Reading 2: Basic Java
Due the night before class: you must complete the reading exercises and Java Tutor exercises in this reading by Thursday, February 9 at 10:00 pm. These exercises are graded solely on completion, never on correctness, as described in the course general info.
Getting credit for reading exercises: on the right is a big red log in button. You will only receive credit for reading exercises if you are logged in when you do them.
Due before class: you must complete Problem Set 0 Part I before class on Friday, February 10 at 11:00 am.
- Learn basic Java syntax and semantics
- Transition from writing Python to writing Java
Software in 6.031
Safe from bugs | Easy to understand | Ready for change |
Correct today and correct in the unknown future. | Communicating clearly with future programmers, including future you. | Designed to accommodate change without rewriting. |
Getting started with Java
The next few sections link to the Java Tutorials web site to get you up to speed with the basics, with reading exercises to check your understanding.
After reading the tutorial pages, use 6.031’s Java Tutor in Eclipse to practice what you’ve learned.
This reading and other resources will frequently refer you to the Java API documentation which describes all the classes built in to Java.
Language basics
Read Language Basics.
In the Java Tutor, complete the Basic Java category, so that it’s fully checked off with a green checkmark, like this:
Then check your understanding by answering some questions about how the basics of Java compare to the basics of Python:
reading exercises
Suppose we’re editing the body of a function in Java, declaring and using local variables.
int a = 5; // (1)
if (a > 10) { // (2)
int b = 2; // (3)
} else { // (4)
int b = 4; // (5)
} // (6)
b *= 3; // (7)
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
Numbers and strings
Read Numbers and Strings.
Don’t worry if you find the Number
wrapper classes confusing.
They are.
In the Java Tutor, complete the Numbers & Strings category:
reading exercises
fahrenheit = 212.0
celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
Using objects
Read Objects (including the two pages under it, Creating Objects and Using Objects).
Hello, world!
Read Hello World!
You should be able to create a new
file, enter the code from that tutorial page, and compile and run the program to see Hello World!
on the console.
Snapshot diagrams
Snapshot diagrams represent the internal state of a program at runtime – its stack (methods in progress and their local variables) and its heap (objects that currently exist).Here’s why we use snapshot diagrams in 6.031:
- To talk to each other through pictures (in class and in team meetings)
- To illustrate concepts like primitive types vs. object types, immutable values vs. immutable references, pointer aliasing, stack vs. heap, abstractions vs. concrete representations.
- To help explain your design for your team project (with each other and with your TA).
- To pave the way for richer design notations in subsequent courses. For example, snapshot diagrams generalize into object models in 6.170.
Although the diagrams in this course use examples from Java, the notation can be applied to any modern programming language, e.g., Python, Javascript, C++, Ruby.
Primitive values

Primitive values are represented by bare constants. The incoming arrow is a reference to the value from a variable or an object field.
Object values

An object value is a circle labeled by its type.
When we want to show more detail, we write field names inside it, with arrows pointing out to their values.
For still more detail, the fields can include their declared types. Some people prefer to write x:int
instead of int x
, but both are fine.
Mutating values vs. reassigning variables
Snapshot diagrams give us a way to visualize the distinction between changing a variable and changing a value:
When you assign to a variable or a field, you’re changing where the variable’s arrow points. You can point it to a different value.
When you assign to the contents of a mutable value – such as an array or list – you’re changing references inside that value.
Reassignment and immutable values

For example, if we have a String
variable s
, we can reassign it from a value of "a"
to "ab"
String s = "a";
s = s + "b";
is an example of an immutable type, a type whose values can never change once they have been created.
Immutability (immunity from change) is a major design principle in this course, and we’ll talk much more about it in future readings.
Immutable objects (intended by their designer to always represent the same value) are denoted in a snapshot diagram by a double border, like the String
objects in our diagram.
Mutable values

By contrast, StringBuilder
(another built-in Java class) is a mutable object that represents a string of characters, and it has methods that change the value of the object:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("a");
These two snapshot diagrams look very different, which is good: the difference between mutability and immutability will play an important role in making our code safe from bugs.
Immutable references
Java also gives us immutable references: variables that are assigned once and never reassigned.
To make a reference immutable, declare it with the keyword final
final int n = 5;

If the Java compiler isn’t convinced that your final
variable will only be assigned once at runtime, then it will produce a compiler error.
So final
gives you static checking for immutable references.
In a snapshot diagram, an immutable reference (final
) is denoted by a double arrow. Here’s an object whose id
never changes (it can’t be reassigned to a different number), but whose age
can change.
Notice that we can have an immutable reference to a mutable value (for example: final StringBuilder sb
) whose value can change even though we’re pointing to the same object.
We can also have a mutable reference to an immutable value (like String s
), where the value of the variable can change because it can be re-pointed to a different object.
Java Collections
The very first Language Basics tutorial discussed arrays, which are fixed-length containers for a sequence of objects or primitive values. Java provides a number of more powerful and flexible tools for managing collections of objects: the Java Collections Framework.
Lists, Sets, and Maps
A Java List
is similar to a Python list.
A List
contains an ordered collection of zero or more objects, where the same object might appear multiple times.
We can add and remove items to and from the List
, which will grow and shrink to accomodate its contents.
Example List
Java | description | Python |
int count = lst.size(); |
count the number of elements | count = len(lst) |
lst.add(e); |
append an element to the end | lst.append(e) |
if (lst.isEmpty()) ... |
test if the list is empty | if not lst: ... |
In a snapshot diagram, we represent a List
as an object with indices drawn as fields:
This list of cities
might represent a trip from Boston to Bogotá to Barcelona.
A Map
is similar to a Python dictionary.
In Python, the keys of a map must be hashable.
Java has a similar requirement that we’ll discuss when we confront how equality works between Java objects.
Example Map
Java | description | Python |
map.put(key, val) |
add the mapping key → val | map[key] = val |
map.get(key) |
get the value for a key | map[key] |
map.containsKey(key) |
test whether the map has a key | key in map |
map.remove(key) |
delete a mapping | del map[key] |
In a snapshot diagram, we represent a Map
as an object that contains key/value pairs:
This turtles
map contains Turtle
objects assigned to String
keys: Bob, Buckminster, and Buster.
A Set
is an unordered collection of zero or more unique objects.
Like a mathematical set or a Python set – and unlike a List
– an object cannot appear in a set multiple times.
Either it’s in or it’s out.
Like the keys of a map, the objects in a Python set must be hashable, and Java has a similar requirement.
Example Set
Java | description | Python |
s1.contains(e) |
test if the set contains an element | e in s1 |
s1.containsAll(s2) |
test whether s1 ⊇ s2 | s1.issuperset(s2) s1 >= s2 |
s1.removeAll(s2) |
remove s2 from s1 | s1.difference_update(s2) s1 -= s2 |
In a snapshot diagram, we represent a Set
as an object with no-name fields:
Here we have a set of integers, in no particular order: 42, 1024, and -7.
Python provides convenient syntax for creating lists:
lst = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
And maps:
map = { "apple": 5, "banana": 7 }
Java does not. It does provide a literal syntax for arrays:
String[] arr = { "a", "b", "c" };
But this creates an array, not a List
We can use the utility function Arrays.asList
to create a List
from the array:
Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b", "c" })
… or directly from arguments:
Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")
A List
created with Arrays.asList
does come with a restriction: its length is fixed.
Generics: declaring List, Set, and Map variables
Unlike Python collection types, with Java collections we can restrict the type of objects contained in the collection. When we add an item, the compiler can perform static checking to ensure we only add items of the appropriate type. Then, when we pull out an item, we are guaranteed that its type will be what we expect.
Here’s the syntax for declaring some variables to hold collections:
List<String> cities; // a List of Strings
Set<Integer> numbers; // a Set of Integers
Map<String,Turtle> turtles; // a Map with String keys and Turtle values
Because of the way generics work, we cannot create a collection of primitive types.
For example, Set<int>
does not work.
However, as we saw earlier, int
s have an Integer
wrapper we can use (e.g. Set<Integer> numbers
In order to make it easier to use collections of these wrapper types, Java does some automatic conversion.
If we have declared List<Integer> sequence
, this code works:
sequence.add(5); // add 5 to the sequence
int second = sequence.get(1); // get the second element
ArrayLists and LinkedLists: creating Lists
As we’ll see soon enough, Java helps us distinguish between the specification of a type – what does it do? – and the implementation – what is the code?
, Set
, and Map
are all interfaces: they define how these respective types work, but they don’t provide implementation code.
There are several advantages, but one potential advantage is that we, the users of these types, get to choose different implementations in different situations.
Here’s how to create some actual List
List<String> firstNames = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> lastNames = new LinkedList<String>();
If the generic type parameters are the same on the left and right, Java can infer what’s going on and save us some typing:
List<String> firstNames = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> lastNames = new LinkedList<>();
and LinkedList
are two implementations of List
Both provide all the operations of List
, and those operations must work as described in the documentation for List
In this example, firstNames
and lastNames
will behave the same way; if we swapped which one used ArrayList
vs. LinkedList
, our code will not break.
Unfortunately, this ability to choose is also a burden: we didn’t care how Python lists worked, why should we care whether our Java lists are ArrayLists
or LinkedLists
Since the only difference is performance, for 6.031 we don’t.
When in doubt, use ArrayList
HashSets and HashMaps: creating Sets and Maps
is our default choice for Set
Set<Integer> numbers = new HashSet<>();
Java also provides sorted sets with the TreeSet
And for a Map
the default choice is HashMap
Map<String,Turtle> turtles = new HashMap<>();
So maybe we have:
List<String> cities = new ArrayList<>();
Set<Integer> numbers = new HashSet<>();
Map<String,Turtle> turtles = new HashMap<>();
A very common task is iterating through our cities/numbers/turtles/etc.
In Python:
for city in cities:
print city
for num in numbers:
print num
for key in turtles:
print "%s: %s" % (key, turtles[key])
Java provides a similar syntax for iterating over the items in List
s and Set
Here’s the Java:
for (String city : cities) {
for (int num : numbers) {
We can’t iterate over Map
s themselves this way, but we can iterate over the keys as we did in Python:
for (String key : turtles.keySet()) {
System.out.println(key + ": " + turtles.get(key));
Under the hood this kind of for
loop uses an Iterator
, a design pattern we’ll see later in the class.
Iterating with indices
If you want to, Java provides different for
loops that we can use to iterate through a list using its indices:
for (int ii = 0; ii < cities.size(); ii++) {
Unless we actually need the index value ii
, this code is verbose and has more places for bugs to hide.
reading exercises
Rewrite these variable declarations using List
instead of arrays.
We’re only declaring the variables, not initializing them with any value.
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
(missing explanation)
Java Map
s work like Python dictionaries.
After we run this code:
Map<String, Double> treasures = new HashMap<>();
String x = "palm";
treasures.put("beach", 25.);
treasures.put("palm", 50.);
treasures.put("cove", 75.);
treasures.put("x", 100.);
treasures.put("palm", treasures.get("palm") + treasures.size());
double found = 0;
for (double treasure : treasures.values()) {
found += treasure;
What is the value of…
Java API documentation
The previous section has a number of links to documentation for classes that are part of the Java platform API.
API stands for application programming interface. If you want to program an app that talks to Facebook, Facebook publishes an API (more than one, in fact, for different languages and frameworks) you can program against. The Java API is a large set of generally useful tools for programming pretty much anything.
is the full name forString
. We can create objects of typeString
just by using"double quotes"
and the other primitive wrapper classes. Java automagically converts between primitive and wrapped (or “boxed”) types in most
is like a Python list, but in Python, lists are part of the language. In Java,List
s are implemented in… Java!java.util.Map
is like a Python
represents a file on disk. Take a look at the methods provided byFile
: we can test whether the file is readable, delete the file, see when it was last modified…
lets us read text
lets us read in text efficiently, and it also provides a very useful feature: reading an entire line at a time.
Let’s take a closer look at the documentation for BufferedReader
There are many things here that relate to features of Java we haven’t discussed!
Keep your head and focus on the things in bold below.

At the top of the page is the class hierarchy for BufferedReader
and a list of implemented interfaces.
A BufferedReader
object has all of the methods of all those types (plus its own methods) available to use.
Next we see direct subclasses, and for an interface, implementing classes.
This can help us find, for example, that HashMap
is an implementation of Map
Next up: a description of the class. Sometimes these descriptions are a little obtuse, but this is the first place you should go to understand a class.

If you want to make a new BufferedReader
the constructor summary is the first place to look.
Constructors aren’t the only way to get a new object in Java, but they are the most common.

Next: the method summary lists all the methods we can call on a BufferedReader
Below the summary are detailed descriptions of each method and constructor. Click a constructor or method to see the detailed description. This is the first place you should go to understand what a method does.
Each detailed description includes:
- The method signature: we see the return type, the method name, and the parameters. We also see exceptions. For now, those usually mean errors the method can run into.
- The full description.
- Parameters: descriptions of the method arguments.
- And a description of what the method returns.
These detailed descriptions are specifications.
They allow us to use tools like String
, Map
, or BufferedReader
without having to read or understand the code that implements them.
Reading, writing, understanding, and analyzing specifications will be one of our first major undertakings in 6.031, starting in a few classes.
reading exercises
Use the Java API docs to answer…
Suppose we have a class TreasureChest
After we run this code:
Map<String, TreasureChest> treasures = new HashMap<>();
treasures.put("beach", new TreasureChest(25));
TreasureChest result = treasures.putIfAbsent("beach", new TreasureChest(75));
(missing explanation)
After we run this code, where ???
is the appropriate type:
Map<String, String> translations = new HashMap<>();
translations.put("green", "verde");
??? result = translations.replace("green", "verde", "ahdar");
(missing explanation)
Reading exercises
At this point you should have completed all the reading exercises above.
To check your reading exercise status, see classes/02-basic-java on Omnivore.
Completing the reading exercises prepares you for the nanoquiz at the beginning of each class meeting, and submitting the exercises is required by 10pm the evening before class.
At this point you should have also completed these levels of the Java Tutor: