Actual source code: errtrace.c

  1: /*$Id: errtrace.c,v 1.25 2001/06/21 21:15:22 bsmith Exp $*/

 3:  #include petsc.h

  5: static char *PetscErrorStrings[] = {
  6:   /*55 */ "Out of memory",
  7:           "No support for this operation for this object type",
  8:           "",
  9:   /*58 */ "",
 10:   /*59 */ "Signal received",
 11:   /*60 */  "Nonconforming object sizes",
 12:     "Argument aliasing not permitted",
 13:     "Invalid argument",
 14:   /*63 */    "Argument out of range",
 15:     "Null or corrupt argument",
 16:     "Unable to open file",
 17:     "Read from file failed",
 18:     "Write to file failed",
 19:     "Invalid pointer",
 20:   /*69 */      "Arguments must have same type",
 21:     "Detected breakdown in Krylov method",
 22:   /*71 */    "Detected zero pivot in LU factorization",
 23:   /*72 */    "Floating point exception",
 24:   /*73 */    "Object is in wrong state",
 25:     "Corrupted Petsc object",
 26:     "Arguments are incompatible",
 27:     "Error in external library",
 28:   /*77 */    "Petsc has generated inconsistent data",
 29:     "Memory corruption",
 30:     "Unexpected data in file",
 31:   /*80 */ "Arguments must have same communicators",
 32:   /*81 */ "Detected zero pivot in Cholesky factorization"};

 34: extern char PetscErrorBaseMessage[1024];

 36: #undef __FUNCT__  
 38: /*@C
 39:    PetscErrorMessage - returns the text string associated with a PETSc error code.

 41:    Not Collective

 43:    Input Parameter:
 44: .   errnum - the error code

 46:    Output Parameter: 
 47: +  text - the error message (PETSC_NULL if not desired) 
 48: -  specific - the specific error message that was set with SETERRxxx() or PetscError().  (PETSC_NULL if not desired) 

 50:    Level: developer

 52:    Concepts: error handler^messages

 54: .seealso:  PetscPushErrorHandler(), PetscAttachDebuggerErrorHandler(), 
 55:           PetscAbortErrorHandler(), PetscTraceBackErrorHandler()
 56:  @*/
 57: int PetscErrorMessage(int errnum,char **text,char **specific)
 58: {
 60:   if (text && errnum >= PETSC_ERR_MEM && errnum <= PETSC_ERR_MEM_MALLOC_0) {
 61:     *text = PetscErrorStrings[errnum-PETSC_ERR_MEM];
 62:   } else if (text) *text = 0;

 64:   if (specific) {
 65:     *specific = PetscErrorBaseMessage;
 66:   }
 67:   return(0);
 68: }

 70: #undef __FUNCT__  
 72: /*@C
 73:    PetscIgnoreErrorHandler - Ignores the error, allows program to continue as if error did not occure

 75:    Not Collective

 77:    Input Parameters:
 78: +  line - the line number of the error (indicated by __LINE__)
 79: .  func - the function where error is detected (indicated by __FUNCT__)
 80: .  file - the file in which the error was detected (indicated by __FILE__)
 81: .  dir - the directory of the file (indicated by __SDIR__)
 82: .  mess - an error text string, usually just printed to the screen
 83: .  n - the generic error number
 84: .  p - specific error number
 85: -  ctx - error handler context

 87:    Level: developer

 89:    Notes:
 90:    Most users need not directly employ this routine and the other error 
 91:    handlers, but can instead use the simplified interface SETERRQ, which has 
 92:    the calling sequence
 93: $     SETERRQ(number,p,mess)

 95:    Notes for experienced users:
 96:    Use PetscPushErrorHandler() to set the desired error handler.  The
 97:    currently available PETSc error handlers include PetscTraceBackErrorHandler(),
 98:    PetscAttachDebuggerErrorHandler(), PetscAbortErrorHandler(), and PetscStopErrorHandler()

100:    Concepts: error handler^traceback
101:    Concepts: traceback^generating

103: .seealso:  PetscPushErrorHandler(), PetscAttachDebuggerErrorHandler(), 
104:           PetscAbortErrorHandler(), PetscTraceBackErrorHandler()
105:  @*/
106: int PetscIgnoreErrorHandler(int line,char *fun,char* file,char *dir,int n,int p,char *mess,void *ctx)
107: {
109:   PetscFunctionReturn(n);
110: }

113: #undef __FUNCT__  
115: /*@C

117:    PetscTraceBackErrorHandler - Default error handler routine that generates
118:    a traceback on error detection.

120:    Not Collective

122:    Input Parameters:
123: +  line - the line number of the error (indicated by __LINE__)
124: .  func - the function where error is detected (indicated by __FUNCT__)
125: .  file - the file in which the error was detected (indicated by __FILE__)
126: .  dir - the directory of the file (indicated by __SDIR__)
127: .  mess - an error text string, usually just printed to the screen
128: .  n - the generic error number
129: .  p - specific error number
130: -  ctx - error handler context

132:    Level: developer

134:    Notes:
135:    Most users need not directly employ this routine and the other error 
136:    handlers, but can instead use the simplified interface SETERRQ, which has 
137:    the calling sequence
138: $     SETERRQ(number,p,mess)

140:    Notes for experienced users:
141:    Use PetscPushErrorHandler() to set the desired error handler.  The
142:    currently available PETSc error handlers include PetscTraceBackErrorHandler(),
143:    PetscAttachDebuggerErrorHandler(), PetscAbortErrorHandler(), and PetscStopErrorHandler()

145:    Concepts: error handler^traceback
146:    Concepts: traceback^generating

148: .seealso:  PetscPushErrorHandler(), PetscAttachDebuggerErrorHandler(), 
149:           PetscAbortErrorHandler()
150:  @*/
151: int PetscTraceBackErrorHandler(int line,char *fun,char* file,char *dir,int n,int p,char *mess,void *ctx)
152: {
153:   PetscLogDouble    mem,rss;
154:   int               rank;
155:   PetscTruth        flg1,flg2;

158:   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);

160:   (*PetscErrorPrintf)("[%d]PETSC ERROR: %s() line %d in %s%sn",rank,fun,line,dir,file);
161:   if (p == 1) {
162:     if (n == PETSC_ERR_MEM) {
163:       (*PetscErrorPrintf)("[%d]PETSC ERROR:   Out of memory. This could be due to allocatingn",rank);
164:       (*PetscErrorPrintf)("[%d]PETSC ERROR:   too large an object or bleeding by not properlyn",rank);
165:       (*PetscErrorPrintf)("[%d]PETSC ERROR:   destroying unneeded objects.n",rank);
166:       PetscTrSpace(&mem,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL);
167:       PetscGetResidentSetSize(&rss);
168:       PetscOptionsHasName(PETSC_NULL,"-trdump",&flg1);
169:       PetscOptionsHasName(PETSC_NULL,"-trmalloc_log",&flg2);
170:       if (flg2) {
171:         PetscTrLogDump(stdout);
172:       } else if (flg1) {
173:         (*PetscErrorPrintf)("[%d]PETSC ERROR:   Memory allocated %d Memory used by process %dn",rank,(int)mem,(int)rss);
174:         PetscTrDump(stdout);
175:       } else {
176:         (*PetscErrorPrintf)("[%d]PETSC ERROR:   Memory allocated %d Memory used by process %dn",rank,(int)mem,(int)rss);
177:         (*PetscErrorPrintf)("[%d]PETSC ERROR:   Try running with -trdump or -trmalloc_log for info.n",rank);
178:       }
179:     } else {
180:         char *text;
181:         PetscErrorMessage(n,&text,PETSC_NULL);
182:         if (text) (*PetscErrorPrintf)("[%d]PETSC ERROR:   %s!n",rank,text);
183:     }
184:     if (mess) {
185:       (*PetscErrorPrintf)("[%d]PETSC ERROR:   %s!n",rank,mess);
186:     }
187:   }
188:   PetscFunctionReturn(n);
189: }