Package interval

Class MultiIntervalSet<L>

  • Type Parameters:
    L - type of labels in this set, must be immutable

    public class MultiIntervalSet<L>
    extends Object
    A mutable set of labeled intervals, where each label is associated with one or more non-overlapping half-open intervals [start, end). Neither intervals with the same label nor with different labels may overlap. Labels are of immutable type L and must implement the Object contract: they are compared for equality using Object.equals(java.lang.Object).

    For example, { "A"=[[0,10)], "B"=[[20,30)] } is a multi-interval set where the labels are Strings "A" and "B". We could add "A"=[10,20) to that set to obtain { "A"=[[0,10),[10,20)], "B"=[[20,30)] }.

    PS2 instructions: this is a required ADT class. You may not change the specifications or add new public methods. You must use IntervalSet in your rep, but otherwise the implementation of this class is up to you.

    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiIntervalSet

        public MultiIntervalSet()
        Create an empty multi-interval set.
      • MultiIntervalSet

        public MultiIntervalSet​(IntervalSet<L> initial)
        Create a new multi-interval set containing the given labeled intervals.
        initial - initial contents of the new set
    • Method Detail

      • insert

        public void insert​(long start,
                           long end,
                           L label)
                    throws IntervalConflictException
        Add a labeled interval (if not present) to this set, if it does not conflict with existing intervals.

        Labeled intervals conflict if:

        • they have the same label with different, overlapping intervals, or
        • they have different labels with overlapping intervals.

        For example, if this set is { "A"=[[0,10),[20,30)] },

        • insert("A"=[0,10)) has no effect
        • insert("B"=[10,20)) adds "B"=[[10,20)]
        • insert("C"=[20,30)) throws IntervalConflictException
        start - low end of the interval, inclusive
        end - high end of the interval, exclusive, must be greater than start
        label - label to add
        IntervalConflictException - if label is already in this set and is associated with an interval other than [start,end) that overlaps [start,end), or if an interval in this set with a different label overlaps [start,end)
      • clear

        public boolean clear()
        Remove all intervals from this set.
        true if this set was non-empty, and false otherwise
      • labels

        public Set<L> labels()
        Get the labels in this set.
        the labels in this set
      • intervals

        public IntervalSet<Integer> intervals​(L label)
                                       throws NoSuchElementException
        Get all the intervals in this set associated with a given label. The returned set has Integer labels that act as indices: label 0 is associated with the lowest interval, 1 the next, and so on, for all the intervals in this set that have the provided label.

        For example, if this set is { "A"=[[0,10),[20,30)], "B"=[[10,20)] },

        • intervals("A") returns { 0=[0,10), 1=[20,30) }
        label - the label
        a new interval set that associates integer indices with the in-order intervals of label in this set
        NoSuchElementException - if label is not in this set