Actual source code: snes.c
1: /*$Id: snes.c,v 1.235 2001/08/21 21:03:49 bsmith Exp $*/
3: #include src/snes/snesimpl.h
5: PetscTruth SNESRegisterAllCalled = PETSC_FALSE;
6: PetscFList SNESList = PETSC_NULL;
8: /* Logging support */
10: int SNES_Solve, SNES_LineSearch, SNES_FunctionEval, SNES_JacobianEval;
12: #undef __FUNCT__
14: /*@C
15: SNESView - Prints the SNES data structure.
17: Collective on SNES
19: Input Parameters:
20: + SNES - the SNES context
21: - viewer - visualization context
23: Options Database Key:
24: . -snes_view - Calls SNESView() at end of SNESSolve()
26: Notes:
27: The available visualization contexts include
28: + PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_SELF - standard output (default)
29: - PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD - synchronized standard
30: output where only the first processor opens
31: the file. All other processors send their
32: data to the first processor to print.
34: The user can open an alternative visualization context with
35: PetscViewerASCIIOpen() - output to a specified file.
37: Level: beginner
39: .keywords: SNES, view
41: .seealso: PetscViewerASCIIOpen()
42: @*/
43: int SNESView(SNES snes,PetscViewer viewer)
44: {
45: SNES_KSP_EW_ConvCtx *kctx;
46: int ierr;
47: SLES sles;
48: char *type;
49: PetscTruth isascii,isstring;
53: if (!viewer) viewer = PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_(snes->comm);
57: PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII,&isascii);
58: PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSC_VIEWER_STRING,&isstring);
59: if (isascii) {
60: if (snes->prefix) {
61: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"SNES Object:(%s)n",snes->prefix);
62: } else {
63: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"SNES Object:n");
64: }
65: SNESGetType(snes,&type);
66: if (type) {
67: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," type: %sn",type);
68: } else {
69: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," type: not set yetn");
70: }
71: if (snes->view) {
72: PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer);
73: (*snes->view)(snes,viewer);
74: PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer);
75: }
76: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," maximum iterations=%d, maximum function evaluations=%dn",snes->max_its,snes->max_funcs);
77: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," tolerances: relative=%g, absolute=%g, solution=%gn",
78: snes->rtol,snes->atol,snes->xtol);
79: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," total number of linear solver iterations=%dn",snes->linear_its);
80: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," total number of function evaluations=%dn",snes->nfuncs);
81: if (snes->ksp_ewconv) {
82: kctx = (SNES_KSP_EW_ConvCtx *)snes->kspconvctx;
83: if (kctx) {
84: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," Eisenstat-Walker computation of KSP relative tolerance (version %d)n",kctx->version);
85: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," rtol_0=%g, rtol_max=%g, threshold=%gn",kctx->rtol_0,kctx->rtol_max,kctx->threshold);
86: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," gamma=%g, alpha=%g, alpha2=%gn",kctx->gamma,kctx->alpha,kctx->alpha2);
87: }
88: }
89: } else if (isstring) {
90: SNESGetType(snes,&type);
91: PetscViewerStringSPrintf(viewer," %-3.3s",type);
92: }
93: SNESGetSLES(snes,&sles);
94: PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer);
95: SLESView(sles,viewer);
96: PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer);
97: return(0);
98: }
100: /*
101: We retain a list of functions that also take SNES command
102: line options. These are called at the end SNESSetFromOptions()
103: */
105: static int numberofsetfromoptions;
106: static int (*othersetfromoptions[MAXSETFROMOPTIONS])(SNES);
108: #undef __FUNCT__
110: /*@
111: SNESAddOptionsChecker - Adds an additional function to check for SNES options.
113: Not Collective
115: Input Parameter:
116: . snescheck - function that checks for options
118: Level: developer
120: .seealso: SNESSetFromOptions()
121: @*/
122: int SNESAddOptionsChecker(int (*snescheck)(SNES))
123: {
125: if (numberofsetfromoptions >= MAXSETFROMOPTIONS) {
126: SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Too many options checkers, only %d allowed", MAXSETFROMOPTIONS);
127: }
129: othersetfromoptions[numberofsetfromoptions++] = snescheck;
130: return(0);
131: }
133: #undef __FUNCT__
135: /*@
136: SNESSetFromOptions - Sets various SNES and SLES parameters from user options.
138: Collective on SNES
140: Input Parameter:
141: . snes - the SNES context
143: Options Database Keys:
144: + -snes_type <type> - ls, tr, umls, umtr, test
145: . -snes_stol - convergence tolerance in terms of the norm
146: of the change in the solution between steps
147: . -snes_atol <atol> - absolute tolerance of residual norm
148: . -snes_rtol <rtol> - relative decrease in tolerance norm from initial
149: . -snes_max_it <max_it> - maximum number of iterations
150: . -snes_max_funcs <max_funcs> - maximum number of function evaluations
151: . -snes_max_fail <max_fail> - maximum number of failures
152: . -snes_trtol <trtol> - trust region tolerance
153: . -snes_no_convergence_test - skip convergence test in nonlinear or minimization
154: solver; hence iterations will continue until max_it
155: or some other criterion is reached. Saves expense
156: of convergence test
157: . -snes_monitor - prints residual norm at each iteration
158: . -snes_vecmonitor - plots solution at each iteration
159: . -snes_vecmonitor_update - plots update to solution at each iteration
160: . -snes_xmonitor - plots residual norm at each iteration
161: . -snes_fd - use finite differences to compute Jacobian; very slow, only for testing
162: - -snes_mf_ksp_monitor - if using matrix-free multiply then print h at each KSP iteration
164: Options Database for Eisenstat-Walker method:
165: + -snes_ksp_ew_conv - use Eisenstat-Walker method for determining linear system convergence
166: . -snes_ksp_ew_version ver - version of Eisenstat-Walker method
167: . -snes_ksp_ew_rtol0 <rtol0> - Sets rtol0
168: . -snes_ksp_ew_rtolmax <rtolmax> - Sets rtolmax
169: . -snes_ksp_ew_gamma <gamma> - Sets gamma
170: . -snes_ksp_ew_alpha <alpha> - Sets alpha
171: . -snes_ksp_ew_alpha2 <alpha2> - Sets alpha2
172: - -snes_ksp_ew_threshold <threshold> - Sets threshold
174: Notes:
175: To see all options, run your program with the -help option or consult
176: the users manual.
178: Level: beginner
180: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, set, options, database
182: .seealso: SNESSetOptionsPrefix()
183: @*/
184: int SNESSetFromOptions(SNES snes)
185: {
186: SLES sles;
187: SNES_KSP_EW_ConvCtx *kctx = (SNES_KSP_EW_ConvCtx *)snes->kspconvctx;
188: PetscTruth flg;
189: int ierr, i;
190: char *deft,type[256];
195: PetscOptionsBegin(snes->comm,snes->prefix,"Nonlinear solver (SNES) options","SNES");
196: if (snes->type_name) {
197: deft = snes->type_name;
198: } else {
199: deft = SNESLS;
200: }
202: if (!SNESRegisterAllCalled) {SNESRegisterAll(PETSC_NULL);}
203: PetscOptionsList("-snes_type","Nonlinear solver method","SNESSetType",SNESList,deft,type,256,&flg);
204: if (flg) {
205: SNESSetType(snes,type);
206: } else if (!snes->type_name) {
207: SNESSetType(snes,deft);
208: }
209: PetscOptionsName("-snes_view","Print detailed information on solver used","SNESView",0);
211: PetscOptionsReal("-snes_stol","Stop if step length less then","SNESSetTolerances",snes->xtol,&snes->xtol,0);
212: PetscOptionsReal("-snes_atol","Stop if function norm less then","SNESSetTolerances",snes->atol,&snes->atol,0);
214: PetscOptionsReal("-snes_rtol","Stop if decrease in function norm less then","SNESSetTolerances",snes->rtol,&snes->rtol,0);
215: PetscOptionsInt("-snes_max_it","Maximum iterations","SNESSetTolerances",snes->max_its,&snes->max_its,PETSC_NULL);
216: PetscOptionsInt("-snes_max_funcs","Maximum function evaluations","SNESSetTolerances",snes->max_funcs,&snes->max_funcs,PETSC_NULL);
217: PetscOptionsInt("-snes_max_fail","Maximum failures","SNESSetTolerances",snes->maxFailures,&snes->maxFailures,PETSC_NULL);
219: PetscOptionsName("-snes_ksp_ew_conv","Use Eisentat-Walker linear system convergence test","SNES_KSP_SetParametersEW",&snes->ksp_ewconv);
221: PetscOptionsInt("-snes_ksp_ew_version","Version 1 or 2","SNES_KSP_SetParametersEW",kctx->version,&kctx->version,0);
222: PetscOptionsReal("-snes_ksp_ew_rtol0","0 <= rtol0 < 1","SNES_KSP_SetParametersEW",kctx->rtol_0,&kctx->rtol_0,0);
223: PetscOptionsReal("-snes_ksp_ew_rtolmax","0 <= rtolmax < 1","SNES_KSP_SetParametersEW",kctx->rtol_max,&kctx->rtol_max,0);
224: PetscOptionsReal("-snes_ksp_ew_gamma","0 <= gamma <= 1","SNES_KSP_SetParametersEW",kctx->gamma,&kctx->gamma,0);
225: PetscOptionsReal("-snes_ksp_ew_alpha","1 < alpha <= 2","SNES_KSP_SetParametersEW",kctx->alpha,&kctx->alpha,0);
226: PetscOptionsReal("-snes_ksp_ew_alpha2","alpha2","SNES_KSP_SetParametersEW",kctx->alpha2,&kctx->alpha2,0);
227: PetscOptionsReal("-snes_ksp_ew_threshold","0 < threshold < 1","SNES_KSP_SetParametersEW",kctx->threshold,&kctx->threshold,0);
229: PetscOptionsName("-snes_no_convergence_test","Don't test for convergence","None",&flg);
230: if (flg) {snes->converged = 0;}
231: PetscOptionsName("-snes_cancelmonitors","Remove all monitors","SNESClearMonitor",&flg);
232: if (flg) {SNESClearMonitor(snes);}
233: PetscOptionsName("-snes_monitor","Monitor norm of function","SNESDefaultMonitor",&flg);
234: if (flg) {SNESSetMonitor(snes,SNESDefaultMonitor,0,0);}
235: PetscOptionsName("-snes_ratiomonitor","Monitor norm of function","SNESSetRatioMonitor",&flg);
236: if (flg) {SNESSetRatioMonitor(snes);}
237: PetscOptionsName("-snes_smonitor","Monitor norm of function (fewer digits)","SNESDefaultSMonitor",&flg);
238: if (flg) {SNESSetMonitor(snes,SNESDefaultSMonitor,0,0);}
239: PetscOptionsName("-snes_vecmonitor","Plot solution at each iteration","SNESVecViewMonitor",&flg);
240: if (flg) {SNESSetMonitor(snes,SNESVecViewMonitor,0,0);}
241: PetscOptionsName("-snes_vecmonitor_update","Plot correction at each iteration","SNESVecViewUpdateMonitor",&flg);
242: if (flg) {SNESSetMonitor(snes,SNESVecViewUpdateMonitor,0,0);}
243: PetscOptionsName("-snes_vecmonitor_residual","Plot residual at each iteration","SNESVecViewResidualMonitor",&flg);
244: if (flg) {SNESSetMonitor(snes,SNESVecViewResidualMonitor,0,0);}
245: PetscOptionsName("-snes_xmonitor","Plot function norm at each iteration","SNESLGMonitor",&flg);
246: if (flg) {SNESSetMonitor(snes,SNESLGMonitor,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL);}
248: PetscOptionsName("-snes_fd","Use finite differences (slow) to compute Jacobian","SNESDefaultComputeJacobian",&flg);
249: if (flg) {
250: SNESSetJacobian(snes,snes->jacobian,snes->jacobian_pre,SNESDefaultComputeJacobian,snes->funP);
251: PetscLogInfo(snes,"SNESSetFromOptions: Setting default finite difference Jacobian matrixn");
252: }
254: for(i = 0; i < numberofsetfromoptions; i++) {
255: (*othersetfromoptions[i])(snes);
256: }
258: if (snes->setfromoptions) {
259: (*snes->setfromoptions)(snes);
260: }
262: PetscOptionsEnd();
264: SNESGetSLES(snes,&sles);
265: SLESSetFromOptions(sles);
267: return(0);
268: }
271: #undef __FUNCT__
273: /*@
274: SNESSetApplicationContext - Sets the optional user-defined context for
275: the nonlinear solvers.
277: Collective on SNES
279: Input Parameters:
280: + snes - the SNES context
281: - usrP - optional user context
283: Level: intermediate
285: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, set, application, context
287: .seealso: SNESGetApplicationContext()
288: @*/
289: int SNESSetApplicationContext(SNES snes,void *usrP)
290: {
293: snes->user = usrP;
294: return(0);
295: }
297: #undef __FUNCT__
299: /*@C
300: SNESGetApplicationContext - Gets the user-defined context for the
301: nonlinear solvers.
303: Not Collective
305: Input Parameter:
306: . snes - SNES context
308: Output Parameter:
309: . usrP - user context
311: Level: intermediate
313: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, get, application, context
315: .seealso: SNESSetApplicationContext()
316: @*/
317: int SNESGetApplicationContext(SNES snes,void **usrP)
318: {
321: *usrP = snes->user;
322: return(0);
323: }
325: #undef __FUNCT__
327: /*@
328: SNESGetIterationNumber - Gets the number of nonlinear iterations completed
329: at this time.
331: Not Collective
333: Input Parameter:
334: . snes - SNES context
336: Output Parameter:
337: . iter - iteration number
339: Notes:
340: For example, during the computation of iteration 2 this would return 1.
342: This is useful for using lagged Jacobians (where one does not recompute the
343: Jacobian at each SNES iteration). For example, the code
344: .vb
345: SNESGetIterationNumber(snes,&it);
346: if (!(it % 2)) {
347: [compute Jacobian here]
348: }
349: .ve
350: can be used in your ComputeJacobian() function to cause the Jacobian to be
351: recomputed every second SNES iteration.
353: Level: intermediate
355: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, get, iteration, number
356: @*/
357: int SNESGetIterationNumber(SNES snes,int* iter)
358: {
362: *iter = snes->iter;
363: return(0);
364: }
366: #undef __FUNCT__
368: /*@
369: SNESGetFunctionNorm - Gets the norm of the current function that was set
370: with SNESSSetFunction().
372: Collective on SNES
374: Input Parameter:
375: . snes - SNES context
377: Output Parameter:
378: . fnorm - 2-norm of function
380: Level: intermediate
382: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, get, function, norm
384: .seealso: SNESGetFunction()
385: @*/
386: int SNESGetFunctionNorm(SNES snes,PetscScalar *fnorm)
387: {
391: *fnorm = snes->norm;
392: return(0);
393: }
395: #undef __FUNCT__
397: /*@
398: SNESGetNumberUnsuccessfulSteps - Gets the number of unsuccessful steps
399: attempted by the nonlinear solver.
401: Not Collective
403: Input Parameter:
404: . snes - SNES context
406: Output Parameter:
407: . nfails - number of unsuccessful steps attempted
409: Notes:
410: This counter is reset to zero for each successive call to SNESSolve().
412: Level: intermediate
414: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, get, number, unsuccessful, steps
415: @*/
416: int SNESGetNumberUnsuccessfulSteps(SNES snes,int* nfails)
417: {
421: *nfails = snes->numFailures;
422: return(0);
423: }
425: #undef __FUNCT__
427: /*@
428: SNESSetMaximumUnsuccessfulSteps - Sets the maximum number of unsuccessful steps
429: attempted by the nonlinear solver before it gives up.
431: Not Collective
433: Input Parameters:
434: + snes - SNES context
435: - maxFails - maximum of unsuccessful steps
437: Level: intermediate
439: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, set, maximum, unsuccessful, steps
440: @*/
441: int SNESSetMaximumUnsuccessfulSteps(SNES snes, int maxFails)
442: {
445: snes->maxFailures = maxFails;
446: return(0);
447: }
449: #undef __FUNCT__
451: /*@
452: SNESGetMaximumUnsuccessfulSteps - Gets the maximum number of unsuccessful steps
453: attempted by the nonlinear solver before it gives up.
455: Not Collective
457: Input Parameter:
458: . snes - SNES context
460: Output Parameter:
461: . maxFails - maximum of unsuccessful steps
463: Level: intermediate
465: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, get, maximum, unsuccessful, steps
466: @*/
467: int SNESGetMaximumUnsuccessfulSteps(SNES snes, int *maxFails)
468: {
472: *maxFails = snes->maxFailures;
473: return(0);
474: }
476: #undef __FUNCT__
478: /*@
479: SNESGetNumberLinearIterations - Gets the total number of linear iterations
480: used by the nonlinear solver.
482: Not Collective
484: Input Parameter:
485: . snes - SNES context
487: Output Parameter:
488: . lits - number of linear iterations
490: Notes:
491: This counter is reset to zero for each successive call to SNESSolve().
493: Level: intermediate
495: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, get, number, linear, iterations
496: @*/
497: int SNESGetNumberLinearIterations(SNES snes,int* lits)
498: {
502: *lits = snes->linear_its;
503: return(0);
504: }
506: #undef __FUNCT__
508: /*@C
509: SNESGetSLES - Returns the SLES context for a SNES solver.
511: Not Collective, but if SNES object is parallel, then SLES object is parallel
513: Input Parameter:
514: . snes - the SNES context
516: Output Parameter:
517: . sles - the SLES context
519: Notes:
520: The user can then directly manipulate the SLES context to set various
521: options, etc. Likewise, the user can then extract and manipulate the
522: KSP and PC contexts as well.
524: Level: beginner
526: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, get, SLES, context
528: .seealso: SLESGetPC(), SLESGetKSP()
529: @*/
530: int SNESGetSLES(SNES snes,SLES *sles)
531: {
534: *sles = snes->sles;
535: return(0);
536: }
538: #undef __FUNCT__
540: static int SNESPublish_Petsc(PetscObject obj)
541: {
542: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_AMS)
543: SNES v = (SNES) obj;
544: int ierr;
545: #endif
549: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_AMS)
550: /* if it is already published then return */
551: if (v->amem >=0) return(0);
553: PetscObjectPublishBaseBegin(obj);
554: AMS_Memory_add_field((AMS_Memory)v->amem,"Iteration",&v->iter,1,AMS_INT,AMS_READ,
556: AMS_Memory_add_field((AMS_Memory)v->amem,"Residual",&v->norm,1,AMS_DOUBLE,AMS_READ,
558: PetscObjectPublishBaseEnd(obj);
559: #endif
560: return(0);
561: }
563: /* -----------------------------------------------------------*/
564: #undef __FUNCT__
566: /*@C
567: SNESCreate - Creates a nonlinear solver context.
569: Collective on MPI_Comm
571: Input Parameters:
572: + comm - MPI communicator
574: Output Parameter:
575: . outsnes - the new SNES context
577: Options Database Keys:
578: + -snes_mf - Activates default matrix-free Jacobian-vector products,
579: and no preconditioning matrix
580: . -snes_mf_operator - Activates default matrix-free Jacobian-vector
581: products, and a user-provided preconditioning matrix
582: as set by SNESSetJacobian()
583: - -snes_fd - Uses (slow!) finite differences to compute Jacobian
585: Level: beginner
587: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, create, context
589: .seealso: SNESSolve(), SNESDestroy(), SNES
590: @*/
591: int SNESCreate(MPI_Comm comm,SNES *outsnes)
592: {
593: int ierr;
594: SNES snes;
595: SNES_KSP_EW_ConvCtx *kctx;
599: *outsnes = PETSC_NULL;
601: SNESInitializePackage(PETSC_NULL);
602: #endif
604: PetscHeaderCreate(snes,_p_SNES,int,SNES_COOKIE,0,"SNES",comm,SNESDestroy,SNESView);
605: PetscLogObjectCreate(snes);
606: snes->bops->publish = SNESPublish_Petsc;
607: snes->max_its = 50;
608: snes->max_funcs = 10000;
609: snes->norm = 0.0;
610: snes->rtol = 1.e-8;
611: snes->ttol = 0.0;
612: snes->atol = 1.e-50;
613: snes->xtol = 1.e-8;
614: snes->deltatol = 1.e-12;
615: snes->nfuncs = 0;
616: snes->numFailures = 0;
617: snes->maxFailures = 1;
618: snes->linear_its = 0;
619: snes->numbermonitors = 0;
620: snes->data = 0;
621: snes->view = 0;
622: snes->setupcalled = 0;
623: snes->ksp_ewconv = PETSC_FALSE;
624: snes->vwork = 0;
625: snes->nwork = 0;
626: snes->conv_hist_len = 0;
627: snes->conv_hist_max = 0;
628: snes->conv_hist = PETSC_NULL;
629: snes->conv_hist_its = PETSC_NULL;
630: snes->conv_hist_reset = PETSC_TRUE;
631: snes->reason = SNES_CONVERGED_ITERATING;
633: /* Create context to compute Eisenstat-Walker relative tolerance for KSP */
634: PetscNew(SNES_KSP_EW_ConvCtx,&kctx);
635: PetscLogObjectMemory(snes,sizeof(SNES_KSP_EW_ConvCtx));
636: snes->kspconvctx = (void*)kctx;
637: kctx->version = 2;
638: kctx->rtol_0 = .3; /* Eisenstat and Walker suggest rtol_0=.5, but
639: this was too large for some test cases */
640: kctx->rtol_last = 0;
641: kctx->rtol_max = .9;
642: kctx->gamma = 1.0;
643: kctx->alpha2 = .5*(1.0 + sqrt(5.0));
644: kctx->alpha = kctx->alpha2;
645: kctx->threshold = .1;
646: kctx->lresid_last = 0;
647: kctx->norm_last = 0;
649: SLESCreate(comm,&snes->sles);
650: PetscLogObjectParent(snes,snes->sles)
652: *outsnes = snes;
653: PetscPublishAll(snes);
654: return(0);
655: }
657: /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
658: #undef __FUNCT__
660: /*@C
661: SNESSetFunction - Sets the function evaluation routine and function
662: vector for use by the SNES routines in solving systems of nonlinear
663: equations.
665: Collective on SNES
667: Input Parameters:
668: + snes - the SNES context
669: . func - function evaluation routine
670: . r - vector to store function value
671: - ctx - [optional] user-defined context for private data for the
672: function evaluation routine (may be PETSC_NULL)
674: Calling sequence of func:
675: $ func (SNES snes,Vec x,Vec f,void *ctx);
677: . f - function vector
678: - ctx - optional user-defined function context
680: Notes:
681: The Newton-like methods typically solve linear systems of the form
682: $ f'(x) x = -f(x),
683: where f'(x) denotes the Jacobian matrix and f(x) is the function.
685: Level: beginner
687: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, set, function
689: .seealso: SNESGetFunction(), SNESComputeFunction(), SNESSetJacobian()
690: @*/
691: int SNESSetFunction(SNES snes,Vec r,int (*func)(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*),void *ctx)
692: {
698: snes->computefunction = func;
699: snes->vec_func = snes->vec_func_always = r;
700: snes->funP = ctx;
701: return(0);
702: }
704: #undef __FUNCT__
706: /*@
707: SNESComputeFunction - Calls the function that has been set with
708: SNESSetFunction().
710: Collective on SNES
712: Input Parameters:
713: + snes - the SNES context
714: - x - input vector
716: Output Parameter:
717: . y - function vector, as set by SNESSetFunction()
719: Notes:
720: SNESComputeFunction() is typically used within nonlinear solvers
721: implementations, so most users would not generally call this routine
722: themselves.
724: Level: developer
726: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, compute, function
728: .seealso: SNESSetFunction(), SNESGetFunction()
729: @*/
730: int SNESComputeFunction(SNES snes,Vec x,Vec y)
731: {
732: int ierr;
741: PetscLogEventBegin(SNES_FunctionEval,snes,x,y,0);
742: PetscStackPush("SNES user function");
743: (*snes->computefunction)(snes,x,y,snes->funP);
744: PetscStackPop;
745: snes->nfuncs++;
746: PetscLogEventEnd(SNES_FunctionEval,snes,x,y,0);
747: return(0);
748: }
750: #undef __FUNCT__
752: /*@
753: SNESComputeJacobian - Computes the Jacobian matrix that has been
754: set with SNESSetJacobian().
756: Collective on SNES and Mat
758: Input Parameters:
759: + snes - the SNES context
760: - x - input vector
762: Output Parameters:
763: + A - Jacobian matrix
764: . B - optional preconditioning matrix
765: - flag - flag indicating matrix structure
767: Notes:
768: Most users should not need to explicitly call this routine, as it
769: is used internally within the nonlinear solvers.
771: See SLESSetOperators() for important information about setting the
772: flag parameter.
774: Level: developer
776: .keywords: SNES, compute, Jacobian, matrix
778: .seealso: SNESSetJacobian(), SLESSetOperators()
779: @*/
780: int SNESComputeJacobian(SNES snes,Vec X,Mat *A,Mat *B,MatStructure *flg)
781: {
782: int ierr;
788: if (!snes->computejacobian) return(0);
789: PetscLogEventBegin(SNES_JacobianEval,snes,X,*A,*B);
791: PetscStackPush("SNES user Jacobian function");
792: (*snes->computejacobian)(snes,X,A,B,flg,snes->jacP);
793: PetscStackPop;
794: PetscLogEventEnd(SNES_JacobianEval,snes,X,*A,*B);
795: /* make sure user returned a correct Jacobian and preconditioner */
798: return(0);
799: }
801: #undef __FUNCT__
803: /*@C
804: SNESSetJacobian - Sets the function to compute Jacobian as well as the
805: location to store the matrix.
807: Collective on SNES and Mat
809: Input Parameters:
810: + snes - the SNES context
811: . A - Jacobian matrix
812: . B - preconditioner matrix (usually same as the Jacobian)
813: . func - Jacobian evaluation routine
814: - ctx - [optional] user-defined context for private data for the
815: Jacobian evaluation routine (may be PETSC_NULL)
817: Calling sequence of func:
818: $ func (SNES snes,Vec x,Mat *A,Mat *B,int *flag,void *ctx);
820: + x - input vector
821: . A - Jacobian matrix
822: . B - preconditioner matrix, usually the same as A
823: . flag - flag indicating information about the preconditioner matrix
824: structure (same as flag in SLESSetOperators())
825: - ctx - [optional] user-defined Jacobian context
827: Notes:
828: See SLESSetOperators() for important information about setting the flag
829: output parameter in the routine func(). Be sure to read this information!
831: The routine func() takes Mat * as the matrix arguments rather than Mat.
832: This allows the Jacobian evaluation routine to replace A and/or B with a
833: completely new new matrix structure (not just different matrix elements)
834: when appropriate, for instance, if the nonzero structure is changing
835: throughout the global iterations.
837: Level: beginner
839: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, set, Jacobian, matrix
841: .seealso: SLESSetOperators(), SNESSetFunction()
842: @*/
843: int SNESSetJacobian(SNES snes,Mat A,Mat B,int (*func)(SNES,Vec,Mat*,Mat*,MatStructure*,void*),void *ctx)
844: {
853: if (func) snes->computejacobian = func;
854: if (ctx) snes->jacP = ctx;
855: if (A) {
856: if (snes->jacobian) {MatDestroy(snes->jacobian);}
857: snes->jacobian = A;
858: ierr = PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)A);
859: }
860: if (B) {
861: if (snes->jacobian_pre) {MatDestroy(snes->jacobian_pre);}
862: snes->jacobian_pre = B;
863: ierr = PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)B);
864: }
865: return(0);
866: }
868: #undef __FUNCT__
870: /*@C
871: SNESGetJacobian - Returns the Jacobian matrix and optionally the user
872: provided context for evaluating the Jacobian.
874: Not Collective, but Mat object will be parallel if SNES object is
876: Input Parameter:
877: . snes - the nonlinear solver context
879: Output Parameters:
880: + A - location to stash Jacobian matrix (or PETSC_NULL)
881: . B - location to stash preconditioner matrix (or PETSC_NULL)
882: . ctx - location to stash Jacobian ctx (or PETSC_NULL)
883: - func - location to put Jacobian function (or PETSC_NULL)
885: Level: advanced
887: .seealso: SNESSetJacobian(), SNESComputeJacobian()
888: @*/
889: int SNESGetJacobian(SNES snes,Mat *A,Mat *B,void **ctx,int (**func)(SNES,Vec,Mat*,Mat*,MatStructure*,void*))
890: {
893: if (A) *A = snes->jacobian;
894: if (B) *B = snes->jacobian_pre;
895: if (ctx) *ctx = snes->jacP;
896: if (func) *func = snes->computejacobian;
897: return(0);
898: }
900: /* ----- Routines to initialize and destroy a nonlinear solver ---- */
901: extern int SNESDefaultMatrixFreeCreate2(SNES,Vec,Mat*);
903: #undef __FUNCT__
905: /*@
906: SNESSetUp - Sets up the internal data structures for the later use
907: of a nonlinear solver.
909: Collective on SNES
911: Input Parameters:
912: + snes - the SNES context
913: - x - the solution vector
915: Notes:
916: For basic use of the SNES solvers the user need not explicitly call
917: SNESSetUp(), since these actions will automatically occur during
918: the call to SNESSolve(). However, if one wishes to control this
919: phase separately, SNESSetUp() should be called after SNESCreate()
920: and optional routines of the form SNESSetXXX(), but before SNESSolve().
922: Level: advanced
924: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, setup
926: .seealso: SNESCreate(), SNESSolve(), SNESDestroy()
927: @*/
928: int SNESSetUp(SNES snes,Vec x)
929: {
930: int ierr;
931: PetscTruth flg, iseqtr;
937: snes->vec_sol = snes->vec_sol_always = x;
939: PetscOptionsHasName(snes->prefix,"-snes_mf_operator",&flg);
940: /*
941: This version replaces the user provided Jacobian matrix with a
942: matrix-free version but still employs the user-provided preconditioner matrix
943: */
944: if (flg) {
945: Mat J;
946: MatCreateSNESMF(snes,snes->vec_sol,&J);
947: MatSNESMFSetFromOptions(J);
948: PetscLogInfo(snes,"SNESSetUp: Setting default matrix-free operator routinesn");
949: SNESSetJacobian(snes,J,0,0,0);
950: MatDestroy(J);
951: }
953: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX) && !defined(PETSC_USE_SINGLE)
954: PetscOptionsHasName(snes->prefix,"-snes_mf_operator2",&flg);
955: if (flg) {
956: Mat J;
957: SNESDefaultMatrixFreeCreate2(snes,snes->vec_sol,&J);
958: SNESSetJacobian(snes,J,0,0,0);
959: MatDestroy(J);
960: }
961: #endif
963: PetscOptionsHasName(snes->prefix,"-snes_mf",&flg);
964: /*
965: This version replaces both the user-provided Jacobian and the user-
966: provided preconditioner matrix with the default matrix free version.
967: */
968: if (flg) {
969: Mat J;
970: SLES sles;
971: PC pc;
973: MatCreateSNESMF(snes,snes->vec_sol,&J);
974: MatSNESMFSetFromOptions(J);
975: PetscLogInfo(snes,"SNESSetUp: Setting default matrix-free operator and preconditioner routinesn");
976: SNESSetJacobian(snes,J,J,MatSNESMFComputeJacobian,snes->funP);
977: MatDestroy(J);
979: /* force no preconditioner */
980: SNESGetSLES(snes,&sles);
981: SLESGetPC(sles,&pc);
982: PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)pc,PCSHELL,&flg);
983: if (!flg) {
984: PCSetType(pc,PCNONE);
985: }
986: }
988: if (!snes->vec_func) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"Must call SNESSetFunction() first");
989: if (!snes->computefunction) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"Must call SNESSetFunction() first");
990: if (!snes->jacobian) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"Must call SNESSetJacobian() first n or use -snes_mf option");
991: if (snes->vec_func == snes->vec_sol) {
992: SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_IDN,"Solution vector cannot be function vector");
993: }
995: /* Set the KSP stopping criterion to use the Eisenstat-Walker method */
996: PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)snes,SNESTR,&iseqtr);
997: if (snes->ksp_ewconv && !iseqtr) {
998: SLES sles; KSP ksp;
999: SNESGetSLES(snes,&sles);
1000: SLESGetKSP(sles,&ksp);
1001: KSPSetConvergenceTest(ksp,SNES_KSP_EW_Converged_Private,snes);
1002: }
1004: if (snes->setup) {(*snes->setup)(snes);}
1005: snes->setupcalled = 1;
1006: return(0);
1007: }
1009: #undef __FUNCT__
1011: /*@C
1012: SNESDestroy - Destroys the nonlinear solver context that was created
1013: with SNESCreate().
1015: Collective on SNES
1017: Input Parameter:
1018: . snes - the SNES context
1020: Level: beginner
1022: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, destroy
1024: .seealso: SNESCreate(), SNESSolve()
1025: @*/
1026: int SNESDestroy(SNES snes)
1027: {
1028: int i,ierr;
1032: if (--snes->refct > 0) return(0);
1034: /* if memory was published with AMS then destroy it */
1035: PetscObjectDepublish(snes);
1037: if (snes->destroy) {(*(snes)->destroy)(snes);}
1038: if (snes->kspconvctx) {PetscFree(snes->kspconvctx);}
1039: if (snes->jacobian) {MatDestroy(snes->jacobian);}
1040: if (snes->jacobian_pre) {MatDestroy(snes->jacobian_pre);}
1041: SLESDestroy(snes->sles);
1042: if (snes->vwork) {VecDestroyVecs(snes->vwork,snes->nvwork);}
1043: for (i=0; i<snes->numbermonitors; i++) {
1044: if (snes->monitordestroy[i]) {
1045: (*snes->monitordestroy[i])(snes->monitorcontext[i]);
1046: }
1047: }
1048: PetscLogObjectDestroy((PetscObject)snes);
1049: PetscHeaderDestroy((PetscObject)snes);
1050: return(0);
1051: }
1053: /* ----------- Routines to set solver parameters ---------- */
1055: #undef __FUNCT__
1057: /*@
1058: SNESSetTolerances - Sets various parameters used in convergence tests.
1060: Collective on SNES
1062: Input Parameters:
1063: + snes - the SNES context
1064: . atol - absolute convergence tolerance
1065: . rtol - relative convergence tolerance
1066: . stol - convergence tolerance in terms of the norm
1067: of the change in the solution between steps
1068: . maxit - maximum number of iterations
1069: - maxf - maximum number of function evaluations
1071: Options Database Keys:
1072: + -snes_atol <atol> - Sets atol
1073: . -snes_rtol <rtol> - Sets rtol
1074: . -snes_stol <stol> - Sets stol
1075: . -snes_max_it <maxit> - Sets maxit
1076: - -snes_max_funcs <maxf> - Sets maxf
1078: Notes:
1079: The default maximum number of iterations is 50.
1080: The default maximum number of function evaluations is 1000.
1082: Level: intermediate
1084: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, set, convergence, tolerances
1086: .seealso: SNESSetTrustRegionTolerance(), SNESSetMinimizationFunctionTolerance()
1087: @*/
1088: int SNESSetTolerances(SNES snes,PetscReal atol,PetscReal rtol,PetscReal stol,int maxit,int maxf)
1089: {
1092: if (atol != PETSC_DEFAULT) snes->atol = atol;
1093: if (rtol != PETSC_DEFAULT) snes->rtol = rtol;
1094: if (stol != PETSC_DEFAULT) snes->xtol = stol;
1095: if (maxit != PETSC_DEFAULT) snes->max_its = maxit;
1096: if (maxf != PETSC_DEFAULT) snes->max_funcs = maxf;
1097: return(0);
1098: }
1100: #undef __FUNCT__
1102: /*@
1103: SNESGetTolerances - Gets various parameters used in convergence tests.
1105: Not Collective
1107: Input Parameters:
1108: + snes - the SNES context
1109: . atol - absolute convergence tolerance
1110: . rtol - relative convergence tolerance
1111: . stol - convergence tolerance in terms of the norm
1112: of the change in the solution between steps
1113: . maxit - maximum number of iterations
1114: - maxf - maximum number of function evaluations
1116: Notes:
1117: The user can specify PETSC_NULL for any parameter that is not needed.
1119: Level: intermediate
1121: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, get, convergence, tolerances
1123: .seealso: SNESSetTolerances()
1124: @*/
1125: int SNESGetTolerances(SNES snes,PetscReal *atol,PetscReal *rtol,PetscReal *stol,int *maxit,int *maxf)
1126: {
1129: if (atol) *atol = snes->atol;
1130: if (rtol) *rtol = snes->rtol;
1131: if (stol) *stol = snes->xtol;
1132: if (maxit) *maxit = snes->max_its;
1133: if (maxf) *maxf = snes->max_funcs;
1134: return(0);
1135: }
1137: #undef __FUNCT__
1139: /*@
1140: SNESSetTrustRegionTolerance - Sets the trust region parameter tolerance.
1142: Collective on SNES
1144: Input Parameters:
1145: + snes - the SNES context
1146: - tol - tolerance
1148: Options Database Key:
1149: . -snes_trtol <tol> - Sets tol
1151: Level: intermediate
1153: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, set, trust region, tolerance
1155: .seealso: SNESSetTolerances(), SNESSetMinimizationFunctionTolerance()
1156: @*/
1157: int SNESSetTrustRegionTolerance(SNES snes,PetscReal tol)
1158: {
1161: snes->deltatol = tol;
1162: return(0);
1163: }
1165: /*
1166: Duplicate the lg monitors for SNES from KSP; for some reason with
1167: dynamic libraries things don't work under Sun4 if we just use
1168: macros instead of functions
1169: */
1170: #undef __FUNCT__
1172: int SNESLGMonitor(SNES snes,int it,PetscReal norm,void *ctx)
1173: {
1178: KSPLGMonitor((KSP)snes,it,norm,ctx);
1179: return(0);
1180: }
1182: #undef __FUNCT__
1184: int SNESLGMonitorCreate(char *host,char *label,int x,int y,int m,int n,PetscDrawLG *draw)
1185: {
1189: KSPLGMonitorCreate(host,label,x,y,m,n,draw);
1190: return(0);
1191: }
1193: #undef __FUNCT__
1195: int SNESLGMonitorDestroy(PetscDrawLG draw)
1196: {
1200: KSPLGMonitorDestroy(draw);
1201: return(0);
1202: }
1204: /* ------------ Routines to set performance monitoring options ----------- */
1206: #undef __FUNCT__
1208: /*@C
1209: SNESSetMonitor - Sets an ADDITIONAL function that is to be used at every
1210: iteration of the nonlinear solver to display the iteration's
1211: progress.
1213: Collective on SNES
1215: Input Parameters:
1216: + snes - the SNES context
1217: . func - monitoring routine
1218: . mctx - [optional] user-defined context for private data for the
1219: monitor routine (use PETSC_NULL if no context is desitre)
1220: - monitordestroy - [optional] routine that frees monitor context
1221: (may be PETSC_NULL)
1223: Calling sequence of func:
1224: $ int func(SNES snes,int its, PetscReal norm,void *mctx)
1226: + snes - the SNES context
1227: . its - iteration number
1228: . norm - 2-norm function value (may be estimated)
1229: - mctx - [optional] monitoring context
1231: Options Database Keys:
1232: + -snes_monitor - sets SNESDefaultMonitor()
1233: . -snes_xmonitor - sets line graph monitor,
1234: uses SNESLGMonitorCreate()
1235: _ -snes_cancelmonitors - cancels all monitors that have
1236: been hardwired into a code by
1237: calls to SNESSetMonitor(), but
1238: does not cancel those set via
1239: the options database.
1241: Notes:
1242: Several different monitoring routines may be set by calling
1243: SNESSetMonitor() multiple times; all will be called in the
1244: order in which they were set.
1246: Level: intermediate
1248: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, set, monitor
1250: .seealso: SNESDefaultMonitor(), SNESClearMonitor()
1251: @*/
1252: int SNESSetMonitor(SNES snes,int (*func)(SNES,int,PetscReal,void*),void *mctx,int (*monitordestroy)(void *))
1253: {
1256: if (snes->numbermonitors >= MAXSNESMONITORS) {
1257: SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Too many monitors set");
1258: }
1260: snes->monitor[snes->numbermonitors] = func;
1261: snes->monitordestroy[snes->numbermonitors] = monitordestroy;
1262: snes->monitorcontext[snes->numbermonitors++] = (void*)mctx;
1263: return(0);
1264: }
1266: #undef __FUNCT__
1268: /*@C
1269: SNESClearMonitor - Clears all the monitor functions for a SNES object.
1271: Collective on SNES
1273: Input Parameters:
1274: . snes - the SNES context
1276: Options Database Key:
1277: . -snes_cancelmonitors - cancels all monitors that have been hardwired
1278: into a code by calls to SNESSetMonitor(), but does not cancel those
1279: set via the options database
1281: Notes:
1282: There is no way to clear one specific monitor from a SNES object.
1284: Level: intermediate
1286: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, set, monitor
1288: .seealso: SNESDefaultMonitor(), SNESSetMonitor()
1289: @*/
1290: int SNESClearMonitor(SNES snes)
1291: {
1294: snes->numbermonitors = 0;
1295: return(0);
1296: }
1298: #undef __FUNCT__
1300: /*@C
1301: SNESSetConvergenceTest - Sets the function that is to be used
1302: to test for convergence of the nonlinear iterative solution.
1304: Collective on SNES
1306: Input Parameters:
1307: + snes - the SNES context
1308: . func - routine to test for convergence
1309: - cctx - [optional] context for private data for the convergence routine
1310: (may be PETSC_NULL)
1312: Calling sequence of func:
1313: $ int func (SNES snes,PetscReal xnorm,PetscReal gnorm,PetscReal f,SNESConvergedReason *reason,void *cctx)
1315: + snes - the SNES context
1316: . cctx - [optional] convergence context
1317: . reason - reason for convergence/divergence
1318: . xnorm - 2-norm of current iterate
1319: . gnorm - 2-norm of current step
1320: - f - 2-norm of function
1322: Level: advanced
1324: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, set, convergence, test
1326: .seealso: SNESConverged_LS(), SNESConverged_TR()
1327: @*/
1328: int SNESSetConvergenceTest(SNES snes,int (*func)(SNES,PetscReal,PetscReal,PetscReal,SNESConvergedReason*,void*),void *cctx)
1329: {
1332: (snes)->converged = func;
1333: (snes)->cnvP = cctx;
1334: return(0);
1335: }
1337: #undef __FUNCT__
1339: /*@C
1340: SNESGetConvergedReason - Gets the reason the SNES iteration was stopped.
1342: Not Collective
1344: Input Parameter:
1345: . snes - the SNES context
1347: Output Parameter:
1348: . reason - negative value indicates diverged, positive value converged, see petscsnes.h or the
1349: manual pages for the individual convergence tests for complete lists
1351: Level: intermediate
1353: Notes: Can only be called after the call the SNESSolve() is complete.
1355: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, set, convergence, test
1357: .seealso: SNESSetConvergenceTest(), SNESConverged_LS(), SNESConverged_TR(), SNESConvergedReason
1358: @*/
1359: int SNESGetConvergedReason(SNES snes,SNESConvergedReason *reason)
1360: {
1363: *reason = snes->reason;
1364: return(0);
1365: }
1367: #undef __FUNCT__
1369: /*@
1370: SNESSetConvergenceHistory - Sets the array used to hold the convergence history.
1372: Collective on SNES
1374: Input Parameters:
1375: + snes - iterative context obtained from SNESCreate()
1376: . a - array to hold history
1377: . its - integer array holds the number of linear iterations for each solve.
1378: . na - size of a and its
1379: - reset - PETSC_TRUE indicates each new nonlinear solve resets the history counter to zero,
1380: else it continues storing new values for new nonlinear solves after the old ones
1382: Notes:
1383: If set, this array will contain the function norms computed
1384: at each step.
1386: This routine is useful, e.g., when running a code for purposes
1387: of accurate performance monitoring, when no I/O should be done
1388: during the section of code that is being timed.
1390: Level: intermediate
1392: .keywords: SNES, set, convergence, history
1394: .seealso: SNESGetConvergenceHistory()
1396: @*/
1397: int SNESSetConvergenceHistory(SNES snes,PetscReal *a,int *its,int na,PetscTruth reset)
1398: {
1402: snes->conv_hist = a;
1403: snes->conv_hist_its = its;
1404: snes->conv_hist_max = na;
1405: snes->conv_hist_reset = reset;
1406: return(0);
1407: }
1409: #undef __FUNCT__
1411: /*@C
1412: SNESGetConvergenceHistory - Gets the array used to hold the convergence history.
1414: Collective on SNES
1416: Input Parameter:
1417: . snes - iterative context obtained from SNESCreate()
1419: Output Parameters:
1420: . a - array to hold history
1421: . its - integer array holds the number of linear iterations (or
1422: negative if not converged) for each solve.
1423: - na - size of a and its
1425: Notes:
1426: The calling sequence for this routine in Fortran is
1427: $ call SNESGetConvergenceHistory(SNES snes, integer na, integer ierr)
1429: This routine is useful, e.g., when running a code for purposes
1430: of accurate performance monitoring, when no I/O should be done
1431: during the section of code that is being timed.
1433: Level: intermediate
1435: .keywords: SNES, get, convergence, history
1437: .seealso: SNESSetConvergencHistory()
1439: @*/
1440: int SNESGetConvergenceHistory(SNES snes,PetscReal **a,int **its,int *na)
1441: {
1444: if (a) *a = snes->conv_hist;
1445: if (its) *its = snes->conv_hist_its;
1446: if (na) *na = snes->conv_hist_len;
1447: return(0);
1448: }
1450: #undef __FUNCT__
1452: /*@
1453: SNESSetRhsBC - Sets the function which applies boundary conditions
1454: to the Rhs of each system.
1456: Collective on SNES
1458: Input Parameters:
1459: . snes - The nonlinear solver context
1460: . func - The function
1462: Calling sequence of func:
1463: . func (SNES snes, Vec rhs, void *ctx);
1465: . rhs - The current rhs vector
1466: . ctx - The user-context
1468: Level: intermediate
1470: .keywords: SNES, Rhs, boundary conditions
1471: .seealso SNESDefaultRhsBC(), SNESSetSolutionBC(), SNESSetUpdate()
1472: @*/
1473: int SNESSetRhsBC(SNES snes, int (*func)(SNES, Vec, void *))
1474: {
1477: snes->applyrhsbc = func;
1478: return(0);
1479: }
1481: #undef __FUNCT__
1483: /*@
1484: SNESDefaultRhsBC - The default boundary condition function which does nothing.
1486: Not collective
1488: Input Parameters:
1489: . snes - The nonlinear solver context
1490: . rhs - The Rhs
1491: . ctx - The user-context
1493: Level: beginner
1495: .keywords: SNES, Rhs, boundary conditions
1496: .seealso SNESSetRhsBC(), SNESDefaultSolutionBC(), SNESDefaultUpdate()
1497: @*/
1498: int SNESDefaultRhsBC(SNES snes, Vec rhs, void *ctx)
1499: {
1501: return(0);
1502: }
1504: #undef __FUNCT__
1506: /*@
1507: SNESSetSolutionBC - Sets the function which applies boundary conditions
1508: to the solution of each system.
1510: Collective on SNES
1512: Input Parameters:
1513: . snes - The nonlinear solver context
1514: . func - The function
1516: Calling sequence of func:
1517: . func (SNES snes, Vec rsol, void *ctx);
1519: . sol - The current solution vector
1520: . ctx - The user-context
1522: Level: intermediate
1524: .keywords: SNES, solution, boundary conditions
1525: .seealso SNESDefaultSolutionBC(), SNESSetRhsBC(), SNESSetUpdate()
1526: @*/
1527: int SNESSetSolutionBC(SNES snes, int (*func)(SNES, Vec, void *))
1528: {
1531: snes->applysolbc = func;
1532: return(0);
1533: }
1535: #undef __FUNCT__
1537: /*@
1538: SNESDefaultSolutionBC - The default boundary condition function which does nothing.
1540: Not collective
1542: Input Parameters:
1543: . snes - The nonlinear solver context
1544: . sol - The solution
1545: . ctx - The user-context
1547: Level: beginner
1549: .keywords: SNES, solution, boundary conditions
1550: .seealso SNESSetSolutionBC(), SNESDefaultRhsBC(), SNESDefaultUpdate()
1551: @*/
1552: int SNESDefaultSolutionBC(SNES snes, Vec sol, void *ctx)
1553: {
1555: return(0);
1556: }
1558: #undef __FUNCT__
1560: /*@
1561: SNESSetUpdate - Sets the general-purpose update function called
1562: at the beginning of every step of the iteration.
1564: Collective on SNES
1566: Input Parameters:
1567: . snes - The nonlinear solver context
1568: . func - The function
1570: Calling sequence of func:
1571: . func (TS ts, int step);
1573: . step - The current step of the iteration
1575: Level: intermediate
1577: .keywords: SNES, update
1578: .seealso SNESDefaultUpdate(), SNESSetRhsBC(), SNESSetSolutionBC()
1579: @*/
1580: int SNESSetUpdate(SNES snes, int (*func)(SNES, int))
1581: {
1584: snes->update = func;
1585: return(0);
1586: }
1588: #undef __FUNCT__
1590: /*@
1591: SNESDefaultUpdate - The default update function which does nothing.
1593: Not collective
1595: Input Parameters:
1596: . snes - The nonlinear solver context
1597: . step - The current step of the iteration
1599: Level: intermediate
1601: .keywords: SNES, update
1602: .seealso SNESSetUpdate(), SNESDefaultRhsBC(), SNESDefaultSolutionBC()
1603: @*/
1604: int SNESDefaultUpdate(SNES snes, int step)
1605: {
1607: return(0);
1608: }
1610: #undef __FUNCT__
1612: /*
1613: SNESScaleStep_Private - Scales a step so that its length is less than the
1614: positive parameter delta.
1616: Input Parameters:
1617: + snes - the SNES context
1618: . y - approximate solution of linear system
1619: . fnorm - 2-norm of current function
1620: - delta - trust region size
1622: Output Parameters:
1623: + gpnorm - predicted function norm at the new point, assuming local
1624: linearization. The value is zero if the step lies within the trust
1625: region, and exceeds zero otherwise.
1626: - ynorm - 2-norm of the step
1628: Note:
1629: For non-trust region methods such as SNESLS, the parameter delta
1630: is set to be the maximum allowable step size.
1632: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, scale, step
1633: */
1634: int SNESScaleStep_Private(SNES snes,Vec y,PetscReal *fnorm,PetscReal *delta,PetscReal *gpnorm,PetscReal *ynorm)
1635: {
1636: PetscReal nrm;
1637: PetscScalar cnorm;
1638: int ierr;
1645: VecNorm(y,NORM_2,&nrm);
1646: if (nrm > *delta) {
1647: nrm = *delta/nrm;
1648: *gpnorm = (1.0 - nrm)*(*fnorm);
1649: cnorm = nrm;
1650: VecScale(&cnorm,y);
1651: *ynorm = *delta;
1652: } else {
1653: *gpnorm = 0.0;
1654: *ynorm = nrm;
1655: }
1656: return(0);
1657: }
1659: #undef __FUNCT__
1661: /*@
1662: SNESSolve - Solves a nonlinear system. Call SNESSolve after calling
1663: SNESCreate() and optional routines of the form SNESSetXXX().
1665: Collective on SNES
1667: Input Parameters:
1668: + snes - the SNES context
1669: - x - the solution vector
1671: Output Parameter:
1672: . its - number of iterations until termination
1674: Notes:
1675: The user should initialize the vector,x, with the initial guess
1676: for the nonlinear solve prior to calling SNESSolve. In particular,
1677: to employ an initial guess of zero, the user should explicitly set
1678: this vector to zero by calling VecSet().
1680: Level: beginner
1682: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, solve
1684: .seealso: SNESCreate(), SNESDestroy()
1685: @*/
1686: int SNESSolve(SNES snes,Vec x,int *its)
1687: {
1688: int ierr;
1689: PetscTruth flg;
1696: if (!snes->solve) SETERRQ(1,"SNESSetType() or SNESSetFromOptions() must be called before SNESSolve()");
1698: if (!snes->setupcalled) {SNESSetUp(snes,x);}
1699: else {snes->vec_sol = snes->vec_sol_always = x;}
1700: if (snes->conv_hist_reset == PETSC_TRUE) snes->conv_hist_len = 0;
1701: PetscLogEventBegin(SNES_Solve,snes,0,0,0);
1702: snes->nfuncs = 0; snes->linear_its = 0; snes->numFailures = 0;
1703: (*(snes)->solve)(snes,its);
1704: PetscLogEventEnd(SNES_Solve,snes,0,0,0);
1705: PetscOptionsHasName(snes->prefix,"-snes_view",&flg);
1706: if (flg && !PetscPreLoadingOn) { SNESView(snes,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_(snes->comm)); }
1707: PetscOptionsHasName(snes->prefix,"-snes_test_local_min",&flg);
1708: if (flg && !PetscPreLoadingOn) { SNESTestLocalMin(snes); }
1709: return(0);
1710: }
1712: /* --------- Internal routines for SNES Package --------- */
1714: #undef __FUNCT__
1716: /*@C
1717: SNESSetType - Sets the method for the nonlinear solver.
1719: Collective on SNES
1721: Input Parameters:
1722: + snes - the SNES context
1723: - type - a known method
1725: Options Database Key:
1726: . -snes_type <type> - Sets the method; use -help for a list
1727: of available methods (for instance, ls or tr)
1729: Notes:
1730: See "petsc/include/petscsnes.h" for available methods (for instance)
1731: + SNESLS - Newton's method with line search
1732: (systems of nonlinear equations)
1733: . SNESTR - Newton's method with trust region
1734: (systems of nonlinear equations)
1736: Normally, it is best to use the SNESSetFromOptions() command and then
1737: set the SNES solver type from the options database rather than by using
1738: this routine. Using the options database provides the user with
1739: maximum flexibility in evaluating the many nonlinear solvers.
1740: The SNESSetType() routine is provided for those situations where it
1741: is necessary to set the nonlinear solver independently of the command
1742: line or options database. This might be the case, for example, when
1743: the choice of solver changes during the execution of the program,
1744: and the user's application is taking responsibility for choosing the
1745: appropriate method.
1747: Level: intermediate
1749: .keywords: SNES, set, type
1751: .seealso: SNESType, SNESCreate()
1753: @*/
1754: int SNESSetType(SNES snes,SNESType type)
1755: {
1756: int ierr,(*r)(SNES);
1757: PetscTruth match;
1763: PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)snes,type,&match);
1764: if (match) return(0);
1766: if (snes->setupcalled) {
1767: ierr = (*(snes)->destroy)(snes);
1768: snes->data = 0;
1769: }
1771: /* Get the function pointers for the iterative method requested */
1772: if (!SNESRegisterAllCalled) {SNESRegisterAll(PETSC_NULL);}
1774: PetscFListFind(snes->comm,SNESList,type,(void (**)(void)) &r);
1776: if (!r) SETERRQ1(1,"Unable to find requested SNES type %s",type);
1778: if (snes->data) {PetscFree(snes->data);}
1779: snes->data = 0;
1780: (*r)(snes);
1781: PetscObjectChangeTypeName((PetscObject)snes,type);
1783: return(0);
1784: }
1787: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1788: #undef __FUNCT__
1790: /*@C
1791: SNESRegisterDestroy - Frees the list of nonlinear solvers that were
1792: registered by SNESRegisterDynamic().
1794: Not Collective
1796: Level: advanced
1798: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, register, destroy
1800: .seealso: SNESRegisterAll(), SNESRegisterAll()
1801: @*/
1802: int SNESRegisterDestroy(void)
1803: {
1807: if (SNESList) {
1808: PetscFListDestroy(&SNESList);
1809: SNESList = 0;
1810: }
1811: SNESRegisterAllCalled = PETSC_FALSE;
1812: return(0);
1813: }
1815: #undef __FUNCT__
1817: /*@C
1818: SNESGetType - Gets the SNES method type and name (as a string).
1820: Not Collective
1822: Input Parameter:
1823: . snes - nonlinear solver context
1825: Output Parameter:
1826: . type - SNES method (a character string)
1828: Level: intermediate
1830: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, get, type, name
1831: @*/
1832: int SNESGetType(SNES snes,SNESType *type)
1833: {
1836: *type = snes->type_name;
1837: return(0);
1838: }
1840: #undef __FUNCT__
1842: /*@C
1843: SNESGetSolution - Returns the vector where the approximate solution is
1844: stored.
1846: Not Collective, but Vec is parallel if SNES is parallel
1848: Input Parameter:
1849: . snes - the SNES context
1851: Output Parameter:
1852: . x - the solution
1854: Level: advanced
1856: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, get, solution
1858: .seealso: SNESGetFunction(), SNESGetSolutionUpdate()
1859: @*/
1860: int SNESGetSolution(SNES snes,Vec *x)
1861: {
1864: *x = snes->vec_sol_always;
1865: return(0);
1866: }
1868: #undef __FUNCT__
1870: /*@C
1871: SNESGetSolutionUpdate - Returns the vector where the solution update is
1872: stored.
1874: Not Collective, but Vec is parallel if SNES is parallel
1876: Input Parameter:
1877: . snes - the SNES context
1879: Output Parameter:
1880: . x - the solution update
1882: Level: advanced
1884: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, get, solution, update
1886: .seealso: SNESGetSolution(), SNESGetFunction
1887: @*/
1888: int SNESGetSolutionUpdate(SNES snes,Vec *x)
1889: {
1892: *x = snes->vec_sol_update_always;
1893: return(0);
1894: }
1896: #undef __FUNCT__
1898: /*@C
1899: SNESGetFunction - Returns the vector where the function is stored.
1901: Not Collective, but Vec is parallel if SNES is parallel
1903: Input Parameter:
1904: . snes - the SNES context
1906: Output Parameter:
1907: + r - the function (or PETSC_NULL)
1908: . ctx - the function context (or PETSC_NULL)
1909: - func - the function (or PETSC_NULL)
1911: Level: advanced
1913: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, get, function
1915: .seealso: SNESSetFunction(), SNESGetSolution()
1916: @*/
1917: int SNESGetFunction(SNES snes,Vec *r,void **ctx,int (**func)(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*))
1918: {
1921: if (r) *r = snes->vec_func_always;
1922: if (ctx) *ctx = snes->funP;
1923: if (func) *func = snes->computefunction;
1924: return(0);
1925: }
1927: #undef __FUNCT__
1929: /*@C
1930: SNESSetOptionsPrefix - Sets the prefix used for searching for all
1931: SNES options in the database.
1933: Collective on SNES
1935: Input Parameter:
1936: + snes - the SNES context
1937: - prefix - the prefix to prepend to all option names
1939: Notes:
1940: A hyphen (-) must NOT be given at the beginning of the prefix name.
1941: The first character of all runtime options is AUTOMATICALLY the hyphen.
1943: Level: advanced
1945: .keywords: SNES, set, options, prefix, database
1947: .seealso: SNESSetFromOptions()
1948: @*/
1949: int SNESSetOptionsPrefix(SNES snes,char *prefix)
1950: {
1955: PetscObjectSetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)snes,prefix);
1956: SLESSetOptionsPrefix(snes->sles,prefix);
1957: return(0);
1958: }
1960: #undef __FUNCT__
1962: /*@C
1963: SNESAppendOptionsPrefix - Appends to the prefix used for searching for all
1964: SNES options in the database.
1966: Collective on SNES
1968: Input Parameters:
1969: + snes - the SNES context
1970: - prefix - the prefix to prepend to all option names
1972: Notes:
1973: A hyphen (-) must NOT be given at the beginning of the prefix name.
1974: The first character of all runtime options is AUTOMATICALLY the hyphen.
1976: Level: advanced
1978: .keywords: SNES, append, options, prefix, database
1980: .seealso: SNESGetOptionsPrefix()
1981: @*/
1982: int SNESAppendOptionsPrefix(SNES snes,char *prefix)
1983: {
1988: PetscObjectAppendOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)snes,prefix);
1989: SLESAppendOptionsPrefix(snes->sles,prefix);
1990: return(0);
1991: }
1993: #undef __FUNCT__
1995: /*@C
1996: SNESGetOptionsPrefix - Sets the prefix used for searching for all
1997: SNES options in the database.
1999: Not Collective
2001: Input Parameter:
2002: . snes - the SNES context
2004: Output Parameter:
2005: . prefix - pointer to the prefix string used
2007: Notes: On the fortran side, the user should pass in a string 'prifix' of
2008: sufficient length to hold the prefix.
2010: Level: advanced
2012: .keywords: SNES, get, options, prefix, database
2014: .seealso: SNESAppendOptionsPrefix()
2015: @*/
2016: int SNESGetOptionsPrefix(SNES snes,char **prefix)
2017: {
2022: PetscObjectGetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)snes,prefix);
2023: return(0);
2024: }
2026: /*MC
2027: SNESRegisterDynamic - Adds a method to the nonlinear solver package.
2029: Synopsis:
2030: int SNESRegisterDynamic(char *name_solver,char *path,char *name_create,int (*routine_create)(SNES))
2032: Not collective
2034: Input Parameters:
2035: + name_solver - name of a new user-defined solver
2036: . path - path (either absolute or relative) the library containing this solver
2037: . name_create - name of routine to create method context
2038: - routine_create - routine to create method context
2040: Notes:
2041: SNESRegisterDynamic() may be called multiple times to add several user-defined solvers.
2043: If dynamic libraries are used, then the fourth input argument (routine_create)
2044: is ignored.
2046: Environmental variables such as ${PETSC_ARCH}, ${PETSC_DIR}, ${PETSC_LIB_DIR}, ${BOPT},
2047: and others of the form ${any_environmental_variable} occuring in pathname will be
2048: replaced with appropriate values.
2050: Sample usage:
2051: .vb
2052: SNESRegisterDynamic("my_solver",/home/username/my_lib/lib/libg/solaris/mylib.a,
2053: "MySolverCreate",MySolverCreate);
2054: .ve
2056: Then, your solver can be chosen with the procedural interface via
2057: $ SNESSetType(snes,"my_solver")
2058: or at runtime via the option
2059: $ -snes_type my_solver
2061: Level: advanced
2063: Note: If your function is not being put into a shared library then use SNESRegister() instead
2065: .keywords: SNES, nonlinear, register
2067: .seealso: SNESRegisterAll(), SNESRegisterDestroy()
2068: M*/
2070: #undef __FUNCT__
2072: /*@C
2073: SNESRegister - See SNESRegisterDynamic()
2075: Level: advanced
2076: @*/
2077: int SNESRegister(char *sname,char *path,char *name,int (*function)(SNES))
2078: {
2079: char fullname[256];
2080: int ierr;
2083: PetscFListConcat(path,name,fullname);
2084: PetscFListAdd(&SNESList,sname,fullname,(void (*)(void))function);
2085: return(0);
2086: }
2088: #undef __FUNCT__
2090: int SNESTestLocalMin(SNES snes)
2091: {
2092: int ierr,N,i,j;
2093: Vec u,uh,fh;
2094: PetscScalar value;
2095: PetscReal norm;
2098: SNESGetSolution(snes,&u);
2099: VecDuplicate(u,&uh);
2100: VecDuplicate(u,&fh);
2102: /* currently only works for sequential */
2103: PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"Testing FormFunction() for local minn");
2104: VecGetSize(u,&N);
2105: for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
2106: VecCopy(u,uh);
2107: ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"i = %dn",i);
2108: for (j=-10; j<11; j++) {
2109: value = PetscSign(j)*exp(PetscAbs(j)-10.0);
2110: ierr = VecSetValue(uh,i,value,ADD_VALUES);
2111: ierr = (*snes->computefunction)(snes,uh,fh,snes->funP);
2112: ierr = VecNorm(fh,NORM_2,&norm);
2113: ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD," j norm %d %18.16en",j,norm);
2114: value = -value;
2115: ierr = VecSetValue(uh,i,value,ADD_VALUES);
2116: }
2117: }
2118: VecDestroy(uh);
2119: VecDestroy(fh);
2120: return(0);
2121: }