Reading 14: Recursion
Software in 6.031
After today’s class, you should:
- be able to decompose a recursive problem into recursive steps and base cases
- know when and how to use helper methods in recursion
- understand the advantages and disadvantages of recursion vs. iteration
In today’s class, we’re going to talk about how to implement a method, once you already have a specification. We’ll focus on one particular technique, recursion. Recursion is not appropriate for every problem, but it’s an important tool in your software development toolbox, and one that many people scratch their heads over. We want you to be comfortable and competent with recursion, because you will encounter it over and over. (That’s a joke, but it’s also true.)
Recursion should not be new to you, and you should have seen and written recursive functions before. Today’s class will delve more deeply into recursion than you may have gone before. Comfort with recursive implementations will be necessary for upcoming classes.
A recursive function is defined in terms of base cases and recursive steps.
- In a base case, we compute the result immediately given the inputs to the function call.
- In a recursive step, we compute the result with the help of one or more recursive calls to this same function, but with the inputs somehow reduced in size or complexity, closer to a base case.
Consider writing a function to compute factorial. We can define factorial in two different ways:
Product | Recurrence relation |
![]() (where the empty product equals multiplicative identity 1) |
![]() |
which leads to two different implementations:
In the recursive implementation on the right, the base case is n = 0, where we compute and return the result immediately: 0! is defined to be 1. The recursive step is n > 0, where we compute the result with the help of a recursive call to obtain (n-1)!, then complete the computation by multiplying by n.
To visualize the execution of a recursive function, it is helpful to diagram the call stack of currently-executing functions as the computation proceeds.
Let’s run the recursive implementation of factorial
in a main method:
public static void main(String[] args) {
long x = factorial(3);
At each step, with time moving left to right:
main |
factorial n = 3 main x |
factorial n = 2 factorial n = 3 main x |
factorial n = 1 factorial n = 2 factorial n = 3 main x |
factorial n = 0 returns 1 factorial n = 1 factorial n = 2 factorial n = 3 main x |
factorial n = 1 returns 1 factorial n = 2 factorial n = 3 main x |
factorial n = 2 returns 2 factorial n = 3 main x |
factorial n = 3 returns 6 main x |
main x = 6 |
In the diagram, we can see how the stack grows as main
calls factorial
and factorial
then calls itself, until factorial(0)
does not make a recursive call.
Then the call stack unwinds, each call to factorial
returning its answer to the caller, until factorial(3)
returns to main
Here’s an interactive visualization of factorial
You can step through the computation to see the recursion in action.
New stack frames grow down instead of up in this visualization.
You’ve probably seen factorial before, because it’s a common example for recursive functions. Another common example is the Fibonacci series:
* @param n >= 0
* @return the nth Fibonacci number
public static int fibonacci(int n) {
if (n == 0 || n == 1) {
return 1; // base cases
} else {
return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2); // recursive step
Fibonacci is interesting because it has multiple base cases: n = 0 and n = 1. You can look at an interactive visualization of Fibonacci. Notice that where factorial’s stack steadily grows to a maximum depth and then shrinks back to the answer, Fibonacci’s stack grows and shrinks repeatedly over the course of the computation.
reading exercises
Consider this recursive implementation of the factorial function.
public static long factorial(int n) {
if (n == 0) {
return 1; // this is called the base case
} else {
return n * factorial(n-1); // this is the recursive step
For factorial(3)
, how many times will the base case return 1
be executed?
(missing explanation)
Consider this recursive implementation of the Fibonacci sequence.
public static int fibonacci(int n) {
if (n == 0 || n == 1) {
return 1; // base cases
} else {
return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2); // recursive step
For fibonacci(3)
, how many times will the base case return 1
be executed?
(missing explanation)
Choosing the right decomposition for a problem
Finding the right way to decompose a problem, such as a method implementation, is important. Good decompositions are simple, short, easy to understand, safe from bugs, and ready for change.
Recursion is an elegant and simple decomposition for some problems. Suppose we want to implement this specification:
* @param word consisting only of letters A-Z or a-z
* @return all subsequences of word, separated by commas,
* where a subsequence is a string of letters found in word
* in the same order that they appear in word.
public static String subsequences(String word)
For example, subsequences("abc")
might return "abc,ab,bc,ac,a,b,c,"
. Note the trailing comma preceding the empty subsequence, which is also a valid subsequence.
This problem lends itself to an elegant recursive decomposition. Take the first letter of the word. We can form one set of subsequences that include that letter, and another set of subsequences that exclude that letter, and those two sets completely cover the set of possible subsequences.
1 public static String subsequences(String word) {
2 if (word.isEmpty()) {
3 return ""; // base case
4 } else {
5 char firstLetter = word.charAt(0);
6 String restOfWord = word.substring(1);
8 String subsequencesOfRest = subsequences(restOfWord);
10 String result = "";
11 final int withTrailingEmptyStrings = -1; // see String.split() spec
12 for (String subsequence : subsequencesOfRest.split(",", withTrailingEmptyStrings)) {
13 result += "," + subsequence;
14 result += "," + firstLetter + subsequence;
15 }
16 result = result.substring(1); // remove extra leading comma
17 return result;
18 }
19 }
Structure of recursive implementations
A recursive implementation always has two parts:
base case, which is the simplest, smallest instance of the problem, that can’t be decomposed any further. Base cases often correspond to emptiness – the empty string, the empty list, the empty set, the empty tree, zero, etc.
recursive step, which decomposes a larger instance of the problem into one or more simpler or smaller instances that can be solved by recursive calls, and then recombines the results of those subproblems to produce the solution to the original problem.
It’s important for the recursive step to transform the problem instance into something smaller, otherwise the recursion may never end. If every recursive step shrinks the problem, and the base case lies at the bottom, then the recursion is guaranteed to be finite.
A recursive implementation may have more than one base case, or more than one recursive step. For example, the Fibonacci function has two base cases, n = 0 and n = 1.
Helper methods
The recursive implementation we just saw for subsequences()
is one possible recursive decomposition of the problem. We took a solution to a subproblem – the subsequences of the remainder of the string after removing the first character – and used it to construct solutions to the original problem, by taking each subsequence and adding the first character or omitting it. This is in a sense a direct recursive implementation, where we are using the existing specification of the recursive method to solve the subproblems.
In some cases, it’s useful to require a stronger (or different) specification for the recursive steps, to make the recursive decomposition simpler or more elegant. In this case, what if we built up a partial subsequence using the initial letters of the word, and used the recursive calls to complete that partial subsequence using the remaining letters of the word? For example, suppose the original word is “orange”. We’ll both select “o” to be in the partial subsequence, and recursively extend it with all subsequences of “range”; and we’ll skip “o”, use “” as the partial subsequence, and again recursively extend it with all subsequences of “range”.
Using this approach, our code now looks much simpler:
* @param partialSubsequence a subsequence-in-progress, consisting only of letters A-Z or a-z
* @param word consisting only of letters A-Z or a-z
* @return all subsequences of word, separated by commas, with partialSubsequence prefixed to each one
private static String subsequencesAfter(String partialSubsequence, String word) {
if (word.isEmpty()) {
// base case
return partialSubsequence;
} else {
// recursive step
return subsequencesAfter(partialSubsequence, word.substring(1))
+ ","
+ subsequencesAfter(partialSubsequence + word.charAt(0), word.substring(1));
This subsequencesAfter
method is called a helper method. It satisfies a different spec from the original subsequences
, because it has a new parameter partialSubsequence
. This parameter fills a similar role that a local variable would in an iterative implementation. It holds temporary state during the evolution of the computation. The recursive calls steadily extend this partial subsequence, selecting or ignoring each letter in the word, until finally reaching the end of the word (the base case), at which point the partial subsequence is returned as the only result. Then the recursion backtracks and fills in other possible subsequences.
To finish the implementation, we need to implement the original subsequences
spec, which gets the ball rolling by calling the helper method with an initial value for the partial subsequence parameter:
public static String subsequences(String word) {
return subsequencesAfter("", word);
Don’t expose the helper method to your clients. Your decision to decompose the recursion this way instead of another way is entirely implementation-specific. In particular, if you discover that you need temporary variables like partialSubsequence
in your recursion, don’t change the original spec of your method, and don’t force your clients to correctly initialize those parameters. That exposes your implementation to the client and reduces your ability to change it in the future. Use a private helper function for the recursion, and have your public method call it with the correct initializations, as shown above.
reading exercises
Louis Reasoner doesn’t want to use a helper method, so he tries to implement subsequences()
by storing partialSubsequence
as a static variable instead of a parameter.
Here is his implementation:
private static String partialSubsequence = "";
public static String subsequencesLouis(String word) {
if (word.isEmpty()) {
// base case
return partialSubsequence;
} else {
// recursive step
String withoutFirstLetter = subsequencesLouis(word.substring(1));
partialSubsequence += word.charAt(0);
String withFirstLetter = subsequencesLouis(word.substring(1));
return withoutFirstLetter + "," + withFirstLetter;
Suppose we call subsequencesLouis("c")
followed by subsequencesLouis("a")
(missing explanation)
Louis fixes that problem by making partialSubsequence
* Requires: caller must set partialSubsequence to "" before calling subsequencesLouis().
public static String partialSubsequence;
Alyssa P. Hacker throws up her hands when she sees what Louis did. Which of these statements are true about his code?
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Louis gives in to Alyssa’s strenuous arguments, hides his static variable again, and takes care of initializing it properly before starting the recursion:
public static String subsequences(String word) {
partialSubsequence = "";
return subsequencesLouis(word);
private static String partialSubsequence = "";
public static String subsequencesLouis(String word) {
if (word.isEmpty()) {
// base case
return partialSubsequence;
} else {
// recursive step
String withoutFirstLetter = subsequencesLouis(word.substring(1));
partialSubsequence += word.charAt(0);
String withFirstLetter = subsequencesLouis(word.substring(1));
return withoutFirstLetter + "," + withFirstLetter;
Unfortunately a static variable is simply a bad idea in recursion.
Louis’s solution is still broken.
To illustrate, let’s trace through the call subsequences("xy")
You can step through an interactive visualization of this version to see what happens.
It will produce these recursive calls to subsequencesLouis()
1. subsequencesLouis("xy")
2. subsequencesLouis("y")
3. subsequencesLouis("")
4. subsequencesLouis("")
5. subsequencesLouis("y")
6. subsequencesLouis("")
7. subsequencesLouis("")
When each of these calls starts, what is the value of the static variable partialSubsequence?
(missing explanation)
Choosing the right recursive subproblem
Let’s look at another example. Suppose we want to convert an integer to a string representation with a given base, following this spec:
* @param n integer to convert to string
* @param base base for the representation. Requires 2<=base<=10.
* @return n represented as a string of digits in the specified base, with
* a minus sign if n<0. No unnecessary leading zeros are included.
public static String stringValue(int n, int base)
For example, stringValue(16, 10)
should return "16"
, and stringValue(16, 2)
should return "10000"
Let’s develop a recursive implementation of this method. One recursive step here is straightforward: we can handle negative integers simply by recursively calling for the representation of the corresponding positive integer:
if (n < 0) return "-" + stringValue(-n, base);
This shows that the recursive subproblem can be smaller or simpler in more subtle ways than just the value of a numeric parameter or the size of a string or list parameter. We have still effectively reduced the problem by reducing it to positive integers.
The next question is, given that we have a positive n
, say n = 829
in base 10, how should we decompose it into a recursive subproblem? Thinking about the number as we would write it down on paper, we could either start with 8 (the leftmost or highest-order digit), or 9 (the rightmost, lower-order digit). Starting at the left end seems natural, because that’s the direction we write, but it’s harder in this case, because we would need to first find the number of digits in the number to figure out how to extract the leftmost digit. Instead, a better way to decompose n
is to take its remainder modulo base
(which gives the rightmost digit) and also divide by base
(which gives the subproblem, the remaining higher-order digits):
return stringValue(n/base, base) + "0123456789".charAt(n%base);
Think about several ways to break down the problem, and try to write the recursive steps. You want to find the one that produces the simplest, most natural recursive step.
It remains to figure out what the base case is, and include an if statement that distinguishes the base case from this recursive step.
reading exercises
Here is the recursive implementation of stringValue()
with the recursive steps brought together but with the base case still missing:
* @param n integer to convert to string
* @param base base for the representation. Requires 2<=base<=10.
* @return n represented as a string of digits in the specified base, with
* a minus sign if n<0. No unnecessary leading zeros are included.
public static String stringValue(int n, int base) {
if (n < 0) {
return "-" + stringValue(-n, base);
} else if (BASE CONDITION) {
} else {
return stringValue(n/base, base) + "0123456789".charAt(n%base);
Which of the following can be substituted for the BASE CONDITION
to make the code correct?
It may help to think about the test cases on the right.
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Recursive problems vs. recursive data
The examples we’ve seen so far have been cases where the problem structure lends itself naturally to a recursive definition. Factorial is easy to define in terms of smaller subproblems. Having a recursive problem like this is one cue that you should pull a recursive solution out of your toolbox.
Another cue is when the data you are operating on is inherently recursive in structure. We’ll see many examples of recursive data a few classes from now, but for now let’s look at the recursive data found in every laptop computer: its filesystem. A filesystem consists of named files. Some files are folders, which can contain other files. So a filesystem is recursive: folders contain other folders which contain other folders, until finally at the bottom of the recursion are plain (non-folder) files.
The Java library represents the file system using
. This is a recursive data type, in the sense that f.getParentFile()
returns the parent folder of a file f
, which is a File
object as well, and f.listFiles()
returns the files contained by f
, which is an array of other File
For recursive data, it’s natural to write recursive implementations:
* @param f a file in the filesystem
* @return the full pathname of f from the root of the filesystem
public static String fullPathname(File f) {
if (f.getParentFile() == null) {
// base case: f is at the root of the filesystem
return f.getName();
} else {
// recursive step
return fullPathname(f.getParentFile()) + "/" + f.getName();
Recent versions of Java have added a new API, java.nio.Files
and java.nio.Path
, which offer a cleaner separation between the filesystem and the pathnames used to name files in it. But the data structure is still fundamentally recursive.
Mutual recursion
Sometimes multiple helper methods cooperate in a recursive implementation. If method A calls method B, which then calls method A again, then A and B are mutually recursive.
Mutual recursion is often found in code that operates over recursive data. Using the filesystem as an example, here are two mutually recursive methods that walk down the tree of files and folders:
* @param file a file in the filesystem
public static void visitNode(File file) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
* @param files a list of files
public static void visitChildren(File[] files) {
for (File file : files) {
One of the advantages of this approach is that both methods are simple and short, and the client can choose to start the tree traversal from either single point (visitNode
) or from multiple points (visitChildren
) without needing any redundant code.
We will see many examples of mutually recursive methods when we talk about recursive data types in a few classes.
reading exercises
Suppose you want to change the visitNode
traversal so that it prints every visited file or folder that starts with a particular pattern.
Here is the line of code:
if (file.getName().startsWith(pattern)) { System.out.println(file); }
Which places should this code be added?
(missing explanation)
Where should the pattern
variable be declared?
(missing explanation)
Instead of printing the matching files, it would be better to return them, perhaps by gathering them up into a Set
This exercise considers one way to do this, using a single mutable Set
object that accumulates the results.
This is analogous to what you would do if this file traversal were done iteratively in a loop.
The next exercise will consider doing it with immutable Set
values instead, since immutability is generally a better pattern for safe and understandable recursion.
How should the code be changed to accumulate the results in a mutable Set
(missing explanation)
Replace System.out.println(file);
with the following line(s):
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
Instead of mutating a result set provided by the caller, let’s build our implementation around immutable sets. Select the best pieces of code to complete the implementation:
public static Set<File> visitNode(File file, String pattern) {
Set<File> resultSet = ▶▶A◀◀;
if (file.getName().startsWith(pattern)) { resultSet.add(file); }
if (file.isDirectory()) {
▶▶B◀◀(visitChildren(file.listFiles(), pattern));
return ▶▶C◀◀;
public static Set<File> visitChildren(File[] files, String pattern) {
Set<File> resultSet = ▶▶A◀◀;
for (File file : files) {
return ▶▶C◀◀;
The same three pieces will complete both visitNode
and visitChildren
(missing explanation)
Reentrant code
Recursion – a method calling itself – is a special case of a general phenomenon in programming called reentrancy. Reentrant code can be safely re-entered, meaning that it can be called again even while a call to it is underway. Reentrant code keeps its state entirely in parameters and local variables, and doesn’t use static variables or global variables, and doesn’t share aliases to mutable objects with other parts of the program, or other calls to itself.
Direct recursion is one way that reentrancy can happen. We’ve seen many examples of that during this reading. The factorial()
method is designed so that factorial(n-1)
can be called even though factorial(n)
hasn’t yet finished working.
Mutual recursion between two or more functions is another way this can happen – A calls B, which calls A again. Mutual recursion is often intentional, designed by the programmer. But unexpected mutual recursion can lead to bugs.
When we talk about concurrency later in the course, reentrancy will come up again, since in a concurrent program, a method may be called at the same time by different parts of the program that are running concurrently.
It’s good to design your code to be reentrant as much as possible. Reentrant code is safer from bugs and can be used in more situations, like concurrency, callbacks, or mutual recursion.
When to use recursion rather than iteration
We’ve seen two common reasons for using recursion:
- The problem is naturally recursive (e.g. Fibonacci)
- The data are naturally recursive (e.g. filesystem)
Another reason to use recursion is to take more advantage of immutability. In an ideal recursive implementation, all variables are final, all data are immutable, and the recursive methods are all pure functions in the sense that they do not mutate anything. The behavior of a method can be understood simply as a relationship between its parameters and its return value, with no side effects on any other part of the program. This kind of paradigm is called functional programming, and it is far easier to reason about than imperative programming with loops and variables.
In iterative implementations, by contrast, you inevitably have non-final variables or mutable objects that are modified during the course of the iteration. Reasoning about the program then requires thinking about snapshots of the program state at various points in time, rather than thinking about pure input/output behavior.
One downside of recursion is that it may take more space than an iterative solution. Building up a stack of recursive calls consumes memory temporarily, and the stack is limited in size. If the maximum depth of recursion grows only logarithmically with the size of the input (as in, say, a recursive binary search), then this is rarely a problem. But if the maximum depth grows linearly with the input (as in factorial and Fibonacci), then the stack size may become a limit on the size of the problem that your recursive implementation can solve.
reading exercises
Recall the implementation of subsequences()
from the start of this reading:
public static String subsequences(String word) {
if (word.isEmpty()) {
return ""; // base case
} else {
char firstLetter = word.charAt(0);
String restOfWord = word.substring(1);
String subsequencesOfRest = subsequences(restOfWord);
String result = "";
final int withTrailingEmptyStrings = -1; // see String.split() spec
for (String subsequence : subsequencesOfRest.split(",", withTrailingEmptyStrings)) {
result += "," + subsequence;
result += "," + firstLetter + subsequence;
if (result.startsWith(",")) result = result.substring(1); // remove extra leading comma
return result;
For subsequences("123456")
, how deep does its recursive call stack get — i.e., how many calls to subsequences()
are on the stack at the same time?
(missing explanation)
Common mistakes in recursive implementations
Here are three common ways that a recursive implementation can go wrong:
- The base case is missing entirely, or the problem needs more than one base case but not all the base cases are covered.
- The recursive step doesn’t reduce to a smaller subproblem, so the recursion doesn’t converge.
- Aliases to a mutable data structure are inadvertently shared, and mutated, among the recursive calls.
Look for these when you’re debugging.
On the bright side, what would be an infinite loop in an iterative implementation usually becomes a StackOverflowError
in a recursive implementation. A buggy recursive program sometimes fails faster.
reading exercises
Here is a buggy recursive implementation:
* @param list must be nonempty
* @return the maximum integer in list
public static int maxList(List<Integer> list) {
return maxOfRange(list, 0, list.size()-1);
// helper method -- finds the max of list[start]...list[end]
private static int maxOfRange(List<Integer> list, int start, int end) {
if (start == end) {
return list.remove(start);
} else {
int midpoint = (start + end + 1)/2;
return Math.max(maxOfRange(list, start, midpoint), maxOfRange(list, midpoint+1, end));
Which of the following bugs does this implementation suffer from? If a single bug could be described in more than one way, select all the matching choices.
(missing explanation)
- recursive problems and recursive data
- comparing alternative decompositions of a recursive problem
- using helper methods to strengthen a recursive step
- recursion vs. iteration
The topics of today’s reading connect to our three key properties of good software as follows:
Safe from bugs. Recursive code is simpler and often uses unreassignable variables and immutable objects.
Easy to understand. Recursive implementations for naturally recursive problems and recursive data are often shorter and easier to understand than iterative solutions.
Ready for change. Recursive code is also naturally reentrant, which makes it safer from bugs and ready to use in more situations.