Actual source code: mpidense.h

  1: /* $Id: mpidense.h,v 1.18 2001/08/07 03:02:46 balay Exp $ */

 3:  #include src/mat/impls/dense/seq/dense.h

  5:   /*  Data stuctures for basic parallel dense matrix  */

  7: /* Structure to hold the information for factorization of a dense matrix */
  8: /* Most of this info is used in the pipe send/recv routines */
  9: typedef struct {
 10:   int    nlnr;        /* number of local rows downstream */
 11:   int    nrend;       /* rend for downstream processor */
 12:   int    nbr,pnbr;   /* Down and upstream neighbors */
 13:   int    *tag;        /* message tags */
 14:   int    currow;      /* current row number */
 15:   int    phase;       /* phase (used to indicate tag) */
 16:   int    up;          /* Are we moving up or down in row number? */
 17:   int    use_bcast;   /* Are we broadcasting max length? */
 18:   int    nsend;       /* number of sends */
 19:   int    nrecv;       /* number of receives */

 21:   /* data initially in matrix context */
 22:   int    k;           /* Blocking factor (unused as yet) */
 23:   int    k2;          /* Blocking factor for solves */
 24:   PetscScalar *temp;
 25:   int    nlptr;
 26:   int    *lrows;
 27:   int    *nlrows;
 28:   int    *pivots;
 29: } FactorCtx;

 31: #define PIPEPHASE (ctx->phase == 0)

 33: typedef struct {
 34:   int           *rowners,*cowners;     /* ranges owned by each processor */
 35:                                         /* note n == N */
 36:   int           nvec;                   /* this is the n size for the vector one multiplies with */
 37:   int           rstart,rend;           /* starting and ending owned rows */
 38:   Mat           A;                      /* local submatrix */
 39:   int           size;                   /* size of communicator */
 40:   int           rank;                   /* rank of proc in communicator */
 41:   /* The following variables are used for matrix assembly */
 42:   PetscTruth    donotstash;             /* Flag indicationg if values should be stashed */
 43:   MPI_Request   *send_waits;            /* array of send requests */
 44:   MPI_Request   *recv_waits;            /* array of receive requests */
 45:   int           nsends,nrecvs;         /* numbers of sends and receives */
 46:   PetscScalar   *svalues,*rvalues;     /* sending and receiving data */
 47:   int           rmax;                   /* maximum message length */

 49:   /* The following variables are used for matrix-vector products */

 51:   Vec           lvec;                   /* local vector */
 52:   VecScatter    Mvctx;                  /* scatter context for vector */

 54:   PetscTruth    roworiented;            /* if true, row oriented input (default) */
 55:   FactorCtx     *factor;                /* factorization context */
 56: } Mat_MPIDense;