Spring 2011


»Tutorial Problems

*MIT cert required
* Staff only

Course info
Course calendar
Course description

SW installation

Previous terms

6.02 Course Information

Prerequisites 8.02, 18.03, 6.01.
The labs require familiarity with Python.
Units 4-4-4
Requirements satisfied: 1/2 Institute Lab, 6 Engineering Design Points.
Lectures MW 2-3 pm in 34-101.
1TR 1024-402Shah
2TR 1124-402Shah
3TR 1238-166Lim
4TR 138-166Sun
5TR 238-166Sun
Help The course staff has office hours in the afternoons and evenings in the 6.02 lab, 38-530. The staffing schedule is posted on the Lab Hours page on the course website. The lab has 100 debathena workstations (or bring your own laptop); hours are posted below.

0900 - 2330Mon - Thu
0900 - 1700Fri
1300 - 2330Sun

There are special hours during holidays and breaks -- see the schedule posted in the lab for more details.

You can also try email to 6.02-help at mit dot edu, although it's hard to debug Python code via email :)

If you are having access or technical problems with the on-line system, please email 6.02-web at mit dot edu.

Duties Name Email at mit.edu Office Phone
Lectures Chris Terman cjt 32-G790 x3-6038
Recitations Fabian Lim flim 38-266 x4-4913
Devavrat Shah devavrat 32-D670 x3-4670
John Sun johnsun 36-680D x4-5287
TAs Ruben Madrigal madrigal -- --
Sidhant Misra sidhant -- --
Chen Sun sunchen -- --
Xiawa Wang xiawaw -- --
Grace Woo gracewoo -- --
There are weekly on-line problem sets, posted on the website most Wednesdays, which are due at 6am the following Thursday morning. Solutions will be available after the due date once you have submitted the assignment on-line.

Some of the problems will involve writing Python functions, so be sure to leave time to debug your implementation before the due date. There is a 10-minute checkoff interview each week which must be scheduled with your assigned staff member within five days after the assignment is due (i.e., by the end of Monday).

After grading, your score and any comments from the grader can be viewed on-line by browsing the pset.

You must complete the interview for each pset as a prerequisite for passing the course. A missing interview will result in a failing grade; incompletes will not be given for missing interviews.

Late policy: Your grade will be multiplied by 0.5 for late submissions or checkoffs. You can extend the submission deadline, avoiding the late penalty, for up to two psets during the term -- see your On-lines Grades page. Note that all extensions must be resolved by the last day of classes.

If you have a note from Student Support Services, please see your TA. For all other circumstances (interview trips, sporting events, performances, overwork, etc.) you may use your extensions.

Collaboration policy: The assignments are intended to help you understand the material and should be done individually. You're welcome to get help from other students and the course staff but the work you hand in must be your own. Copying another person's work or allowing your work to be copied by others is a serious academic offense and will be treated as such. We do spot-check your submissions for infractions of the collaboration policy so please don't tempt fate by submitting someone else's work as your own; it will save us all a lot of grief.

Quizzes There are three quizzes, scheduled as follows:
    Quiz 1: March 3, 2011, 7:30-9:30, Room 50-340
    Quiz 2: April 12, 2011, 7:30-9:30, Room 26-100
    Quiz 3: May 17, 1:30p - 4:30p, Johnson Ice Rink
Grading Your final grade will be determined by a weighted average of the following:
    Quiz 1: 12%
    Quiz 2: 19%
    Quiz 3: 19%
    10 PSets: 5% each, for a total of 50%

To review your current scores use the "On-line grades" link in the nav bar to the left.