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West Philadelphia Landscape Project
drawing by Johnathan Smith

Market street was used for the transportation of goods such as flour,wheat,grains and other goods. Market street was also use for the trasnportation of people in the early 1900's, when the "el" came along. When the car came along in the mid 1900's, the el was not used as much. So market died out and they need somthing to make it interesting agian. One day a man was in a commutiy meeting and he said "hey why the goos to the store when the store can come to the goods". and ever since then their have been stores going up and down market sreet.

drawing by Johnathan Smith

47th and market was the frist site for factories in west philadelphia. Today they are trying to make this an official landmark in west philadelphia.

drawing by Henry Byrd

The busti mansion is located at

drawing by Hakeem Davis

47th and market was the frist site for factories in west philadelphia. Today they are trying to make this an official landmark in west philadelphia.

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