Reading 27: Little Languages I
Software in 6.031
In this reading we will begin to explore the design of a little language for constructing and manipulating music. Here’s the bottom line: when you need to solve a problem, instead of writing a program to solve just that one problem, build a language that can solve a range of related problems.
The goal for this reading is to introduce the idea of representing code as data and familiarize you with an initial version of the music language.
Representing code as data
Recall the Formula
datatype from Recursive Data Types:
Formula = Variable(name:String)
+ Not(formula:Formula)
+ And(left:Formula, right:Formula)
+ Or(left:Formula, right:Formula)
We used instances of Formula
to take propositional logic formulas, e.g. (p ∧ q), and represent them in a data structure, e.g.:
And(Variable("p"), Variable("q"))
In the parlance of grammars and parsers, formulas are a language, and Formula
is an abstract syntax tree.
But why did we define a Formula
Java already has a way to represent expressions of Boolean variables with logical and, or, and not.
For example, given boolean
variables p
and q
, we can just write:
p && q
The answer is that the Java code expression p && q
is evaluated as soon as we encounter it in our running program.
The Formula
value And(...)
is a first-class value that can be stored, passed and returned from one method to another, manipulated, and evaluated now or later (or more than once) as needed.
The Formula
type is an example of representing code as data, and we’ve seen others.
Here is a functional object:
class AndFunction implements BiFunction<Boolean,Boolean,Boolean> {
public boolean apply(boolean p, boolean q) {
return p && q;
represents a function that takes two boolean values and produces a boolean value.
An instance of BiFunction
is a value that can be passed around, returned, and stored.
But at any time, the function that it represents can be invoked by calling its apply
BiFunction<Boolean,Boolean,Boolean> f = new AndFunction();
boolean p = true;
boolean q = false;
boolean result = f.apply(p, q);
Lambda expressions allow us to create functional objects with a compact syntax:
BiFunction<Boolean,Boolean,Boolean> f = (p, q) -> p && q;
Building languages to solve problems
When we define an abstract data type, we’re extending the universe of built-in types provided by Java to include a new type, with new operations, appropriate to our problem domain. This new type is like a new language: a new set of nouns (values) and verbs (operations) we can manipulate. Of course, those nouns and verbs are abstractions built on top of the existing nouns and verbs which were themselves already abstractions.
A language has greater flexibility than a mere program, because we can use a language to solve a large class of related problems, instead of just a single problem.
That’s the difference between writing
p && q
and devising aFormula
type to represent the semantically-equivalent Boolean formula.And it’s the difference between writing a matrix multiplication function and devising a
type to represent matrix multiplications — and store them, manipulate them, optimize them, evaluate them, and so on.
This kind of language is called a domain-specific language (DSL), because it solves problems in a narrower domain than a general-purpose programming language like Java or Python. DSLs can be further classifed into external and internal. External DSLs have custom syntax and semantics, independent of any general-purpose programming language. Examples that we’ve already seen in this class include regular expressions, ParserLib grammars, and the language of problem set 3. By contrast, an internal DSL is embedded in a general-purpose programming language, using the syntax and abstraction mechanisms of the host language rather than inventing its own. First-class functions and functional objects enable us to create particularly powerful internal DSLs because we can capture patterns of computation as reusable abstractions. The music language that we’ll develop in this class and the next is an example of an internal DSL.
Music language
In class, we will design and implement a language for generating and playing music.
To prepare, let’s first understand the Java APIs for playing music with the MIDI synthesizer.
We’ll see how to write a program to play MIDI music.
Then we’ll begin to develop our music language by writing a recursive abstract data type for simple musical tunes.
We’ll choose a notation for writing music as a string of characters, and we’ll implement a parser to create instances of our Music
See the full source code for the basic music language.
Download the ZIP file at that link, unpack it, and import it into Eclipse, so that you can run the code and follow the discussion below.
Playing MIDI music
uses the Java MIDI APIs to play sequences of notes.
It’s quite a bit of code, and you don’t need to understand how it works.
implements the music.SequencePlayer
interface, allowing clients to use it without depending on the particular MIDI implementation.
We do need to understand this interface and the types it depends on:
addNote : SequencePlayer × Instrument × Pitch × double × double → void
( is the workhorse of our music player.
Calling this method schedules a musical pitch to be played at some time during the piece of music.
play : SequencePlayer → void
( actually plays the music.
Until we call this method, we’re just scheduling music that will, eventually, be played.
The addNote
operation depends on two more types:
is an enumeration of all the available MIDI instruments.
is an abstract data type for musical pitches (think keys on the piano keyboard).
Read and understand the Pitch
documentation and the specifications for its public constructor and all its public methods.
Our music data type will rely on Pitch
in its rep, so be sure to understand the Pitch
spec as well as its rep and abstraction function.
Using the MIDI sequence player and Pitch
, we’re ready to write code for our first bit of music!
Read and understand the music.examples.ScaleSequence
Run the main method in ScaleSequence
You should hear a one-octave scale!
Music data type
The Pitch
datatype is useful, but if we want to represent a whole piece of music using Pitch
objects, we should create an abstract data type to encapsulate that representation.
To start, we’ll define the Music
type with a few operations:
notes : String × Instrument → Music
( makes a new Music from a string of simplified abc notation, described below.
duration : Music → double
( returns the duration, in beats, of the piece of music.
play : Music × SequencePlayer × double → void
( plays the piece of music using the given sequence player.
We’ll implement duration
and play
as instance methods of Music
, so we declare them in the Music
will be a static factory method; rather than put it in Music
(which we could do), we’ll put it in a separate class: MusicLanguage
will be our place for all the static methods we write to operate on Music
Now that we’ve chosen some operations in the spec of Music
, let’s choose a representation.
Looking at
, the first concrete variant that might jump out at us is one to capture the information in each call toaddNote
: a particular pitch on a particular instrument played for some amount of time. We’ll call this aNote
.The other basic element of music is the silence between notes:
.Finally, we need a way to glue these basic elements together into larger pieces of music. We’ll choose a tree-like structure:
followed bym2
, wherem1
are any music.This tree structure turns out to be an elegant decision as we further develop our
type later on. In a real design process, we might have had to iterate on the recursive structure ofMusic
before we found the best implementation.
Here’s the datatype definition:
Music = Note(duration:double, pitch:Pitch, instrument:Instrument)
+ Rest(duration:double)
+ Concat(m1:Music, m2:Music)
is an example of the composite pattern, in which single objects (primitives, e.g. Note
and Rest
) and groups of objects (composites, e.g. Concat
) all belong to the same type, so they can be treated the same way.
The recursive data types we’ve been using, like
, have been examples of the composite pattern.The graphical user interface (GUI) view tree relies heavily on the composite pattern: there are primitive views like
that don’t have children, and composite views likeJPanel
that do contain other views as children. Both implement the commonJComponent
The composite pattern gives rise to a tree data structure, with primitives at the leaves and composites at the internal nodes.
One last design consideration: how do we represent the empty music?
It’s always good to have a representation for nothing, and we’re certainly not going to use null
We could introduce an Empty
variant, but instead we’ll use a Rest
of duration 0
to represent emptiness.
Implementing basic operations
First we need to create the Note
, Rest
, and Concat
All three are straightforward to implement, starting with constructors, checkRep
, some observers, toString
, and the equality methods.
Since the
operation is an instance method, each variant implementsduration
operation is also an instance method; we’ll discuss it below under implementing the player.
We’ll discuss the notes
operation, implemented as a static method in class MusicLanguage
under implementing the parser.
To avoid representation dependence, let’s add some additional static factory methods for building Music
note : double × Pitch × Instrument → Music
rest : double → Music
concat : Music × Music → Music
( is our first producer operation.
All three of them are easy to implement by constructing the appropriate variant.
Music notation
We will write pieces of music using a simplified version of abc notation, a text-based music format.
We’ve already been representing pitches using their familiar letters. Our simplified abc notation represents sequences of notes and rests with syntax for indicating their duration, accidental (sharp or flat), and octave.
C D E F G A B C' B A G F E D C
represents the one-octave ascending and descending C major scale we played in ScaleSequence
is middle C, and C'
is C one octave above middle C.
Each note is a quarter note.
C/2 D/2 _E/2 F/2 G/2 _A/2 _B/2 C'/2
is the ascending scale in C minor, played twice as fast.
The E, A, and B are flat.
Each note is an eighth note.
Read and understand the specification of notes
in MusicLanguage
You don’t need to understand the parser implementation yet, but you should understand the simplified abc notation enough to make sense of the examples.
If you’re not familiar with music theory — why is an octave 8 notes but only 12 semitones? — don’t worry. You might not be able to look at the abc strings and guess what they sound like, but you can understand the point of choosing a convenient textual syntax.
Implementing the parser
The notes
method parses strings of simplified abc notation into Music
notes : String × Instrument → Music
( splits the input into individual symbols (e.g. A,,/2
, .1/2
We start with the empty Music
, rest(0)
, parse symbols individually, and build up the Music
using concat
parseSymbol : String × Instrument → Music
( returns a Rest
or a Note
for a single abc symbol (symbol
in the grammar).
It only parses the type (rest or note) and duration; it relies on parsePitch
to handle pitch letters, accidentals, and octaves.
parsePitch : String → Pitch
( returns a Pitch
by parsing a pitch
grammar production.
You should be able to understand the recursion — what’s the base case? What are the recursive cases?
Implementing the player
Recall our operation for playing music:
play : Music × SequencePlayer × double → void
( plays the piece of music using the given sequence player after the given number of beats delay.
Why does this operation take atBeat
Why not simply play the music now?
If we define play
in that way, we won’t be able to play sequences of notes over time unless we actually pause during the play
operation, for example with Thread.sleep
Our sequence player’s addNote
operation is already designed to schedule notes in the future — it handles the delay.
With that design decision, it’s straightforward to implement play
in every variant of Music
Read and understand the
, and
You should be able to follow their recursive implementations.
Just one more piece of utility code before we’re ready to jam: music.midi.MusicPlayer
plays a Music
using the MidiSequencePlayer
doesn’t know about the concrete type of the sequence player, so we need a bit of code to bring them together.
Bringing this all together, let’s use the Music
Read and understand the music.examples.ScaleMusic
Run the main method in ScaleMusic
You should hear the same one-octave scale again.
That’s not very exciting, so read music.examples.RowYourBoatInitial
and run the main method.
You should hear Row, row, row your boat!
Can you follow the executation of the code from calling notes(..)
, to returning an instance of Music
, to the recursive play(..)
call, and then individual addNote(..)
If you have trouble understanding the flow of the code, using a debugger to step through the code may help.
reading exercises
Consider a Music
object created by parsing abc for just the first note of Row, row, row your boat:
Music row = notes("C", PIANO);
Draw a snapshot diagram showing the state of the row
object after this line of code has executed.
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Now consider this Music
Music twoNotes = notes("C D", PIANO);
Draw a snapshot diagram showing the state of the twoNotes
object after this line of code has executed.
A full snapshot diagram will be very complicated. To make it more manageable, use the following abbreviations:
(Note "C")
for eachNote
object representing a pitch of C,(Note "D")
for eachNote
object representing a pitch of D,- and
for eachRest
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To be continued
Playing Row, row, row your boat is pretty exciting, but so far the most powerful thing we’ve done is not so much the music language as it is the very basic music parser.
Writing music using the simplified abc notation is clearly much more easy to understand, safe from bugs, and ready for change than writing page after page of addNote
In the next classes, we’ll expand our music language and turn it into a powerful tool for constructing and manipulating complex musical structures.