Crystal Cornitcher
I had gotten involved in the West Philadelphia Landscape Project
through Sulzberger Middle School, that's where I had met Anne Spirn. I
was Vice President of the Home and School Association and the children
had been working with her for a while. At that time, I had spurred off
into community work. I took a community involvement class at Community
College. That's where I met Frances Walker- she was the guest speaker
there. I didn't know that she lived in my neighborhood.
I had been telling Frances Walker about the dampness in my basement
and she expressed that she had also had dampness in her basement. We
just thought that was really strange, that all of us had the same
problem. Then we connected with Professor Spirn through Sulzberger and
that's how we got all intertwined. We'd meet every Saturday and we
would brainstorm and we put together the idea of the Watershed
Project. We submitted that proposal and it was approved. We had
classesthe Coalition had classes educating the neighbors about the
Creek. We'd educate them about where it was and what part exactly it
plays in their life. That went off pretty good so that's where the
Watershed Garden came about over there on 48th Street. From that point
it's just been going ever since.
One time, Anne and I and my Vice President, Preston Nasir and Laura
and Rafael [research assistants], we went and we did a six block
survey where we went door-to-door one summer, going into people's
basements. We went door-to-door and people let us in and we examined
their backyards, their basements, and the front of their houses for
dampness. We did about five or six blocks. It gave Anne a different
perspective of it, seeing it up first hand how people are actually
forced to live. Then we started meeting again and Donald Fuller came
up with the idea about putting in clay pots to catch the water. So
it's all been like a community initiative.
Anne took pictures and we got back in touch with the people who houses
we had went to and she took their phone numbers and that brought out
the media, The Inquirer came out and I met with them. An editor from
the Inquirer wanted to go out and look for herself and so she came out
and looked in the community, the blocks that we surveyed.
That's when I met Joanne Dahme from the Water Department. She's been
the one who really brought the whole thing full circle. I don't really
know what I would have done without her because she came out herself
and she went through the same blocks that we went through, she counted
the abandoned houses. She was saying that the sewers could have been
coming from abandoned houses that they filled up but they don't cut
the water off. And once they board a house up, you have the drug
addicts that go in there and strip the pipes and that water just runs
freely under the ground. They did a whole complete tour of the sewer
with the camera and we saw the sewer lines on all of the streets that
we had done. So they cut the water off, if it wasn't cut off in those
abandoned houses. We're still meetingthe Coalition is still meeting
with the Water Department on a regular basis.
A couple of those blocks were picked by the mayor's initiative to get
the clay pots with the water draining, new downspouts and gutters and
then Habitat for Humanity is going to come through there and do
whatever work needed to be done. It was really a good project and I
really enjoyed working on it. What I hope to see is for it to go
further, you know, for it to go further down into the Mill Creek,
where everybody who lives in the Mill Creek has, you know, their homes
have been inspected.
There are reasons why you have vacant spaces in our community. They
either find that it's a tributary underneath of there or something
wrong there. And if we could get one of those Watershed Gardens on
every block where you have vacant spaces at, not only would it be
economically sound for us the residents but it looks pretty, it'd give
the children something to do. I mean the people over there that are
actually using it. You can go get the key and go in there. They sit
down and they sit down with their grandchildren and they talk much like
back in the days before the drugs took over the street. People were
able to sit outside on their porches or on their steps. People stopped
coming outside and this is kind of bringing them out. They're coming
out and they're neighborly and you know it's a good thing.
My biggest concern now is Sulzberger Middle School. It's an old
school. I went there when I was a teenager and they have like real,
real serious problems over there, with the roof leaking. What they say
is that kids who go to school at Sulzberger are bad. But I know for a
fact that environment and the quality of the environment has a direct
impact on children's behavior. So what's going on is that the children
are in an environmentally unfriendly atmosphere. And my thing is this:
why does our school have to deteriorate? The creekit really does it's
damage on the school. Whenever it rains and the creek rising up, that
whole basement, it floods. The children aren't allowed to use the gym.
You have classes there that they're not allowed to use because the
ceilings are falling in or the floors are swollen up.The kids they
can't even drink water over there. They can't even turn on the water
on to get water. They have a computer lab that they can't even use
because of the ceiling leaking, wetting the wire when they turn the
computers on. It sparks, it short-circuits, you know, the whole nine
I think that with this project people have changed the way they think
about the Mill Creek. I think that with this project here people aren't
as afraid. As you know, a couple of blocks went under ground in the
past. For the last 10 or 15 years people have been scared. There's a
parking lot over there where the market is which was maybe just laid
it down about 12 years ago and you can actually see where it curves
and where it sinks in there. Well, people have concerns about that.
But I think with us having the classes and giving them hand-outs on
what was going on, they understand what was going on. We had a great
big meeting at Sulzberger with the Water Department. They showed the
film of the sewer, where it was running good and everything and I
think that that kind of put their fears to rest. In other words, you
don't have to worry about going to bed tonight and your house will be
10 stories under.