
Evaluates the weak form of an operator over a field on the locations defined by the underlying grid and its discretization.


#include "gvec.h" 
int GMatEvaluateOperatorGalerkin(GMat M, GVec x, int numFields, int *sFields, int *tFields, int op, PetscScalar alpha,
                                 MatAssemblyType type, void *ctx)
Collective on GMat

Input Parameter

M - The grid matrix
x - The argument vector
numFields - The number of fields in sFields and tFields
sFields - The shape function fields
tFields - The test function fields
op - The operator
alpha - The scalar multiple for the operator
type - The matrix assembly type
ctx - [Optional] A user provided context for the function


grid matrix, evaluate, operator, galerkin

See Also

GMatEvaluateOperatorGalerkin(), GMatEvaluateSystemMatrix()

Index of all GVec routines
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