (void*)ptr;
592:       break;}
593:     case 2: {
594:       void **ptr;

596:       ierr  = PetscMalloc((ym+1)*sizeof(void *)+xm*ym*sizeof(PetscScalar),&iarray_start);
597:       ierr  = PetscMemzero(iarray_start,xm*ym*sizeof(PetscScalar));

599:       ptr  = (void**)(iarray_start + xm*ym*sizeof(PetscScalar) - ys*sizeof(void*));
600:       for(j=ys;j<ys+ym;j++) {
601:         ptr[j] = iarray_start + sizeof(PetscScalar)*(xm*(j-ys) - xs);
602:       }
603:       *iptr = (void*)ptr;
604:       break;}
605:     case 3: {
606:       void ***ptr,**bptr;

608:       ierr  = PetscMalloc((zm+1)*sizeof(void **)+(ym*zm+1)*sizeof(void*)+xm*ym*zm*sizeof(PetscScalar),&iarray_start);
609:       ierr  = PetscMemzero(iarray_start,xm*ym*zm*sizeof(PetscScalar));

611:       ptr  = (void***)(iarray_start + xm*ym*zm*sizeof(PetscScalar) - zs*sizeof(void*));
612:       bptr = (void**)(iarray_start + xm*ym*zm*sizeof(PetscScalar) + zm*sizeof(void**));
613:       for(i=zs;i<zs+zm;i++) {
614:         ptr[i] = bptr + ((i-zs)*ym* - ys)*sizeof(void*);
615:       }
616:       for (i=zs; i<zs+zm; i++) {
617:         for (j=ys; j<ys+ym; j++) {
618:           ptr[i][j] = iarray_start + sizeof(PetscScalar)*(xm*ym*(i-zs) + xm*(j-ys) - xs);
619:         }
620:       }

622:       *iptr = (void*)ptr;
623:       break;}
624:     default:
625:       SETERRQ1(1,"Dimension %d not supported",da->dim);
626:   }

628:   done:
629:   /* add arrays to the checked out list */
630:   if (ghosted) {
631:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_ARRAYS; i++) {
632:       if (!da->arrayghostedout[i]) {
633:         da->arrayghostedout[i] = *iptr ;
634:         da->startghostedout[i] = iarray_start;
635:         break;
636:       }
637:     }
638:   } else {
639:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_ARRAYS; i++) {
640:       if (!da->arrayout[i]) {
641:         da->arrayout[i] = *iptr ;
642:         da->startout[i] = iarray_start;
643:         break;
644:       }
645:     }
646:   }
647:   return(0);
648: }

650: #undef __FUNCT__
652: /*@C
653:      DARestoreArray - Restores an array of derivative types for a DA
655:     Input Parameter:
656: +    da - information about my local patch
657: .    ghosted - do you want arrays for the ghosted or nonghosted patch
658: -    ptr - array data structured to be passed to ad_FormFunctionLocal()

660:      Level: advanced

662: .seealso: DAGetArray(), DAGetAdicArray()

664: @*/
665: int DARestoreArray(DA da,PetscTruth ghosted,void **iptr)
666: {
667:   int  i;
668:   void *iarray_start = 0;
672:   if (ghosted) {
673:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_ARRAYS; i++) {
674:       if (da->arrayghostedout[i] == *iptr) {
675:         iarray_start           = da->startghostedout[i];
676:         da->arrayghostedout[i] = PETSC_NULL;
677:         da->startghostedout[i] = PETSC_NULL;
678:         break;
679:       }
680:     }
681:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_ARRAYS; i++) {
682:       if (!da->arrayghostedin[i]){
683:         da->arrayghostedin[i] = *iptr;
684:         da->startghostedin[i] = iarray_start;
685:         break;
686:       }
687:     }
688:   } else {
689:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_ARRAYS; i++) {
690:       if (da->arrayout[i] == *iptr) {
691:         iarray_start    = da->startout[i];
692:         da->arrayout[i] = PETSC_NULL;
693:         da->startout[i] = PETSC_NULL;
694:         break;
695:       }
696:     }
697:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_WORK_ARRAYS; i++) {
698:       if (!da->arrayin[i]){
699:         da->arrayin[i]  = *iptr;
700:         da->startin[i]  = iarray_start;
701:         break;
702:       }
703:     }
704:   }
705:   return(0);
706: }

708: #undef __FUNCT__
710: /*@C
711:      DAGetAdicMFArray - Gets an array of derivative types for a DA for matrix-free ADIC.
713:      Input Parameter:
714: +    da - information about my local patch
715: -    ghosted - do you want arrays for the ghosted or nonghosted patch?

717:      Output Parameters:
718: +    ptr - array data structured to be passed to ad_FormFunctionLocal()
719: .    array_start - actual start of 1d array of all values that adiC can access directly (may be null)
720: -    tdof - total number of degrees of freedom represented in array_start (may be null)

722:      Notes: 
723:      This routine returns the same type of object as the DAVecGetArray(), except its
724:      elements are derivative types instead of PetscScalars.

726:      Level: advanced

728: .seealso: DARestoreAdicMFArray(), DAGetArray(), DAGetAdicArray()

730: @*/
731: int DAGetAdicMFArray(DA da,PetscTruth ghosted,void **iptr,void **array_start,int *tdof)
732: {
733:   int  ierr,j,i,xs,ys,xm,ym,zs,zm,itdof;
734:   char *iarray_start;

738:   if (ghosted) {
739:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
740:       if (da->admfarrayghostedin[i]) {
741:         *iptr                     = da->admfarrayghostedin[i];
742:         iarray_start              = (char*)da->admfstartghostedin[i];
743:         itdof                     = da->ghostedtdof;
744:         da->admfarrayghostedin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
745:         da->admfstartghostedin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
747:         goto done;
748:       }
749:     }
750:     xs = da->Xs;
751:     ys = da->Ys;
752:     zs = da->Zs;
753:     xm = da->Xe-da->Xs;
754:     ym = da->Ye-da->Ys;
755:     zm = da->Ze-da->Zs;
756:   } else {
757:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
758:       if (da->admfarrayin[i]) {
759:         *iptr              = da->admfarrayin[i];
760:         iarray_start       = (char*)da->admfstartin[i];
761:         itdof              = da->tdof;
762:         da->admfarrayin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
763:         da->admfstartin[i] = PETSC_NULL;
765:         goto done;
766:       }
767:     }
768:     xs = da->xs;
769:     ys = da->ys;
770:     zs = da->zs;
771:     xm = da->xe-da->xs;
772:     ym = da->ye-da->ys;
773:     zm = da->ze-da->zs;
774:   }

776:   switch (da->dim) {
777:     case 1: {
778:       void *ptr;
779:       itdof = xm;

781:       ierr  = PetscMalloc(xm*2*sizeof(PetscScalar),&iarray_start);
782:       ierr  = PetscMemzero(iarray_start,xm*2*sizeof(PetscScalar));

784:       ptr   = (void*)(iarray_start - xs*2*sizeof(PetscScalar));
785:       *iptr = (void*)ptr;
786:       break;}
787:     case 2: {
788:       void **ptr;
789:       itdof = xm*ym;

791:       ierr  = PetscMalloc((ym+1)*sizeof(void *)+xm*ym*2*sizeof(PetscScalar),&iarray_start);
792:       ierr  = PetscMemzero(iarray_start,xm*ym*2*sizeof(PetscScalar));

794:       ptr  = (void**)(iarray_start + xm*ym*2*sizeof(PetscScalar) - ys*sizeof(void*));
795:       for(j=ys;j<ys+ym;j++) {
796:         ptr[j] = iarray_start + 2*sizeof(PetscScalar)*(xm*(j-ys) - xs);
797:       }
798:       *iptr = (void*)ptr;
799:       break;}
800:     case 3: {
801:       void ***ptr,**bptr;
802:       itdof = xm*ym*zm;

804:       ierr  = PetscMalloc((zm+1)*sizeof(void **)+(ym*zm+1)*sizeof(void*)+xm*ym*zm*2*sizeof(PetscScalar),&iarray_start);
805:       ierr  = PetscMemzero(iarray_start,xm*ym*zm*2*sizeof(PetscScalar));

807:       ptr  = (void***)(iarray_start + xm*ym*zm*2*sizeof(PetscScalar) - zs*sizeof(void*));
808:       bptr = (void**)(iarray_start + xm*ym*zm*2*sizeof(PetscScalar) + zm*sizeof(void**));
809:       for(i=zs;i<zs+zm;i++) {
810:         ptr[i] = bptr + ((i-zs)*ym* - ys)*sizeof(void*);
811:       }
812:       for (i=zs; i<zs+zm; i++) {
813:         for (j=ys; j<ys+ym; j++) {
814:           ptr[i][j] = iarray_start + 2*sizeof(PetscScalar)*(xm*ym*(i-zs) + xm*(j-ys) - xs);
815:         }
816:       }

818:       *iptr = (void*)ptr;
819:       break;}
820:     default:
821:       SETERRQ1(1,"Dimension %d not supported",da->dim);
822:   }

824:   done:
825:   /* add arrays to the checked out list */
826:   if (ghosted) {
827:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
828:       if (!da->admfarrayghostedout[i]) {
829:         da->admfarrayghostedout[i] = *iptr ;
830:         da->admfstartghostedout[i] = iarray_start;
831:         da->ghostedtdof            = itdof;
832:         break;
833:       }
834:     }
835:   } else {
836:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
837:       if (!da->admfarrayout[i]) {
838:         da->admfarrayout[i] = *iptr ;
839:         da->admfstartout[i] = iarray_start;
840:         da->tdof            = itdof;
841:         break;
842:       }
843:     }
844:   }
845:   if (i == DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS+1) SETERRQ(1,"Too many DA ADIC arrays obtained");
846:   if (tdof)        *tdof = itdof;
847:   if (array_start) *array_start = iarray_start;
848:   return(0);
849: }

851: #undef __FUNCT__
853: /*@C
854:      DARestoreAdicMFArray - Restores an array of derivative types for a DA.
856:      Input Parameter:
857: +    da - information about my local patch
858: -    ghosted - do you want arrays for the ghosted or nonghosted patch?

860:      Output Parameters:
861: +    ptr - array data structure to be passed to ad_FormFunctionLocal()
862: .    array_start - actual start of 1d array of all values that adiC can access directly
863: -    tdof - total number of degrees of freedom represented in array_start

865:      Level: advanced

867: .seealso: DAGetAdicArray()

869: @*/
870: int DARestoreAdicMFArray(DA da,PetscTruth ghosted,void **iptr,void **array_start,int *tdof)
871: {
872:   int  i;
873:   void *iarray_start = 0;
877:   if (ghosted) {
878:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
879:       if (da->admfarrayghostedout[i] == *iptr) {
880:         iarray_start               = da->admfstartghostedout[i];
881:         da->admfarrayghostedout[i] = PETSC_NULL;
882:         da->admfstartghostedout[i] = PETSC_NULL;
883:         break;
884:       }
885:     }
886:     if (!iarray_start) SETERRQ(1,"Could not find array in checkout list");
887:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
888:       if (!da->admfarrayghostedin[i]){
889:         da->admfarrayghostedin[i] = *iptr;
890:         da->admfstartghostedin[i] = iarray_start;
891:         break;
892:       }
893:     }
894:   } else {
895:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
896:       if (da->admfarrayout[i] == *iptr) {
897:         iarray_start        = da->admfstartout[i];
898:         da->admfarrayout[i] = PETSC_NULL;
899:         da->admfstartout[i] = PETSC_NULL;
900:         break;
901:       }
902:     }
903:     if (!iarray_start) SETERRQ(1,"Could not find array in checkout list");
904:     for (i=0; i<DA_MAX_AD_ARRAYS; i++) {
905:       if (!da->admfarrayin[i]){
906:         da->admfarrayin[i] = *iptr;
907:         da->admfstartin[i] = iarray_start;
908:         break;
909:       }
910:     }
911:   }
912:   return(0);
913: }

915: #undef __FUNCT__
917: int admf_DAGetArray(DA da,PetscTruth ghosted,void **iptr)
918: {
921:   DAGetAdicMFArray(da,ghosted,iptr,0,0);
922:   return(0);
923: }

925: #undef __FUNCT__
927: int admf_DARestoreArray(DA da,PetscTruth ghosted,void **iptr)
928: {
931:   DARestoreAdicMFArray(da,ghosted,iptr,0,0);
932:   return(0);
933: }