Recent Putz Photos!
Here is a sorted gallery of Putz photos, showing projects, hall traditions, and general shenanigans. Thank you to Anika Kamath ('22) and Gaby Alvarez ('22) for sorting these! Photo cred to Maxwell Yun ('21, insta @maxwellwhy), Joseph Ntaimo ('23), Lili Sun ('23), and many others! (To learn more about these Putzen, check out the residents page!)
Putz Hall Photo
Every year, Putz takes a hall photo. This is our most recent one. Jk, check the gallery above.
Hall Photo 2012
2014 Photos
Putz going camping, exchanging cruftmas gifts, enjoying the snow, jamming in a stairwell, etc.
Cryofac 2011
This is what we looked like in 2011, which is closer to now than any of these other pictures from 2004 and acceptably recent for people who aren't Erin Rhode.
Power Tool Mafia
The Pi Tau Zeta power tool mafia gathers for the annual hall photo.
CryoFAC '04
During the CPW party, 2W makes liquid nitrogen ice cream for the prefrosh and hosts ice carving outside.
Putzgiving '03
The annual Thanksgiving meal: two turkeys, two chefs, too many desserts.
Parties '03-'04
Dorm-wide parties, Deep Wood Fridays, and Insta-parties. We got you covered.
Monadnock hike
Our former GRT gets married on a mountain. We all go hiking.
Spring Break '04
A group of us went skiing, hiking, and camping in Colorado for Spring Break.
Photos from the 2003-2004 school year.
Check out older pictures from 2001-2003 or 2000-2001.
This page created and maintained by the Putz Web Strike Team (