Actual source code: gmat.c

  1: #ifdef PETSC_RCS_HEADER
  2: static char vcid[] = "$Id: gmat.c,v 1.34 2000/07/16 23:20:03 knepley Exp $";
  3: #endif

  5: /* This file provides routines for grid matrices */

 7:  #include src/gvec/gvecimpl.h
 8:  #include petscts.h
 9:  #include gsolver.h

 11: /* Logging support */
 12: int GMAT_CreateRectangular, GMAT_EvaluateOperatorGalerkin, GMAT_EvaluateSystemMatrix, GMAT_SetBoundary;
 13: int GMAT_MatMultConstrained, GMAT_MatMultTransposeConstrained;

 15: extern int MatMult_MPIAIJ(Mat, Vec, Vec); /* For GMatMatMultConstrained */

 17: #undef  __FUNCT__
 19: /*@C
 20:    GMatDestroy - Destroys a grid matrix.
 22:    Input Parameter:
 23: .  mat - the matrix

 25:   Level: beginner

 27: .keywords: matrix, destroy
 28: @*/
 29: int GMatDestroy(Mat mat)
 30: {

 35:   if (--mat->refct > 0) return(0);
 36:   MatDestroy(mat);
 37:   return(0);
 38: }

 40: #undef  __FUNCT__
 42: /*@ 
 43:   GMatView - Views a grid matrix.

 45:   Input Parameters:
 46: + mat    - the grid matrix
 47: - viewer - an optional visualization context

 49:    Notes:
 50:    GMatView() supports the same viewers as MatView().  The only difference
 51:    is that for all multiprocessor cases, the output vector employs the natural
 52:    ordering of the grid, so it many cases this corresponds to the ordering 
 53:    that would have been used for the uniprocessor case.

 55:    The available visualization contexts include
 56: $     VIEWER_STDOUT_SELF - standard output (default)
 57: $     VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD - synchronized standard
 58: $       output where only the first processor opens
 59: $       the file.  All other processors send their 
 60: $       data to the first processor to print. 

 62:    The user can open alternative visualization contexts with
 63: $    PetscViewerFileOpenASCII() - output vector to a specified file
 64: $    PetscViewerFileOpenBinary() - output in binary to a
 65: $         specified file; corresponding input uses VecLoad()
 66: $    PetscViewerDrawOpenX() - output vector to an X window display
 67: $    DrawLGCreate() - output vector as a line graph to an X window display
 68: $    PetscViewerMatlabOpen() - output vector to Matlab viewer

 70:   Level: beginner

 72: .keywords: view, visualize, output, print, write, draw
 73: .seealso: MatView()
 74: @*/
 75: int GMatView(GMat mat, PetscViewer viewer)
 76: {
 77:   Grid grid;
 78:   int  ierr;

 83:   if (!viewer) {
 84:     viewer = PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_SELF;
 85:   } else {
 87:   }
 88:   GMatGetGrid(mat, &grid);
 89:   (*grid->ops->gmatview)(mat, viewer);
 90:   return(0);
 91: }

 93: #undef  __FUNCT__
 95: /*@ 
 96:   GMatSerialize - This function stores or recreates a grid matrix using a viewer for
 97:   a binary file.

 99:   Input Parameters:
100: . viewer - The viewer context
101: . store  - This flag is PETSC_TRUE is data is being written, otherwise it will be read

103:   Output Parameter:
104: . m      - The grid matrix

106:   Level: beginner

108: .keywords: grid vector, serialize
109: .seealso: GridSerialize()
110: @*/
111: int GMatSerialize(Grid grid, GMat *m, PetscViewer viewer, PetscTruth store)
112: {
113:   int          fd;
114:   GMat         mat;
115:   MatInfo      info;
116:   PetscScalar *vals, *vals2;
117:   int         *cols, *cols2;
118:   int         *diag;
119:   int         *offdiag;
120:   int         *firstCol;
121:   int          type, rowVars, rowLocVars, colVars, colLocVars, numNonZeros;
122:   int          rowStart, rowEnd, colStart, colEnd, offset, size;
123:   int          numProcs, rank;
124:   int          proc, row, col;
125:   PetscTruth   match;
126:   int          ierr;

133:   PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject) viewer, PETSC_VIEWER_BINARY, &match);
134:   if (match == PETSC_FALSE) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Must be binary viewer");
135:   PetscViewerBinaryGetDescriptor(viewer, &fd);
136:   if (store) {
138:     MatGetSize(*m, &rowVars, &colVars);
139:     MatGetLocalSize(*m, &rowLocVars, &colLocVars);
140:     MatGetInfo(*m, MAT_LOCAL, &info);
141:     MatGetOwnershipRange(*m, &rowStart, &rowEnd);
142:     PetscBinaryWrite(fd, &(*m)->cookie, 1,            PETSC_INT,     0);
143:     PetscBinaryWrite(fd, &rowVars,      1,            PETSC_INT,     0);
144:     PetscBinaryWrite(fd, &rowLocVars,   1,            PETSC_INT,     0);
145:     PetscBinaryWrite(fd, &colVars,      1,            PETSC_INT,     0);
146:     PetscBinaryWrite(fd, &colLocVars,   1,            PETSC_INT,     0);
147:     PetscBinaryWrite(fd, &info.nz_used, 1,            PETSC_INT,     0);
148:     numNonZeros = (int) info.nz_used;
149:     PetscMalloc((rowLocVars*2 + numNonZeros) * sizeof(int) + numNonZeros * sizeof(PetscScalar), &diag);
150:     offdiag = diag + rowLocVars;
151:     cols = offdiag + rowLocVars;
152:     vals = (PetscScalar *) (cols + numNonZeros);
153:     PetscMemzero(diag, rowLocVars*2 * sizeof(int));
154:     MPI_Comm_size(grid->comm, &numProcs);
155:     MPI_Comm_rank(grid->comm, &rank);
156:     PetscMalloc((numProcs+1) * sizeof(int), &firstCol);
157:     MPI_Allgather(&colLocVars, 1, MPI_INT, &firstCol[1], 1, MPI_INT, grid->comm);
158:     for(proc = 1, firstCol[0] = 0; proc <= numProcs; proc++)
159:       firstCol[proc] += firstCol[proc-1];
160:     if (firstCol[numProcs] != colVars) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_CORRUPT, "Invalid column partition");
161:     colStart = firstCol[rank];
162:     colEnd   = firstCol[rank+1];
163:     for(row = rowStart, offset = 0; row < rowEnd; row++, offset += size) {
164:       MatGetRow(*m, row, &size, &cols2, &vals2);
165:       for(col = 0; col < size; col++)
166:         if ((col >= colStart) && (col < colEnd)) {
167:           diag[row]++;
168:         } else {
169:           offdiag[row]++;
170:         }
171:       PetscMemcpy(&cols[offset], cols2, size * sizeof(int));
172:       PetscMemcpy(&vals[offset], vals2, size * sizeof(PetscScalar));
173:       MatRestoreRow(*m, row, &size, &cols2, &vals2);
174:     }
175:     PetscBinaryWrite(fd,  diag,         rowLocVars,   PETSC_INT,     0);
176:     PetscBinaryWrite(fd,  offdiag,      rowLocVars,   PETSC_INT,     0);
177:     PetscBinaryWrite(fd,  cols,         numNonZeros,  PETSC_INT,     0);
178:     PetscBinaryWrite(fd,  vals,         numNonZeros,  PETSC_SCALAR,  0);
179:     PetscFree(diag);
180:     PetscFree(offdiag);
181:     PetscFree(cols);
182:     PetscFree(vals);
183:   } else {
184:     PetscBinaryRead(fd, &type,        1,           PETSC_INT);
185:     if (type != MAT_FILE_COOKIE) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Non-matrix object");
186:     PetscBinaryRead(fd, &rowVars,     1,           PETSC_INT);
187:     PetscBinaryRead(fd, &rowLocVars,  1,           PETSC_INT);
188:     PetscBinaryRead(fd, &colVars,     1,           PETSC_INT);
189:     PetscBinaryRead(fd, &colLocVars,  1,           PETSC_INT);
190:     PetscBinaryRead(fd, &numNonZeros, 1,           PETSC_INT);
191:     MPI_Reduce(&rowLocVars, &size, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, grid->comm);
192:     if (size != rowVars) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_CORRUPT, "Invalid row partition");
193:     MPI_Reduce(&colLocVars, &size, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, grid->comm);
194:     if (size != colVars) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_CORRUPT, "Invalid column partition");
195:     PetscMalloc((rowLocVars*2 + numNonZeros) * sizeof(int) + numNonZeros * sizeof(PetscScalar), &diag);
196:     offdiag = diag + rowLocVars;
197:     cols = offdiag + rowLocVars;
198:     vals = (PetscScalar *) (cols + numNonZeros);
199:     PetscBinaryRead(fd,  diag,        rowLocVars,  PETSC_INT);
200:     PetscBinaryRead(fd,  offdiag,     rowLocVars,  PETSC_INT);
201:     MatCreateMPIAIJ(grid->comm, rowLocVars, colLocVars, rowVars, colVars, 0, diag, 0, offdiag, &mat);
202:     PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject) mat, "Grid", (PetscObject) grid);
203:     MatGetOwnershipRange(mat, &rowStart, &rowEnd);
204:     if (rowEnd - rowStart + 1 != rowLocVars) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_CORRUPT, "Invalid row partition");
205:     PetscBinaryRead(fd, cols,         numNonZeros, PETSC_INT);
206:     PetscBinaryRead(fd, vals,         numNonZeros, PETSC_SCALAR);
207:     for(row = rowStart, offset = 0; row < rowEnd; row++, offset += size)
208:     {
209:       size = diag[row] + offdiag[row];
210:       MatSetValues(mat, 1, &row, size, &cols[offset], &vals[offset], INSERT_VALUES);
211:     }
212:     PetscFree(diag);
213:     PetscFree(offdiag);
214:     PetscFree(cols);
215:     PetscFree(vals);

217:     MatAssemblyBegin(mat, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
218:     MatAssemblyEnd(mat, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
219:     *m   = mat;
220:   }
221:   return(0);
222: }

224: #undef  __FUNCT__
226: /*@C
227:   GMatDuplicate - Duplicates a grid vector.

229:   Input Parameters:
230: . mat - The matrix

232:   Level: beginner

234: .keywords: grid matrix, destroy
235: .seealso: MatDuplicate(), GMatDestroy()
236: @*/
237: int GMatDuplicate(GMat mat, GMat *newmat)
238: {
239:   int  ierr;

244:   MatConvert(mat, MATSAME, newmat);
245:   PetscFunctionReturn(ierr);
246: }

248: #undef __FUNCT__  
250: /*@
251:    GMatGetSize - Returns the numbers of rows and columns in a matrix.

253:    Not Collective

255:    Input Parameter:
256: .  mat - the matrix

258:    Output Parameters:
259: +  M - the number of global rows
260: -  N - the number of global columns

262:    Level: intermediate

264: .keywords: matrix, dimension, size, rows, columns, global, get
265: .seealso: GMatGetLocalSize()
266: @*/
267: int GMatGetSize(GMat mat, int *M, int* N)
268: {
269:   Grid       grid;
270:   PetscTruth isConstrained       = PETSC_FALSE;
271:   PetscTruth explicitConstraints = PETSC_TRUE;
272:   int        gM, gN;
273:   int        ierr;

277:   GMatGetGrid(mat, &grid);
278:   GridIsConstrained(grid, &isConstrained);
279:   GridGetExplicitConstraints(grid, &explicitConstraints);
280:   if ((isConstrained == PETSC_FALSE) || (explicitConstraints == PETSC_TRUE)) {
281:     if (M) *M = mat->M;
282:     if (N) *N = mat->N;
283:   } else {
284:     GridGetConstraints(grid, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL, &gM, PETSC_NULL);
285:     gN = gM;
286:     /* KLUDGE - Must catch matrices which arise from nonstandard orderings
287:     if (mat->N == x->N) gN = x->N;
288:     if (mat->M == y->N) gM = y->N; */
289:     if (M) *M = gM;
290:     if (N) *N = gN;
291:   }
292:   return(0);
293: }

295: #undef __FUNCT__  
297: /*@
298:    GMatGetLocalSize - Returns the number of rows and columns in a matrix
299:    stored locally.  This information may be implementation dependent, so
300:    use with care.

302:    Not Collective

304:    Input Parameters:
305: .  mat - the matrix

307:    Output Parameters:
308: +  m - the number of local rows
309: -  n - the number of local columns

311:    Level: intermediate

313: .keywords: matrix, dimension, size, local, rows, columns, get
314: .seealso: GMatGetSize()
315: @*/
316: int GMatGetLocalSize(GMat mat, int *m, int* n)
317: {
318:   Grid       grid;
319:   PetscTruth isConstrained       = PETSC_FALSE;
320:   PetscTruth explicitConstraints = PETSC_TRUE;
321:   int        gm, gn;
322:   int        ierr;

326:   GMatGetGrid(mat, &grid);
327:   GridIsConstrained(grid, &isConstrained);
328:   GridGetExplicitConstraints(grid, &explicitConstraints);
329:   if ((isConstrained == PETSC_FALSE) || (explicitConstraints == PETSC_TRUE)) {
330:     if (m) *m = mat->m;
331:     if (n) *n = mat->n;
332:   } else {
333:     GridGetConstraints(grid, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL, &gm);
334:     gn = gm;
335:     /* KLUDGE - Must catch matrices which arise from nonstandard orderings
336:     if (mat->n == x->n) gn = x->n;
337:     if (mat->m == y->n) gm = y->n; */
338:     if (m) *m = gm;
339:     if (n) *n = gn;
340:   }
341:   return(0);
342: }

344: #undef  __FUNCT__
346: /*@
347:   GMatGetGrid - This function returns the grid from a grid matrix.

349:   Not collective

351:   Input Parameter:
352: . m    - The grid matrix

354:   Output Parameter:
355: . grid - The grid

357:   Level: intermediate

359: .keywords: grid matrix, grid, get
360: .seealso: GridGetMesh(), GVecGetGrid()
361: @*/
362: int GMatGetGrid(GMat m, Grid *grid)
363: {

370:   PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject) m, "Grid", (PetscObject *) grid);
372:   return(0);
373: }

375: #undef  __FUNCT__
377: /*@
378:   GMatGetOrder - This function returns the orderings from a grid matrix.

380:   Not collective

382:   Input Parameter:
383: . m    - The grid matrix

385:   Output Parameters:
386: + rowOrder - The row (or test function) ordering
387: - colOrder - The column (or shape function) ordering

389:   Level: intermediate

391: .keywords: grid matrix, variable ordering, get
392: .seealso: GMatGetGrid(), GVecGetOrder()
393: @*/
394: int GMatGetOrder(GMat m, VarOrdering *rowOrder, VarOrdering *colOrder)
395: {

401:   if (rowOrder != PETSC_NULL) {
403:     PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject) m, "RowOrder", (PetscObject *) rowOrder);
405:   }
406:   if (colOrder != PETSC_NULL) {
408:     PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject) m, "ColOrder", (PetscObject *) colOrder);
410:   }
411:   return(0);
412: }

414: #undef  __FUNCT__
416: /*@
417:   GMatGetDiagonalConstrained - This function returns the diagonal of a constrained matrix.

419:   Input Paramter:
420: . mat  - The grid matrix

422:   Output Paramter:
423: . diag - A constrained grid vector containing the diagonal elements

425:    Level: advanced

427: .keyowrds grid matrix, constraint
428: .seealso MatGetDiagonal()
429: @*/
430: int GMatGetDiagonalConstrained(GMat mat, GVec diag)
431: {
432:   Grid         grid;
433:   PetscTruth   isConstrained, explicitConstraints;
434:   Vec          diagLong;
435:   PetscScalar *array;
436:   PetscScalar *arrayC;
437:   int         *ordering;
438:   int          numInteriorVars;
439:   int          var, size;
440:   int          ierr;

445:   GMatGetGrid(mat, &grid);
446:   GridIsConstrained(grid, &isConstrained);
447:   GridGetExplicitConstraints(grid, &explicitConstraints);
448:   if ((isConstrained == PETSC_FALSE) || (explicitConstraints == PETSC_TRUE)) {
449:     MatGetDiagonal(mat, diag);
450:     return(0);
451:   }

453:   VecGetLocalSize(diag, &size);
454:   if (size != grid->constraintOrder->numLocVars) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Vector wrong size for matrix");
455:   ISGetSize(grid->constraintOrdering, &size);
456:   if (size != grid->order->numLocVars) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Constraint mapping wrong size for matrix");

458:   /* First copy all the interior variables */
459:   GVecCreate(grid, &diagLong);
460:   MatGetDiagonal(mat, diagLong);
461:   VecGetArray(diagLong, &array);
462:   VecGetArray(diag,     &arrayC);
463:   ISGetIndices(grid->constraintOrdering, &ordering);
464:   numInteriorVars = grid->constraintOrder->numLocVars - grid->constraintOrder->numLocNewVars;
465:   for(var = 0; var < grid->order->numLocVars; var++) {
466:     if (ordering[var] < numInteriorVars)   {
467:       if (PetscAbsScalar(array[var]) > PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON)
468:         arrayC[ordering[var]] = array[var];
469:       else
470:         arrayC[ordering[var]] = 1.0;
471:     }
472:   }
473:   ISRestoreIndices(grid->constraintOrdering, &ordering);
474:   VecRestoreArray(diagLong, &array);
475:   VecRestoreArray(diag,     &arrayC);
476:   GVecDestroy(diagLong);

478:   /* Now ask grid for diagonal of extra variables */
479:   if ((isConstrained == PETSC_TRUE) && (grid->constraintCtx->ops->jacgetdiag)) {
480:     (*grid->constraintCtx->ops->jacgetdiag)(mat, diag);
481:   }

483:   return(0);
484: }

486: #undef  __FUNCT__
488: /*@
489:   GMatGetDiagonalMF - This function returns the diagonal of the matrix.

491:   Input Parameter:
492: . mat  - The grid matrix

494:   Output Parameter:
495: . diag - A grid vector containing the diagonal elements

497:   Notes:
498:   See comments in GMatGetDiagonalConstrained() about dealing with implicit constraints

500:   Level: intermediate

502: .keywords grid matrix, constraint
503: .seealso GMatGetDiagonalConstrained
504: @*/
505: int GMatGetDiagonalMF(GMat mat, GVec diag)
506: {
507:   Grid grid;
508:   int  ierr;

513:   GMatGetGrid(mat, &grid);
514:   GVecEvaluateJacobianDiagonal(diag, grid->matrixFreeArg, grid->matrixFreeContext);
515:   return(0);
516: }

518: #undef __FUNCT__  
520: /*@
521:    GMatDiagonalScaleConstrained - Scales a constrained matrix on the left and
522:    right by diagonal matrices that are stored as vectors. Either of the two scaling
523:    matrices can be PETSC_NULL.

525:    Input Parameters:
526: .  mat - The grid matrix to be scaled
527: .  l   - The left scaling vector (or PETSC_NULL)
528: .  r   - The right scaling vector (or PETSC_NULL)

530:    Notes:
531:    GMatDiagonalScaleConstrained() computes A <- LAR, where
532: $      L = a diagonal matrix
533: $      R = a diagonal matrix

535:   Level: advanced

537: .keywords: matrix, diagonal, scale
538: .seealso: MatDiagonalScale()
539: @*/
540: int GMatDiagonalScaleConstrained(GMat mat, GVec l, GVec r)
541: {
542:   Grid         grid;
543:   GVec         newL, newR;
544:   PetscScalar *arrayL, *arrayR;
545:   PetscScalar *arrayNewL, *arrayNewR;
546:   PetscScalar  one = 1.0;
547:   int         *ordering;
548:   int          numInteriorVars;
549:   int          var, size;
550:   int          ierr;

554:   GMatGetGrid(mat, &grid);
556:   if (grid->isConstrained == PETSC_FALSE) {
557:     MatDiagonalScale(mat, l, r);
558:     return(0);
559:   }
560:   ISGetSize(grid->constraintOrdering, &size);
561:   if (size != grid->order->numLocVars) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Constraint mapping wrong size for matrix");

563:   newL   = PETSC_NULL;
564:   newR   = PETSC_NULL;
565:   arrayL = PETSC_NULL;
566:   arrayR = PETSC_NULL;
567:   numInteriorVars = grid->constraintOrder->numLocVars - grid->constraintOrder->numLocNewVars;
568:   ISGetIndices(grid->constraintOrdering, &ordering);
569:   if (l != PETSC_NULL)
570:   {
572:     VecGetLocalSize(l, &size);
573:     if (size != grid->constraintOrder->numLocVars) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Left vector wrong size for matrix");
574:     GVecCreate(grid, &newL);
575:     VecSet(&one, newL);
576:     VecGetArray(l,    &arrayL);
577:     VecGetArray(newL, &arrayNewL);
578:     for(var = 0; var < grid->order->numLocVars; var++) {
579:       if (ordering[var] < numInteriorVars)
580:         arrayNewL[var] = arrayL[ordering[var]];
581:     }
582:     VecRestoreArray(l,    &arrayL);
583:     VecRestoreArray(newL, &arrayNewL);
584:   }
585:   if (r != PETSC_NULL) {
587:     VecGetLocalSize(r, &size);
588:     if (size != grid->constraintOrder->numLocVars) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Right vector wrong size for matrix");
589:     GVecCreate(grid, &newR);
590:     VecSet(&one, newR);
591:     VecGetArray(r,    &arrayR);
592:     VecGetArray(newR, &arrayNewR);
593:     for(var = 0; var < grid->order->numLocVars; var++) {
594:       if (ordering[var] < numInteriorVars)
595:         arrayNewR[var] = arrayR[ordering[var]];
596:     }
597:     VecRestoreArray(r,    &arrayR);
598:     VecRestoreArray(newR, &arrayNewR);
599:   }
600:   ISRestoreIndices(grid->constraintOrdering, &ordering);

602:   MatDiagonalScale(mat, newL, newR);

604:   if (l != PETSC_NULL) {
605:     VecDestroy(newL);
606:   }
607:   if (r != PETSC_NULL) {
608:     VecDestroy(newR);
609:   }
610:   return(0);
611: }

613: #undef  __FUNCT__
615: /*@
616:   GMatOrderConstrained - This function creates an ordering which places
617:   all interior variables before variables eliminated by constraints.

619:   Input Paramter:
620: . mat   - The grid matrix
621: . type  - The reordering type

623:   Output Paramter:
624: . rowIS - The row reordering
625: . colIS - The column reordering

627:   Level: advanced

629: .keyowrds grid matrix, constraint
630: .seealso GMatGetDiagonalConstrained()
631: @*/
632: int GMatOrderConstrained(GMat mat, MatOrderingType type, IS *rowIS, IS *colIS)
633: {
634:   Grid       grid;
635:   PetscTruth opt, match;
636:   int        ierr;

642:   PetscStrcmp(type, MATORDERING_CONSTRAINED, &match);
643:   if (match == PETSC_FALSE) SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid ordering type %s", type);
644:   GMatGetGrid(mat, &grid);
645:   if (grid->constraintOrdering) {
646:     ISDuplicate(grid->constraintOrdering, rowIS);
647:     ISDuplicate(grid->constraintOrdering, colIS);
648:     PetscOptionsHasName(PETSC_NULL, "-gmat_order_nonzero_diagonal", &opt);
649:     if (opt == PETSC_TRUE) {
650:       /* Remove the zeros from the diagonal in both blocks */
651:       GMatReorderForNonzeroDiagonalConstrained(mat, 1e-10, *rowIS, *colIS);
652:     }
653:   } else {
654:     *rowIS = PETSC_NULL;
655:     *colIS = PETSC_NULL;
656:   }
657:   return(0);
658: }

660: #undef __FUNCT__  
662: /*
663:   GMatFindPreviousPivot_Private - Finds a pivot element in the lower
664:   triangle which does not introduce a zero on the above diagonal.

666:   Input Parameters:
667: . mat     - The grid matrix
668: . prow    - The row with a zero pivot
669: . rowPerm - The row permutation
670: . colPerm - The column permutation
671: . atol    - The smallest acceptable pivot

673:   Output Paramters:
674: . replCol - The column to interchange with
675: . replVal - The magnitude of the new pivot

677:   Level: developer
678: */
679: int GMatFindPreviousPivot_Private(GMat mat, int prow, int *rowPerm, int *colPerm, double atol, int *replCol, double *replVal)
680: {
681:   int          nz;
682:   int         *cols;
683:   PetscScalar *vals;
684:   int          newNz;
685:   int         *newCols;
686:   PetscScalar *newVals;
687:   int          newRow;
688:   int          repl;
689:   int          colIndex, newColIndex;
690:   int          ierr;

693:   newRow = rowPerm[prow];
694:   MatGetRow(mat, prow, &nz, &cols, &vals);
695:   for(colIndex = 0; colIndex < nz; colIndex++)
696:   {
697:     /* Find an acceptable pivot in the lower triangle */
698:     if ((colPerm[cols[colIndex]] < newRow) && (PetscAbsScalar(vals[colIndex]) > atol))
699:     {
700:       /* Check previous diagonal for zero pivot */
701:       repl = cols[colIndex];
702:       MatGetRow(mat, repl, &newNz, &newCols, &newVals);
703:       for(newColIndex = 0; newColIndex < newNz; newColIndex++)
704:       {
705:         if ((colPerm[newCols[newColIndex]] == newRow) && (PetscAbsScalar(newVals[newColIndex]) > atol))
706:         {
707:           *replCol = repl;
708:           *replVal = PetscAbsScalar(vals[colIndex]);
709:           MatRestoreRow(mat, repl, &newNz, &newCols, &newVals);
710:           MatRestoreRow(mat, prow, &nz,    &cols,    &vals);
711:           return(0);
712:         }
713:       }
714:       MatRestoreRow(mat, repl, &newNz, &newCols, &newVals);
715:     }
716:   }
717:   MatRestoreRow(mat, prow, &nz, &cols, &vals);
718:   /* Signal error since no acceptable pivot was found */
719:   PetscFunctionReturn(1);
720: }

722: #undef __FUNCT__  
724: /*
725:   GMatReorderForNonzeroDiagonal_Private - This is identical to
726:   MatReorderForNonzeroDiagonal(), but allows reordering of a
727:   block of the matrix.

729:   Input Parameters:
730: . mat      - The grid matrix to reorder
731: . rowStart - The first row in the block
732: . rowEnd   - The last row in the block
733: . rowIS    - The row permutation, usually obtained from GMatOrderConstrained().
734: . colIS    - The column permutation

736:   Level: developer

738: */
739: int GMatReorderForNonzeroDiagonal_Private(GMat mat, int rowStart, int rowEnd, double atol, IS rowIS, IS colIS)
740: {
741:   int         *rowPerm;
742:   int         *colPerm;
743:   int          m, n, nz;
744:   int         *cols;
745:   PetscScalar *vals;
746:   int          replCol; /* Replacement column in the original matrix */
747:   double       replVal; /* Replacement pivot magnitude */
748:   int          prow;    /* Pivot row in the original matrix */
749:   int          newRow;  /* Pivot row in the permuted matrix */
750:   int          temp;
751:   int          colIndex;
752:   int          ierr;

755:   ISGetIndices(rowIS, &rowPerm);
756:   ISGetIndices(colIS, &colPerm);
757:   MatGetSize(mat, &m, &n);

759:   for(prow = 0; prow < m; prow++)
760:   {
761:     newRow = rowPerm[prow]; /* Row in the permuted matrix */

763:     /* Act only on a block in the reordered matrix */
764:     if ((newRow < rowStart) || (newRow >= rowEnd))
765:       continue;
766:     MatGetRow(mat, prow, &nz, &cols, &vals);

768:     /* Find diagonal element */
769:     for(colIndex = 0; colIndex < nz; colIndex++)
770:       if (colPerm[cols[colIndex]] == newRow)
771:         break;

773:     /* Check for zero pivot */
774:     if ((colIndex >= nz) || (PetscAbsScalar(vals[colIndex]) <= atol))
775:     {
776:       /* Find the best candidate in the upper triangular part */
777:       replCol = prow;
778:       if (colIndex >= nz)
779:         replVal = 0.0;
780:       else
781:         replVal = PetscAbsScalar(vals[colIndex]);
782:       for(colIndex = 0; colIndex < nz; colIndex++)
783:       {
784:         /* Stay within block and upper triangle */
785:         if ((colPerm[cols[colIndex]] <= newRow) || (colPerm[cols[colIndex]] >= rowEnd))
786:           continue;

788:         /* Check for acceptable pivot */
789:         if (PetscAbsScalar(vals[colIndex]) > atol)
790:         {
791:           replCol = cols[colIndex];
792:           replVal = PetscAbsScalar(vals[colIndex]);
793:           break;
794:         }
795:       }

797:       /* No candidate was found */
798:       if (prow == replCol)
799:       {
800:         /* Now we need to look for an element that allows us
801:            to pivot with a previous column.  To do this, we need
802:            to be sure that we don't introduce a zero in a previous
803:            diagonal */
804:         if (GMatFindPreviousPivot_Private(mat, prow, rowPerm, colPerm, atol, &replCol, &replVal)) {
805:           SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Can not reorder matrix for nonzero diagonal");
806:         }
807:       }

809:       /* Interchange columns */
810:       temp             = colPerm[prow];
811:       colPerm[prow]    = colPerm[replCol];
812:       colPerm[replCol] = temp;
813:     }
814:     MatRestoreRow(mat, prow, &nz, &cols, &vals);
815:   }

817:   ISRestoreIndices(rowIS, &rowPerm);
818:   ISRestoreIndices(colIS, &colPerm);
819:   return(0);
820: }

822: #undef __FUNCT__  
824: /*@
825:   GMatReorderForNonzeroDiagonalConstrained - Changes matrix ordering
826:   to remove zeros from diagonal. This may help in the LU factorization
827:   to prevent a zero pivot.

829:   Input Parameters:
830: . mat   - The grid matrix to reorder
831: . atol  - The smallest acceptable pivot
832: . rowIS - The row permutation, usually obtained from GMatOrderConstrained().
833: . colIS - The column permutation

835:   Notes:
836:   This is not intended as a replacement for pivoting for matrices that
837:   have ``bad'' structure. It is only a stop-gap measure. Should be called
838:   after a call to MatGetReordering(), this routine changes the column 
839:   ordering defined in cis.

841:   Options Database Keys: (When using SLES)
842: . -gmat_order_nonzero_diagonal

844:   Algorithm:
845:   Column pivoting is used.  Choice of column is made by looking at the
846:   non-zero elements in the row.  This algorithm is simple and fast but
847:   does NOT guarantee that a non-singular or well conditioned
848:   principle submatrix will be produced.

850:   Level: developer
851: @*/
852: int GMatReorderForNonzeroDiagonalConstrained(GMat mat, double atol, IS rowIS, IS colIS)
853: {
854:   Grid grid;
855:   int  m;
856:   int  mInt;
857:   int  ierr;

864:   GMatGetGrid(mat, &grid);
865:   if (grid->isConstrained == PETSC_FALSE)
866:   {
867:     MatReorderForNonzeroDiagonal(mat, atol, rowIS, colIS);
868:     return(0);
869:   }

871:   /* Get size of matrix blocks */
872:   mInt = grid->constraintOrder->numLocVars - grid->constraintOrder->numLocNewVars;
873:   m    = grid->order->numVars;
874:   /* Reorder interior block    */
875:   GMatReorderForNonzeroDiagonal_Private(mat, 0, mInt, atol, rowIS, colIS);
876:   /* Reorder constrained block */
877:   GMatReorderForNonzeroDiagonal_Private(mat, mInt, m, atol, rowIS, colIS);
878:   return(0);
879: }

881: #undef __FUNCT__  
883: /*@
884:   GMatReorder - Reorders the matrix based on the ordering type provided.

886:   Collective on GMat

888:   Input Parameters:
889: . mat    - The grid matrix to reorder
890: . rowIS  - The row permutation, usually obtained from MatGetOrdering()
891: . colIS  - The column permutation
892: . sparse - The flag for sparsification
893: . bw     - [Optional] The sparsified bandwidth, PETSC_DECIDE gives the default
894: . frac   - [Optional] The sparsified fractional bandwidth, 0.0 gives the default
895: . tol    - [Optional] The sparsification drop tolerance, 0.0 is the default

897:   Output Parameter:
898: . newmat - The reordered, and possibly sparsified, matrix

900:   Options Database Keys:
901: . -gmat_order_nonzero_diagonal

903:   Level: advanced

905: .keywords: grid matrix, ordering
906: .seealso: MatGetOrdering(), MatPermute(), MatPermuteSparsify()
907: @*/
908: int GMatReorder(GMat mat, IS rowIS, IS colIS, PetscTruth sparse, int bw, double frac, double tol, GMat *newmat)
909: {
910:   Grid grid;
911:   int  ierr;

919:   if (sparse == PETSC_TRUE) {
920:     MatPermuteSparsify(mat, bw, frac, tol, rowIS, colIS, newmat);
921:   } else {
922:     MatPermute(mat, rowIS, colIS, newmat);
923:   }
924:   GMatGetGrid(mat, &grid);
925:   PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject) *newmat, "Grid", (PetscObject) grid);
926:   return(0);
927: }

929: #undef  __FUNCT__
931: /*@
932:   GMatEvaluateALEOperatorGalerkin - Evaluates the weak form of an operator over
933:   a field on the locations defined by the underlying grid and its discretization.

935:   Collective on GMat

937:   Input Parameters:
938: + M         - The grid matrix
939: . numFields - The number of fields in sFields and tFields
940: . sFields   - The shape function fields
941: . sOrder    - The global variable ordering for the shape functions
942: . sLocOrder - The local variable ordering for the shape functions
943: . tFields   - The test function fields
944: . tOrder    - The global variable ordering for the test functions
945: . tLocOrder - The local variable ordering for the test functions
946: . op        - The operator
947: . alpha     - A scalar multiple for the operator
948: . type      - The matrix assembly type
949: - ctx       - An optional user provided context for the function

951:   Level: intermediate

953: .keywords: grid matrix, evaluate, ALE, operator
954: .seealso: GMatEvaluateSystemMatrix()
955: @*/
956: int GMatEvaluateALEOperatorGalerkin(GMat M, int numFields, int *sFields, VarOrdering sOrder, LocalVarOrdering sLocOrder,
957:                                     int *tFields, VarOrdering tOrder, LocalVarOrdering tLocOrder, int op, PetscScalar alpha,
958:                                     MatAssemblyType type, void *ctx)
959: {
960:   Grid grid;
961:   int  field;
962:   int  ierr;

973:   GMatGetGrid(M, &grid);
975:   for(field = 0; field < numFields; field++)
976:   {
977:     /* Check for valid fields */
978:     if ((sFields[field] < 0) || (sFields[field] > grid->numFields)) {
979:       SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid field number");
980:     }
981:     if ((tFields[field] < 0) || (tFields[field] > grid->numFields)) {
982:       SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid field number");
983:     }
984:     /* Check for valid operator */
985:     if ((op < 0) || (op >= grid->fields[sFields[field]].disc->numOps) || (!grid->fields[sFields[field]].disc->operators[op])) {
986:       SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid operator");
987:     }
988:     if ((grid->fields[sFields[field]].disc->operators[op]->precompInt == PETSC_NULL) &&
989:         (grid->fields[sFields[field]].disc->operators[op]->opFunc     == PETSC_NULL) &&
990:         (grid->fields[sFields[field]].disc->operators[op]->ALEOpFunc  == PETSC_NULL)) {
991:       SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid operator");
992:     }
993:     if (grid->fields[sFields[field]].disc->numQuadPoints != grid->fields[tFields[field]].disc->numQuadPoints) {
994:       SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Incompatible quadrature sets");
995:     }
996:   }
997:   /* Check for compatible orderings */
998:   if ((tOrder->numVars != M->M) || (tOrder->numLocVars != M->m)) {
999:     SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Incompatible test function ordering");
1000:   }
1001:   if ((sOrder->numVars != M->N) || (sOrder->numLocVars != M->n)) {
1002:     SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Incompatible shape function ordering");
1003:   }

1005:   PetscLogEventBegin(GMAT_EvaluateOperatorGalerkin, M, grid, sOrder, tOrder);
1006:   (*grid->ops->gmatevaluatealeoperatorgalerkin)(grid, M, numFields, sFields, sOrder, sLocOrder,
1007:                                                        tFields, tOrder, tLocOrder, op, alpha, type, ctx);
1009:   PetscLogEventEnd(GMAT_EvaluateOperatorGalerkin, M, grid, sOrder, tOrder);
1010:   return(0);
1011: }

1013: #undef  __FUNCT__
1015: /*@
1016:   GMatEvaluateOperatorGalerkin - Evaluates the weak form of an operator over
1017:   a field on the locations defined by the underlying grid and its discretization.

1019:   Collective on GMat

1021:   Input Parameter:
1022: + M         - The grid matrix
1023: . x         - The argument vector
1024: . numFields - The number of fields in sFields and tFields
1025: . sFields   - The shape function fields
1026: . tFields   - The test function fields
1027: . op        - The operator
1028: . alpha     - The scalar multiple for the operator
1029: . type      - The matrix assembly type
1030: - ctx       - [Optional] A user provided context for the function

1032:   Level: intermediate

1034: .keywords: grid matrix, evaluate, operator, galerkin
1035: .seealso: GMatEvaluateOperatorGalerkin(), GMatEvaluateSystemMatrix()
1036: @*/
1037: int GMatEvaluateOperatorGalerkin(GMat M, GVec x, int numFields, int *sFields, int *tFields, int op, PetscScalar alpha,
1038:                                  MatAssemblyType type, void *ctx)
1039: {
1040:   Grid             grid;
1041:   VarOrdering      sOldOrder, tOldOrder;
1042:   VarOrdering      sOrder,    tOrder;
1043:   LocalVarOrdering sLocOrder, tLocOrder;
1044:   VarOrdering      xOrder;
1045:   PetscTruth       compat;
1046:   int              numTotalFields;
1047:   int              f;
1048:   int              ierr;

1055:   GMatGetGrid(M, &grid);
1056:   GMatGetOrder(M, &tOldOrder, &sOldOrder);
1057:   if (x != PETSC_NULL) {
1059:     GVecGetOrder(x, &xOrder);
1060:     VarOrderingCompatible(xOrder, tOldOrder, &compat);
1061:     if (compat == PETSC_FALSE) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Matrix and vector must have compatible maps");
1062:   }
1063:   GridGetNumFields(grid, &numTotalFields);
1064:   for(f = 0; f < numFields; f++) {
1065:     /* Check for valid fields */
1066:     if ((sFields[f] < 0) || (sFields[f] >= numTotalFields)) SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid field number %d", sFields[f]);
1067:     if ((tFields[f] < 0) || (tFields[f] >= numTotalFields)) SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid field number %d", tFields[f]);
1068:     /* Check for valid operator */
1069:     if ((op < 0) || (op >= grid->fields[sFields[f]].disc->numOps) || (!grid->fields[sFields[f]].disc->operators[op])) {
1070:       SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid operator %d", op);
1071:     }
1072:     if ((grid->fields[sFields[f]].disc->operators[op]->precompInt == PETSC_NULL) &&
1073:         (grid->fields[sFields[f]].disc->operators[op]->opFunc     == PETSC_NULL) &&
1074:         (grid->fields[sFields[f]].disc->operators[op]->ALEOpFunc  == PETSC_NULL)) {
1075:       SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid operator %d", op);
1076:     }
1077:     if (grid->fields[sFields[f]].disc->numQuadPoints != grid->fields[tFields[f]].disc->numQuadPoints) {
1078:       SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Incompatible quadrature sets");
1079:     }
1080:   }
1081:   /* Create orderings */
1082:   VarOrderingCreateSubset(sOldOrder, numFields, sFields, PETSC_FALSE, &sOrder);
1083:   LocalVarOrderingCreate(grid, numFields, sFields, &sLocOrder);
1084:   VarOrderingCreateSubset(tOldOrder, numFields, tFields, PETSC_FALSE, &tOrder);
1085:   LocalVarOrderingCreate(grid, numFields, tFields, &tLocOrder);
1086:   /* Check for compatible orderings */
1087:   if ((tOrder->numVars != M->M) || (tOrder->numLocVars != M->m)) {
1088:     SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Incompatible test function ordering");
1089:   }
1090:   if ((sOrder->numVars != M->N) || (sOrder->numLocVars != M->n)) {
1091:     SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Incompatible shape function ordering");
1092:   }
1093:   /* Calculate operator */
1094:   PetscLogEventBegin(GMAT_EvaluateOperatorGalerkin, M, grid, sOrder, tOrder);
1095:   (*grid->ops->gmatevaluateoperatorgalerkin)(grid, M, x, sOrder, sLocOrder, tOrder, tLocOrder, op, alpha, type, ctx);
1097:   PetscLogEventEnd(GMAT_EvaluateOperatorGalerkin, M, grid, sOrder, tOrder);
1098:   /* Destroy orderings */
1099:   VarOrderingDestroy(sOrder);
1100:   LocalVarOrderingDestroy(sLocOrder);
1101:   VarOrderingDestroy(tOrder);
1102:   LocalVarOrderingDestroy(tLocOrder);
1103:   return(0);
1104: }

1106: #undef  __FUNCT__
1108: /*@
1109:   GMatEvaluateALEConstrainedOperatorGalerkin - Evaluates the weak form of an operator over
1110:   a field on the locations defined by the underlying grid and its discretization. The
1111:   constrained variable space is used for the shape and test functions.

1113:   Collective on GMat

1115:   Input Parameters:
1116: + M         - The grid matrix
1117: . numFields - The number of fields in sFields and tFields
1118: . sFields   - The shape function fields
1119: . sOrder    - The global variable ordering for the shape functions
1120: . sLocOrder - The local variable ordering for the shape functions
1121: . tFields   - The test function fields
1122: . tOrder    - The global variable ordering for the test functions
1123: . tLocOrder - The local variable ordering for the test functions
1124: . op        - The operator
1125: . alpha     - A scalar multiple for the operator
1126: . type      - The matrix assembly type
1127: - ctx       - An optional user provided context for the function

1129:   Level: intermediate

1131: .keywords: grid matrix, evaluate, ALE, operator, constraint
1132: .seealso: GMatEvaluateALEOperatorGalerkin(), GMatEvaluateSystemMatrix()
1133: @*/
1134: int GMatEvaluateALEConstrainedOperatorGalerkin(GMat M, int numFields, int *sFields, VarOrdering sOrder, LocalVarOrdering sLocOrder,
1135:                                                int *tFields, VarOrdering tOrder, LocalVarOrdering tLocOrder, int op, PetscScalar alpha,
1136:                                                MatAssemblyType type, void *ctx)
1137: {
1138:   Grid grid;
1139:   int  field;
1140:   int  ierr;

1151:   GMatGetGrid(M, &grid);
1153:   if (grid->isConstrained == PETSC_FALSE) {
1154:     GMatEvaluateALEOperatorGalerkin(M, numFields, sFields, sOrder, sLocOrder, tFields, tOrder, tLocOrder, op, alpha, type, ctx);
1156:     return(0);
1157:   }
1158:   for(field = 0; field < numFields; field++) {
1159:     /* Check for valid fields */
1160:     if ((sFields[field] < 0) || (sFields[field] > grid->numFields)) {
1161:       SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid field number");
1162:     }
1163:     if ((tFields[field] < 0) || (tFields[field] > grid->numFields)) {
1164:       SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid field number");
1165:     }
1166:     /* Check for valid operator */
1167:     if ((op < 0) || (op >= grid->fields[sFields[field]].disc->numOps) || (!grid->fields[sFields[field]].disc->operators[op])) {
1168:       SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid operator");
1169:     }
1170:     if ((grid->fields[sFields[field]].disc->operators[op]->precompInt == PETSC_NULL) &&
1171:         (grid->fields[sFields[field]].disc->operators[op]->opFunc     == PETSC_NULL) &&
1172:         (grid->fields[sFields[field]].disc->operators[op]->ALEOpFunc  == PETSC_NULL)) {
1173:       SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid operator");
1174:     }
1175:     if (grid->fields[sFields[field]].disc->numQuadPoints != grid->fields[tFields[field]].disc->numQuadPoints) {
1176:       SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Incompatible quadrature sets");
1177:     }
1178:   }
1179:   /* Check for compatible orderings */
1180:   if ((tOrder->numVars != M->M) || (tOrder->numLocVars != M->m)) {
1181:     SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Incompatible test function ordering");
1182:   }
1183:   if ((sOrder->numVars != M->N) || (sOrder->numLocVars != M->n)) {
1184:     SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Incompatible shape function ordering");
1185:   }

1187:   (*grid->ops->gmatevaluatealeconstrainedoperatorgalerkin)(grid, M, numFields, sFields, sOrder, sLocOrder,
1188:                                                                   tFields, tOrder, tLocOrder, op, alpha, type, ctx);
1190:   return(0);
1191: }

1193: #undef  __FUNCT__
1195: /*@
1196:   GMatEvaluateBoundaryOperatorGalerkin - Evaluates the weak form of an operator over
1197:   a field on the locations defined by the boundary of the underlying grid and its
1198:   discretization. The test function are defined on the entire grid, but the only nonzeros
1199:   come from functions with support on the boundary.

1201:   Input Parameter:
1202: . M      - The grid matrix
1203: . numFields - The number of fields in sFields and tFields
1204: . sFields   - The shape function fields
1205: . sOrder    - The global variable ordering for the shape functions 
1206: . sLocOrder - The local variable ordering for the shape functions 
1207: . tFields   - The test function fields
1208: . tOrder    - The global variable ordering for the test functions 
1209: . tLocOrder - The local variable ordering for the test functions 
1210: . op        - The operator
1211: . alpha     - A scalar multiple for the operator
1212: . type      - The matrix assembly type
1213: . ctx       - An optional user provided context for the function

1215:   Level: intermediate

1217: .seealso: GMatEvaluateOperatorGalerkin, GMatEvaluateSystemMatrix
1218: @*/
1219: int GMatEvaluateBoundaryOperatorGalerkin(GMat M, int numFields, int *sFields, VarOrdering sOrder, LocalVarOrdering sLocOrder,
1220:                                          int *tFields, VarOrdering tOrder, LocalVarOrdering tLocOrder, int op, PetscScalar alpha,
1221:                                          MatAssemblyType type, void *ctx)
1222: {
1223:   Grid grid;
1224:   int  numTotalFields;
1225:   int  f;
1226:   int  ierr;

1237:   GMatGetGrid(M, &grid);
1238:   GridGetNumFields(grid, &numTotalFields);
1239:   for(f = 0; f < numFields; f++) {
1240:     /* Check for valid fields */
1241:     if ((sFields[f] < 0) || (sFields[f] >= numTotalFields)) SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid field number %d", sFields[f]);
1242:     if ((tFields[f] < 0) || (tFields[f] >= numTotalFields)) SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid field number %d", tFields[f]);
1243:     /* Check for valid operator */
1244:     if ((op < 0) || (op >= grid->fields[sFields[f]].disc->numOps) || (!grid->fields[sFields[f]].disc->operators[op])) {
1245:       SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid operator %d", op);
1246:     }
1247:     if ((grid->fields[sFields[f]].disc->operators[op]->precompInt == PETSC_NULL) &&
1248:         (grid->fields[sFields[f]].disc->operators[op]->opFunc     == PETSC_NULL) &&
1249:         (grid->fields[sFields[f]].disc->operators[op]->ALEOpFunc  == PETSC_NULL)) {
1250:       SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid operator %d", op);
1251:     }
1252:     if (grid->fields[sFields[f]].disc->numQuadPoints != grid->fields[tFields[f]].disc->numQuadPoints) {
1253:       SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Incompatible quadrature sets");
1254:     }
1255:   }
1256:   /* Check for compatible orderings */
1257:   if ((tOrder->numVars != M->M) || (tOrder->numLocVars != M->m)) {
1258:     SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Incompatible test function ordering");
1259:   }
1260:   if ((sOrder->numVars != M->N) || (sOrder->numLocVars != M->n)) {
1261:     SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "Incompatible shape function ordering");
1262:   }

1264:   (*grid->ops->gmatevaluateboundaryoperatorgalerkin)(grid, M, PETSC_NULL, sOrder, sLocOrder, tOrder, tLocOrder,
1265:                                                             op, alpha, type, ctx);
1267:   return(0);
1268: }

1270: #undef  __FUNCT__
1272: /*@
1273:   GMatEvaluateNewFields - Evaluates the weak form of the system operators over
1274:   the new fields introduced by constraints. These fields are generally not
1275:   discretized using the computational mesh.

1277:   Collective on GMat

1279:   Input Parameters:
1280: + M     - The grid matrix
1281: - type  - The matrix assembly type

1283:   Level: intermediate

1285: .keywords grid matrix, evaluate, new field
1286: .seealso: GMatEvaluateOperatorGalerkin()
1287: @*/
1288: int GMatEvaluateNewFields(GMat M, int numFields, int *sFields, VarOrdering sOrder, LocalVarOrdering sLocOrder,
1289:                           int *tFields, VarOrdering tOrder, LocalVarOrdering tLocOrder, PetscScalar alpha, MatAssemblyType type)
1290: {
1291:   Grid grid;
1292:   int  ierr;

1296:   GMatGetGrid(M, &grid);
1304:   if (numFields != 1) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Only one constrained field allowed currently");
1305:   if (sFields[0] != tFields[0]) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Must form with constrained field currently");
1306:   if (grid->fields[sFields[0]].isConstrained == PETSC_FALSE) {
1307:     SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Only valid with constrained field currently");
1308:   }
1309: #if 0
1310:   PetscLogEventBegin(GMAT_EvaluateSystemMatrix, M, grid, 0, 0);
1311:   GMatEvaluateNewFields_Triangular_2D(grid, M, numFields, sFields, sOrder, sLocOrder, tFields,
1312:                                              tOrder, tLocOrder, alpha, type, grid->constraintCtx);
1314:   PetscLogEventEnd(GMAT_EvaluateSystemMatrix, M, grid, 0, 0);
1315:   return(0);
1316: #else
1317:   SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Coming soon");
1318: #endif
1319: }

1321: #undef __FUNCT__  
1323: /*@
1324:   GMatMatMultConstrained - This function applies P^T A P to a vector,
1325:   where P is the constraint matrix for the grid.

1327:   Input Parameters:
1328: . A - The grid matrix
1329: . x - The input grid vector

1331:   Output Parameter:
1332: . y - The output grid vector P^T A P x

1334:   Level: intermediate

1336: .seealso: GMatEvaluateOperatorGalerkin
1337: @*/
1338: int GMatMatMultConstrained(GMat mat, GVec x, GVec y)
1339: {
1340:   Grid                  grid;
1341:   Mat                   P;
1342:   PetscConstraintObject ctx;
1343:   GTSContext            GTSctx;
1344:   int                   ierr;

1350:   GMatGetGrid(mat, &grid);
1352:   GridGetConstraintMatrix(grid, &P);
1353:   GridGetConstraintContext(grid, &ctx);
1354:   PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject) ctx, "GTSContext", (PetscObject *) &GTSctx);
1355:   PetscLogEventBegin(GMAT_MatMultConstrained, mat, x, y, 0);
1356:   /* End the current MatMult() timing */
1357:   PetscLogEventEnd(MAT_Mult, mat, x, y, 0);
1358:   MatMult(P, x, GTSctx->work[0]);
1359:   /* Time the multiply with the unconstrained matrix */
1360:   PetscLogEventBegin(MAT_Mult, mat, GTSctx->work[0], GTSctx->work[1], 0);
1361:   MatMultConstrained(mat, GTSctx->work[0], GTSctx->work[1]);
1362:   PetscLogEventEnd(MAT_Mult, mat, GTSctx->work[0], GTSctx->work[1], 0);
1363:   MatMultTranspose(P, GTSctx->work[1], y);
1364:   /* Add in new fields */
1365:   (*grid->constraintCtx->ops->applyjac)(grid, x, y);
1366:   /* Restart the current MatMult() timing */
1367:   PetscLogEventBegin(MAT_Mult, mat, x, y, 0);
1368:   PetscLogEventEnd(GMAT_MatMultConstrained, mat, x, y, 0);
1369:   return(0);
1370: }

1372: #undef __FUNCT__  
1374: /*@
1375:   GMatMatMultMF - This function applies the operator matrix-free to the vector.

1377:   Input Parameters:
1378: + A - The grid matrix
1379: - x - The input grid vector

1381:   Output Parameter:
1382: . y - The output grid vector A x

1384:   Level: intermediate

1386: .seealso: GMatMatMultMFConstrained
1387: @*/
1388: int GMatMatMultMF(GMat mat, GVec x, GVec y)
1389: {
1390:   PetscScalar zero = 0.0;
1391:   Grid        grid;
1392:   int         ierr;

1398:   GMatGetGrid(mat, &grid);
1400:   VecSet(&zero, y);
1401:   GVecEvaluateJacobian(y, grid->matrixFreeArg, x, grid->matrixFreeContext);
1402:   return(0);
1403: }

1405: #undef __FUNCT__  
1407: /*@
1408:   GMatMatMultTransposeConstrained - This function applies P^T A^T P to a vector,
1409:   where P is the constraint matrix for the grid.

1411:   Input Parameters:
1412: . A - The grid matrix
1413: . x - The input grid vector

1415:   Output Parameter:
1416: . y - The output grid vector P^T A^T P x

1418:   Level: intermediate

1420: .seealso: GMatEvaluateOperatorGalerkin
1421: @*/
1422: int GMatMatMultTransposeConstrained(GMat mat, GVec x, GVec y)
1423: {
1424:   Grid                  grid;
1425:   Mat                   P;
1426:   PetscConstraintObject ctx;
1427:   GTSContext            GTSctx;
1428:   int                   ierr;

1434:   GMatGetGrid(mat, &grid);
1436:   GridGetConstraintMatrix(grid, &P);
1437:   GridGetConstraintContext(grid, &ctx);
1438:   PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject) ctx, "GTSContext", (PetscObject *) &GTSctx);
1439:   PetscLogEventBegin(GMAT_MatMultTransposeConstrained, mat, x, y, 0);
1440:   /* End the current MatMult() timing */
1441:   PetscLogEventEnd(MAT_MultTranspose, mat, x, y, 0);
1442:   MatMult(P, x, GTSctx->work[0]);
1443:   /* Time the multiply with the unconstrained matrix */
1444:   PetscLogEventBegin(MAT_MultTranspose, mat, GTSctx->work[0], GTSctx->work[1], 0);
1445:   MatMultTransposeConstrained(mat, GTSctx->work[0], GTSctx->work[1]);
1446:   PetscLogEventEnd(MAT_MultTranspose, mat, GTSctx->work[0], GTSctx->work[1], 0);
1447:   MatMultTranspose(P, GTSctx->work[1], y);
1448:   /* Add in new fields */
1449:   (*grid->constraintCtx->ops->applyjac)(grid, x, y);
1450:   /* Restart the current MatMult() timing */
1451:   PetscLogEventBegin(MAT_MultTranspose, mat, x, y, 0);
1452:   PetscLogEventEnd(GMAT_MatMultTransposeConstrained, mat, x, y, 0);
1453:   return(0);
1454: }

1456: #undef  __FUNCT__
1458: /*@
1459:   GMatSetBoundary - Applies the specified Dirichlet boundary conditions to this matrix.

1461:   Input Parameter:
1462: . M    - The grid matrix
1463: . diag - The scalar to place on the diagonal
1464: . ctx  - An optional user provided context for the function

1466:   Level: intermediate

1468: .seealso: GridSetBC(), GridAddBC()
1469: @*/
1470: int GMatSetBoundary(GMat M, PetscScalar diag, void *ctx)
1471: {
1472:   Grid grid;
1473:   int  bc;
1474:   int  num;
1475:   int *bd;
1476:   int *field;
1477:   int  ierr;

1481:   GMatGetGrid(M, &grid);
1483:   PetscLogEventBegin(GMAT_SetBoundary, M, grid, 0, 0);
1484:   for(bc = 0, num = 0; bc < grid->numBC; bc++) {
1485:     if (grid->bc[bc].reduce == PETSC_FALSE) num++;
1486:   }
1487:   if (num > 0) {
1488:     PetscMalloc(num * sizeof(int), &bd);
1489:     PetscMalloc(num * sizeof(int), &field);
1490:     for(bc = 0, num = 0; bc < grid->numBC; bc++) {
1491:       if (grid->bc[bc].reduce == PETSC_FALSE) {
1492:         bd[num]      = grid->bc[bc].boundary;
1493:         field[num++] = grid->bc[bc].field;
1494:       }
1495:     }
1496:     GridSetMatBoundaryRectangular(num, bd, field, diag, grid->order, M, ctx);
1497:     PetscFree(bd);
1498:     PetscFree(field);
1499:   }
1500:   for(bc = 0; bc < grid->numPointBC; bc++) {
1501:     if (grid->pointBC[bc].reduce == PETSC_FALSE) {
1502:       GridSetMatPointBoundary(grid->pointBC[bc].node, grid->pointBC[bc].field, diag, M, ctx);
1503:     }
1504:   }
1505:   PetscLogEventEnd(GMAT_SetBoundary, M, grid, 0, 0);
1506:   return(0);
1507: }

1509: #undef  __FUNCT__
1511: /*@
1512:    GMatCreate - Creates a sparse matrix with the appropriate preallocation
1513:    of nonzeros for a discretization of an operator on the grid.

1515:    Input Parameter:
1516: .  grid - The grid 

1518:    Output Parameters:
1519: .  gmat - The discrete operator

1521:   Level: beginner

1523: .seealso: GVecCreate()
1524: @*/
1525: int GMatCreate(Grid grid, GMat *gmat)
1526: {

1532:   GMatCreateRectangular(grid, grid->order, grid->order, gmat);
1533:   return(0);
1534: }

1536: #undef  __FUNCT__
1538: /*@
1539:   GMatCreateRectangular - Creates a sparse matrix with the appropriate preallocation
1540:   of nonzeros for a discretization of an operator on the grid. A different
1541:   set of fields may be speicifed for the shape and test discretizations.

1543:   Input Parameter:
1544: . grid   - The grid 
1545: . sOrder - The shape function ordering
1546: . tOrder - The test function ordering

1548:   Output Parameters:
1549: . gmat   - The discrete operator

1551:   Level: beginner

1553: .seealso: GMatCreate()
1554: @*/
1555: int GMatCreateRectangular(Grid grid, VarOrdering sOrder, VarOrdering tOrder, GMat *gmat)
1556: {
1557:   VarOrdering shapeOrder = sOrder;
1558:   VarOrdering testOrder  = tOrder;
1559:   int         ierr;

1564:   GridSetUp(grid);

1566:   if (shapeOrder == PETSC_NULL) shapeOrder = grid->order;
1567:   if (testOrder  == PETSC_NULL) testOrder  = grid->order;

1571:   PetscLogEventBegin(GMAT_CreateRectangular, grid, shapeOrder, testOrder, 0);
1572:   (*grid->ops->gridcreategmat)(grid, shapeOrder, testOrder, PETSC_FALSE, gmat);
1573:   PetscLogEventEnd(GMAT_CreateRectangular, grid, shapeOrder, testOrder, 0);
1574:   PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject) *gmat, "RowOrder", (PetscObject) tOrder);
1575:   PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject) *gmat, "ColOrder", (PetscObject) sOrder);
1576:   return(0);
1577: }

1579: #undef  __FUNCT__
1581: int GMatDummy0(GMat mat) {
1583:   return(0);
1584: }

1586: #undef  __FUNCT__
1588: /*@
1589:   GMatCreateMF - Creates a matrix-free operator. A different
1590:   set of fields may be speicifed for the shape and test discretizations.

1592:   Input Parameter:
1593: . grid   - The grid 
1594: . sOrder - The shape function ordering
1595: . tOrder - The test function ordering

1597:   Output Parameters:
1598: . gmat   - The discrete operator

1600:   Level: beginner

1602: .seealso: GMatCreateRectangular()
1603: @*/
1604: int GMatCreateMF(Grid grid, VarOrdering sOrder, VarOrdering tOrder, GMat *gmat)
1605: {
1606:   VarOrdering shapeOrder = sOrder;
1607:   VarOrdering testOrder  = tOrder;
1608:   int         ierr;

1611:   if (shapeOrder == PETSC_NULL) shapeOrder = grid->order;
1612:   if (testOrder  == PETSC_NULL) testOrder  = grid->order;

1618:   GridSetUp(grid);
1619:   PetscLogEventBegin(GMAT_CreateRectangular, grid, shapeOrder, testOrder, 0);
1620:   MatCreateShell(grid->comm, tOrder->numLocVars, sOrder->numLocVars, tOrder->numVars, sOrder->numVars, grid, gmat);
1622:   if (grid->isConstrained == PETSC_TRUE) {
1623:     if (grid->explicitConstraints == PETSC_FALSE) {
1624:       MatShellSetOperation(*gmat, MATOP_MULT,             (void (*)(void)) GMatMatMultConstrained);
1625:       MatShellSetOperation(*gmat, MATOP_MULT_CONSTRAINED, (void (*)(void)) GMatMatMultMF);
1626:     } else {
1627:       MatShellSetOperation(*gmat, MATOP_MULT,             (void (*)(void)) GMatMatMultMF);
1628:     }
1629:   } else {
1630:     MatShellSetOperation(*gmat, MATOP_MULT,               (void (*)(void)) GMatMatMultMF);
1631:   }
1632:   MatShellSetOperation(*gmat, MATOP_ZERO_ENTRIES,         (void (*)(void)) GMatDummy0);
1633:   MatShellSetOperation(*gmat, MATOP_GET_DIAGONAL,         (void (*)(void)) GMatGetDiagonalMF);
1634:   PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject) *gmat, "Grid", (PetscObject) grid);
1635:   MatSetOption(*gmat, MAT_NEW_NONZERO_ALLOCATION_ERR);
1636:   PetscLogEventEnd(GMAT_CreateRectangular, grid, shapeOrder, testOrder, 0);
1637:   PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject) *gmat, "RowOrder", (PetscObject) tOrder);
1638:   PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject) *gmat, "ColOrder", (PetscObject) sOrder);
1639:   return(0);
1640: }

1642: #undef  __FUNCT__
1644: /*@
1645:   GMatCreateBoundaryRestriction - Creates a sparse matrix with the
1646:   appropriate preallocation of nonzeros for a discretization of an
1647:   operator on the boundary of the grid.

1649:   Collective on Grid

1651:   Input Parameter:
1652: . grid - The grid 

1654:   Output Parameter:
1655: . gmat - The grid matrix

1657:   Level: beginner

1659: .keywords: grid matrix, boundary, create
1660: .seealso: GMatCreate(), GVecCreate()
1661: @*/
1662: int GMatCreateBoundaryRestriction(Grid grid, GMat *gmat)
1663: {

1669:   GridSetUp(grid);
1670:   GridSetupBoundary(grid);
1671:   (*grid->ops->gridcreategmat)(grid, grid->bdOrder, grid->order, PETSC_TRUE, gmat);
1672:   PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject) *gmat, "RowOrder", (PetscObject) grid->order);
1673:   PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject) *gmat, "ColOrder", (PetscObject) grid->bdOrder);
1674:   return(0);
1675: }