Actual source code: daltol.c

  1: /*$Id: daltol.c,v 1.24 2001/03/23 23:25:00 balay Exp $*/
  3: /*
  4:   Code for manipulating distributed regular arrays in parallel.
  5: */

 7:  #include src/dm/da/daimpl.h

  9: #undef __FUNCT__  
 11: /*
 12:    DALocalToLocalCreate - Creates the local to local scatter

 14:    Collective on DA

 16:    Input Parameter:
 17: .  da - the distributed array

 19: */
 20: int DALocalToLocalCreate(DA da)
 21: {
 22:   int *idx,left,j,ierr,count,up,down,i,bottom,top,k;

 27:   if (da->ltol) return(0);
 28:   /* 
 29:      We simply remap the values in the from part of 
 30:      global to local to read from an array with the ghost values 
 31:      rather then from the plain array.
 32:   */
 33:   VecScatterCopy(da->gtol,&da->ltol);
 34:   PetscLogObjectParent(da,da->ltol);
 35:   if (da->dim == 1) {
 36:     left = da->xs - da->Xs;
 37:     PetscMalloc((da->xe-da->xs)*sizeof(int),&idx);
 38:     for (j=0; j<da->xe-da->xs; j++) {
 39:       idx[j] = left + j;
 40:     }
 41:   } else if (da->dim == 2) {
 42:     left  = da->xs - da->Xs; down  = da->ys - da->Ys; up    = down + da->ye-da->ys;
 43:     PetscMalloc((da->xe-da->xs)*(up - down)*sizeof(int),&idx);
 44:     count = 0;
 45:     for (i=down; i<up; i++) {
 46:       for (j=0; j<da->xe-da->xs; j++) {
 47:         idx[count++] = left + i*(da->Xe-da->Xs) + j;
 48:       }
 49:     }
 50:   } else if (da->dim == 3) {
 51:     left   = da->xs - da->Xs;
 52:     bottom = da->ys - da->Ys; top = bottom + da->ye-da->ys ;
 53:     down   = da->zs - da->Zs; up  = down + da->ze-da->zs;
 54:     count  = (da->xe-da->xs)*(top-bottom)*(up-down);
 55:     PetscMalloc(count*sizeof(int),&idx);
 56:     count  = 0;
 57:     for (i=down; i<up; i++) {
 58:       for (j=bottom; j<top; j++) {
 59:         for (k=0; k<da->xe-da->xs; k++) {
 60:           idx[count++] = (left+j*(da->Xe-da->Xs))+i*(da->Xe-da->Xs)*(da->Ye-da->Ys) + k;
 61:         }
 62:       }
 63:     }
 64:   } else SETERRQ1(1,"DA has invalid dimension %d",da->dim);

 66:   VecScatterRemap(da->ltol,idx,PETSC_NULL);
 67:   PetscFree(idx);
 68:   return(0);
 69: }

 71: #undef __FUNCT__  
 73: /*@
 74:    DALocalToLocalBegin - Maps from a local vector (including ghost points
 75:    that contain irrelevant values) to another local vector where the ghost
 76:    points in the second are set correctly. Must be followed by DALocalToLocalEnd().

 78:    Collective on DA and Vec

 80:    Input Parameters:
 81: +  da - the distributed array context
 82: .  g - the original local vector
 83: -  mode - one of INSERT_VALUES or ADD_VALUES

 85:    Output Parameter:
 86: .  l  - the local vector with correct ghost values

 88:    Level: intermediate

 90:    Notes:
 91:    The local vectors used here need not be the same as those
 92:    obtained from DACreateLocalVector(), BUT they
 93:    must have the same parallel data layout; they could, for example, be 
 94:    obtained with VecDuplicate() from the DA originating vectors.

 96: .keywords: distributed array, local-to-local, begin

 98: .seealso: DALocalToLocalEnd(), DALocalToGlobal()
 99: @*/
100: int DALocalToLocalBegin(DA da,Vec g,InsertMode mode,Vec l)
101: {

106:   if (!da->ltol) {
107:     DALocalToLocalCreate(da);
108:   }
109:   VecScatterBegin(g,l,mode,SCATTER_FORWARD,da->ltol);
110:   return(0);
111: }

113: #undef __FUNCT__  
115: /*@
116:    DALocalToLocalEnd - Maps from a local vector (including ghost points
117:    that contain irrelevant values) to another local vector where the ghost
118:    points in the second are set correctly.  Must be preceeded by 
119:    DALocalToLocalBegin().

121:    Collective on DA and Vec

123:    Input Parameters:
124: +  da - the distributed array context
125: .  g - the original local vector
126: -  mode - one of INSERT_VALUES or ADD_VALUES

128:    Output Parameter:
129: .  l  - the local vector with correct ghost values

131:    Level: intermediate

133:    Note:
134:    The local vectors used here need not be the same as those
135:    obtained from DACreateLocalVector(), BUT they
136:    must have the same parallel data layout; they could, for example, be 
137:    obtained with VecDuplicate() from the DA originating vectors.

139: .keywords: distributed array, local-to-local, end

141: .seealso: DALocalToLocalBegin(), DALocalToGlobal()
142: @*/
143: int DALocalToLocalEnd(DA da,Vec g,InsertMode mode,Vec l)
144: {

149:   VecScatterEnd(g,l,mode,SCATTER_FORWARD,da->ltol);
150:   return(0);
151: }