Note: Lab news can be found here.
Date | Headline |
05/18/98 | Phase II Results |
05/08/98 | Quiz 3 Information |
05/07/98 | Final Grade Distribution Policy |
04/30/98 | What Will Be |
04/26/98 | Bug in Quiz 2 |
04/21/98 | 34-101 back in business |
04/21/98 | Lecture 19 Notes Bug |
04/21/98 | Handing back Quiz 2 |
04/21/98 | Lecture location for Wednesday, April 22 |
04/21/98 | One-pager on Coda canceled |
04/16/98 | Quiz 2 Confusion - Yet another change of location |
04/10/98 | 34-101 Flood |
03/02/98 | About Quiz 1 (bring a calculator) |
02/23/98 | Accessing Source Code from Lectures |
02/18/98 | Assignment 2 Due at Recitation on Thursday, 2/19 |
02/04/98 | Recitations Assigned |
02/04/98 | Recitation Changes/Corrections |
02/01/98 | First Day of Classes (Tuesday, 2/3) |
01/25/98 | What we hope for and what you can expect |
May 18, 1998
Phase II results should appear on WebSIS by the middle of June. If you are worried that you may not have passed phase II, you can email Thanks for your patience!
May 8, 1998
Quiz 3 will be in Walker and 34-101 during normal class hours, 2-3pm, on Wednesday, May 13. You should go to:
Since the quiz is during a normal class hour, you shouldn't have a class conflict; but if for some reason you do, e-mail as soon as possible.
Quiz 3 covers all the material from Lecture 17 (April 8) through Recitation 24 ( May 7). The topics covered include fault tolerance and performance. (You may want to refer to the 6.033-At-A-Glance handout for a high-level topic review, or look over the lecture notes.) Of course, since the class is all about systems, there may be some interaction with previous topics, seeing as this material builds on topics studied earlier. Just as before, the quiz is open book and open notes. The solutions to the practice quizzes will be handed out on Tuesday, May 12.
Final Grade Distribution Policy
May 7, 1998
You can obtain your final grade for 6.033 from the course secretary, Neena Lyall, starting Wednesday, May 20, after 2pm. To protect privacy, you will need to go in person to NE43-523 with some form of identification to get your grade. We won't distribute any grades by phone, email, friends, etc. Note that Anne Hunter does *not* have these grades -- please do not call her on this issue.
April 30, 1998
On May 11, Michael Dertouzos, Director of the MIT Laboratory for
Computer Science, will give a guest lecture for 6.033 discussing "What
Will Be". Here is a little teaser for the talk:
Everyone is talking about cyberspace -- a terrabyte infested metallic
otherworld to which we are allegedly headed. Baloney! Then there is lots
of talk about multimedia, which despite the superlatives will only account
for 5% of what will actually flow on tomorrow's information marketplace.
Hype like this abounds, while important innovations like spoken language
systems and forthcoming metadata additions to the Web are around the
corner -- yet no one talks about them. Questions also abound: Which
transport system will win -- telephony, satellites, video cable, or
wireless? How must the Internet and Web systems change to meet the
demands of a true Information Marketplace? What are the truly new
forces arising out of these new systems and how might we harness
them? In this talk the author of the bestseller, "What Will Be: How
the New World of Information Will Change Our Lives" will answer these
questions and will discuss where we are headed with the technology,
the uses and the impact of the New World of Information.
April 26, 1998
April 23, 1998
April 21, 1998
Preview of last lecture of term: What Will Be
Bug in grading Question 14 on Quiz 2
procedure. The version now available online fixes the bug.
April 21, 1998
Quiz II will be handed back on Thursday. If you need to know your grade before Thursday to determine whether you want to drop 6.033, contact your TA directly. If not, please hold off until Thursday.
Lecture location for Wednesday, April 22
April 21, 1998 12:17PM
We will hold lecture in 10-250 on Wednesday, April 22. Check this page for authoritative notices.April 21, 1998
Because your team already has a design paper due on April 30, we have canceled the writing assignment on Coda. However, you still have the assigned reading.
Quiz 2 Confusion - Yet another change of location
April 16, 1998
We no longer have 34-101 or 10-250 for the quiz. Instead, we have room 3-370. This has necessitated some routing changes; if your last name start with a letter in the range A through Q go to Walker, otherwise head to 3-370. To repeat:
If you have a conflict because you are taking a class in this time slot, e-mail as soon as possible.
Quiz 2 covers all the material from Recitation 8 (March 3) through Recitation 16 (April 7), specifically networking, naming, and protection and security. This includes Lectures 9 through 16. (You may want to refer to the 6.033-At-A-Glance handout for a high-level topic review, or look over the lecture notes.) But this being 6.033, there is no way we can avoid asking questions that touch on earlier ideas, so don't forget everything you know about complexity and infrastructure. Just as before, the quiz is open book and open notes. Quiz questions from previous years were given out last week, and the solutions to those questions will be available earlier this week.
Check this web page before the quiz again, just in case the registrar pulls a quick one on us.
April 10, 1998
Due to the flood in building 34 yesterday, 6.033 lecture has been moved to E51-115 on Monday 4/13. On Wednesday 4/15, lecture will be held in 54-100. The registrar's office is working on sending email to all students who have classes in 34-101 and we have posted a sign outside of the lecture hall.
March 2, 1998
Quiz 1 will be in Walker and 34-101 during normal class hours, 2-3pm, on March 6. You should go to:
Make sure you bring a calculator to the quiz. The quiz will cover all the material up to (and including) lecture 8 and is open book/notes.
If you have a conflict because you are taking a class in this time slot, e-mail as soon as possible.
Previous years' quizzes are available online and outside the course secretary's office. Solutions to these quizzes will be distributed in recitation on Tuesday (tomorrow).
Accessing Source Code from Lectures
February 23, 1998
The source code from the lectures can be found in the 6.033 locker
under the src
directory. After attaching the 6.033
locker, just look in /mit/6.033/src
. Each subdirectory
in src
corresponds to one of the programs from the lectures.
Before trying to build a particular program, copy the contents of its
directory to somewhere where you have write permissions. Then read the
program's README file for further instructions.
Assignment 2 Due at Recitation on Thursday, 2/19
February 18, 1998
Assignment 2 will not be collected at today's lecture. Instead, it will be collected during tomorrow's recitation.
February 4, 1998
Recitations have been assigned for Thursday. For more details, see the student list.
Recitation Changes/Corrections
February 4, 1998
There have been a few changes/corrections to the recitations:
The Administrivia handout and General Information page have been updated to reflect the changes.
First Day of Classes (Tuesday, 2/3)
February 1, 1998
Important: 6.033 will hit the ground running on Tuesday, Feb. 3 (the first day of classes) by holding recitation section meetings that are not just organizational and administrative--they will have real content as well.
Pick any recitation section you want, not necessarily the one listed on your schedule. Try and pick a section with an instructor you have not had before. We will balance the sections after the first week or so.
We will distribute hardcopies of the schedule, administrivia handout, and assignment at recitation.
What we hope for and what you can expect
January 25, 1998
Questions or comments regarding 6.033? Send e-mail to the TAs at
Questions or comments about this web page? Send e-mail to
Top // 6.033 home // Last updated $Date: 1998-05-18 15:02:27-04 $ by $Author: fubob $