Classwork Grading and Makeup
Each class meeting has a classwork grade out of 10 points, which combines:
- exercises before class (reading questions, Java Tutor, Gitstream)
- a nanoquiz at the start of class
- exercises during class (programming, clicker questions, other activities)
Before-class work (including exercises in the reading, Java Tutor, and Gitstream) is graded based on whether you put effort into it, not whether your answers were correct. These exercises help you check your understanding and practice for the in-class nanoquiz, so take them seriously. Merely reading something is not as effective for learning as first reading and then testing yourself on what you read. Before-class work is generally due at 10pm MIT time the day before the class. Work done after that deadline earns partial credit: nearly full credit for work late by an hour or two, but less and less the longer overdue.
Nanoquizzes are graded like quizzes. Other activities are graded for evidence of effort rather than correctness. The nanoquiz will be worth from 1/3 to 2/3 of the classwork grade. The exact amount will vary from class to class, depending on the number and kind of other activities.
In-class programming is graded based on whether you’ve attempted the exercise and made some progress, even if you don’t complete it. You are not expected to complete unfinished exercises after class, but TAs and LAs will be happy to help you review or finish them.
You must collaborate using Constellation to receive credit for programming exercises. If you encounter technical issues, ask a TA for help. If necessary, visit lab hours or post on Piazza to resolve the issue for next time.
All classwork results are found on Omnivore (see link on the course homepage). This includes both before-class work (reading exercises, Java Tutor, Gitstream) and in-class work (nanoquizzes, clicker questions, in-class programming). Some results need more time than others to reach Omnivore, so if you don’t see something immediately, please be patient.
Class makeup
We automatically drop the lowest 5 classwork grades. If you’re dissatisfied with any of your classwork grades, however, you can earn back some of its lost points by doing a makeup. A makeup involves answering a few new questions related to the topic of the class (which are chosen randomly from a pool), and writing your own original multiple-choice question for the topic.
Be sure you do a makeup for the right class. If you don’t like your grade for Class 2, then you should be submitting a makeup related to Class 2.
Writing a good makeup question can earn back 1/2 of the classwork points lost on that class. For example, if your classwork grade for that class was 6/10, then an excellent makeup question brings your grade up to 8/10. If you missed the class entirely and got 0/10, then a makeup can raise it to at most 5/10. Makeup questions that don’t follow the directions or show little effort will earn no makeup credit.
The deadline for making up a class is one week (7 × 24 hours) after that class’s grades are posted. Makeups may not be revised or resubmitted. Only one submission per class will be considered.
Makeup submissions are reviewed regularly, but at low priority, by various staff members, and not necessarily in order of submission. After a makeup is accepted, your classwork grade on Omnivore will usually be updated within a couple weeks, but it may take longer.
Submitting a makeup
Submit your makeup on the makeup submission form.
Accepted makeup questions may be used anonymously as ungraded review or makeup material in this or future semesters.
You must write your original question in a format based on Markdown. Here’s everything you’re likely to need: