General Information

41W is conveniently located on 41st floor of the west parallel of EAsT camPUS. Unfortunately, East Campus's elevators to this floor are currently out of order, so you'll have to take the stairs. This floor is separated into three sections: Munroe, Hayden, and Wood. All areas of 41W are clothing and cats optional at all times. Both lounges are smoking optional.


The blacklight lounge is located between Munroe and Hayden. It is lit by blacklight, and is repainted every year during hall rush. It is furnished with a carpet and some nice couches.

The whitelight lounge is located between Hayden and Wood. It is next to the kitchen, and is lit with white light. The white light lounge features a desk and TV, a bar, and miscellaneous artwork colored by residents. It also houses a variety of books, most of them on math. Remember, you or someone you know could be affected by crystal math.


Our kitchen is equipped with three gas ovens and stoves, totalling almost twelve functional burners. Aside from a few appliances - two toasters, a toaster oven, a blender, a waffle-maker, a water heater, two microwaves, and occasionally 5W's rice cooker - there is no communal cookware, because 41W is not a fucking commune.

We also have a very nice table which Nico keeps well-oiled.
