6.033: Computer System Engineering

6.033: Computer System Engineering - Spring 2000


Student List

Verify your recitation assignment below. If you have a conflict, are unlisted, have incorrect information listed, do not want your name publicly listed on this page, or are dropping the class, please e-mail 6.033-tas@mit.edu. Most everyone received their first or second choice, but many were also scheduled into slots that they did not list as unacceptable. We will only allow changes if you can provide a schedule showing a time conflict.


Alphabetical // By Section



  Name E-MailSection
1. Adkins, Daniel dadkins #8
2. Adler, Aaron cadlerun #12
3. Adler, Jordan jsadler #6
4. Agarwal, Shalini sagarwal #12
5. Aguayo, Daniel superman #3
6. Alaniz, Matt malaniz #8
7. Alatovic, Tarik moslem #7
8. Aldana, Walter waldana #12
9. Atkins, Henry todd #8
10. Ayenew, Befekadu befekadu #2
11. Bajracharya, Max maxb #9
12. Bakr, Omar ombakr #2
13. Barrows, Ryan rbarrows #10
14. Belakovsky, Igor bull #13
15. Benitez, Luis luisb #12
16. Berk, Jennifer jcberk #12
17. Biesiadecki, John jbiesi #9
18. Billing, Jeff jeffbill #5
19. Birka, Adrian adbirka #4
20. Birtolo, Dylan wolfeyes #2
21. Bisen-Hersh, Seth seth42 #10
22. Blackwell, William Ted wtb2 #2
23. Bodnar, Zachary zbodnar #14
24. Bourget, Marc marc01 #14
25. Britton, Gerald gbritton #2
26. Brown, Matthew morris #1
27. Bryant, Robert roc #4
28. Bull, Steven smbull #3
29. Burkard, Timo tburkard #10
30. Byon, Edward yobofunk #2
31. Cadwell, Thomas tcadwell #12
32. Cao, Ying yingyang #11
33. Castagnola, Luciano luciano #7
34. Chakrabarti, Samidh samidh #7
35. Challapalli, Sailabala sailu #12
36. Chambers, Benjamin bac #8
37. Champaneria, Amay amayc #13
38. Chan, Chiuyi chiuyi #4
39. Chang, Jolie joliec #5
40. Chen, Andrew acbazuka #10
41. Chen, David dnchen #13
42. Chen, Yu yuchen #1
43. Cheng, Christopher cjcheng #14
44. Cheng, Hoi Wai Thomas hoiwai #9
45. Cheng, Mansim Connie ccheng #6
46. Cheung, Pearlin pearl #13
47. Chiou, Christine cchiou #12
48. Choi, Hubert hhchoi #1
49. Chou, Deanna deajane #3
50. Chou, Jeremy jeremycc #6
51. Chow, Cynthia cychow #5
52. Chu, Edward ecchu #2
53. Chu, Miachel mchu #12
54. Chun, Benjamin benchun #7
55. Chungfat, Neil chungfat #9
56. Cohen, Joseph joecohen #7
57. Copeland, Andrew adcopela #13
58. Craighead, Matt craighea #9
59. Cruz, Shane scruz #10
60. Cuevas, Yamel yamel #12
61. Currea, Laura laurac #12
62. Dandage, Raj rdandage #14
63. Davis, Gina rmd #9
64. Delao, Abraham compadre #12
65. Dennis, Gregory gdennis #1
66. Devore, Sasha sashad #12
67. Dhond, Sameer sdhond #14
68. Dickinson, David davidrd #10
69. Dodoo, Nii dodoo #1
70. Douglas, Luke darkwing #4
71. Drake, Darrell darrell #6
72. Drury, Todd tdrury #5
73. Dutcher, Kevin kdutcher #8
74. Elyee, Pierre Arthur paelysee #11
75. Ethier, Mark msethier #3
76. Fagerstrom, Fred fredf #11
77. Fashoyin, Oludotun coolfash #10
78. Ferguson, Roderick roderick #1
79. Ferraro, Michael mikef #5
80. Firestone, Spencer spencerf #5
81. Fisher, Daniel dfisher #3
82. Follansbee, Grant drgrant #1
83. Freedman, Michael mfreed #3
84. Furman, Joshua jrfurman #12
85. Gabovich, Vladislav vyg #2
86. Gan, Terence gangan #4
87. Gao, Yang ygao #10
88. Geller, Avishai avi_g #11
89. Giffin, John gif #6
90. Gnawali, OmPrakash om_p #5
91. Goodell, Geoffrey goodell #4
92. Goodman, Dan goody #11
93. Goyal, Amit goyal #12
94. Greenstadt, Rachel greenie #8
95. Gu, John johngu #10
96. Guajardo, Javier liberal #12
97. Guo, Liyan hell2001 #1
98. Hao, Melissa mhao #14
99. Hao, Shirley minneyar #9
100. Hausmann, Matthew matyhaus #9
101. Heffernan, Craig chef #11
102. Hernandez, John jhernand #5
103. Hinton, Danielle ayodele #1
104. Ho, Junius juho #10
105. Huang, Angus ahuang #2
106. Huang, Orton kenshin #6
107. Ibrahim, Ali aibrahim #13
108. Jacobs, Joshua josh #6
109. Jimenez, Tony tjimenez #4
110. Jiminez, Dalie dalie #12
111. Johnson, Anthony anthonyj #8
112. Juang, Philip pjuang #11
113. Kao, Ang-Chih akao #7
114. Kapur, Vishal vkapur #9
115. Kelly, Andre ackelly #7
116. Kent, Justin jkent #4
117. Kim, Austin austin #6
118. Kim, Jang jangkim #10
119. Kim, Janice jjkim #6
120. Kim, Paul paulhkim #5
121. Kim, Philip pckim #7
122. King, Virgil vking #1
123. Klann, Jeff jklann #11
124. Knaian, Ara ara #13
125. Knight, James jknight #9
126. Kothari, Kalpak kalpak #10
127. Koul, Ashish ashish #13
128. Krams, Elizabeth lizkrams #13
129. Kremer, Patrick pattyk #2
130. Krishnamurthy, Ashwin ashwin #9
131. Kulkarni, Ajay kulkarni #3
132. Kuo, Annie anniekuo #13
133. Kuo, Justin kuoj #11
134. Kwok, Chak ckwok #6
135. Kwon, Dennis bigdenis #7
136. Lam, Derek dlam #11
137. Langer, Pavel langer #2
138. Lee, Aimee akl #3
139. Lee, Frances flee #6
140. Lee, Jaebock jblee #5
141. Lee, Ryan ryanlee #6
142. Lee, Ying leeying #13
143. Leffingwell, John jkleff #14
144. Leon, Orlando owl #3
145. Lesica, Nicholas lesica3 #10
146. Leung, Hsias bleung #10
147. Li, Yan yanli #6
148. Liang, Chi-yu liang #13
149. Liang, Shuehan shue #14
150. Lieu, Christine clieu #13
151. Lim, Steve skul #3
152. Lin, Cathy (Ling) llin #11
153. Lin, Jocelyn jclin #13
154. Lin, Joyce joycelin #3
155. Lin, Justin jl79 #9
156. Lin, Likuo brianlin #9
157. Lin, Yi-Fung yifung #5
158. Litwack, Peter plitwack #7
159. Lopez, Javier jslopez #2
160. Lopez, Jorge jlopez #6
161. Lu, Kenneth kenlu #9
162. Lu, Peter plu #6
163. Ly, Bryan bly #10
164. Ma, Vivian vma #3
165. Marcus, Emily emarcus #2
166. McFarland, Alton dgen #1
167. Mehta, Arun marune #3
168. Melendez Diaz, William J. wjmelend #9
169. Michalakis, Nikos nikos #14
170. Milbert, Randy rmilbert #1
171. Miller, Edward ermiller #14
172. Miranda, Luis lmiranda #3
173. Mirvis, Michal mbmirvis #8
174. Mishuris, Gary bheartg #8
175. Mitchell, Eric ejmitch #5
176. Mobin, Usman mobin #9
177. Mokeddem, Kamal moke #11
178. Montgomery, Andrew amonty #12
179. Morse, Benjamin scruffy #10
180. Mosk-Aoyama, Damon damonma #13
181. Moy, Richard richmoy #7
182. Musa, Rami rmusa #2
183. Music, Craig cmusic #10
184. Nasser, Paola pbnasser #9
185. Nemzer, Lex lnemzer #12
186. Nervegna, Louis nervegna #5
187. Neumann, Shaun neumann #8
188. Ng, CheeWe cheewe #4
189. Ng, Joyce joyceng #6
190. Nightingale, Todd tnight #2
191. Nolan, Timothy tnolan #6
192. Nwaneri, Ngozika guzi #5
193. Nye, Vernon jnye #11
194. Ochoa, Salvador sochoa #10
195. Ojanen, Paul pro #13
196. Osborn, Christopher csosborn #10
197. Overgard, Kenneth kovergar #2
198. Pan, Heidi xoxo #5
199. Park, Alex malex #9
200. Park, Daniel dpark #10
201. Park, Seung Myon smpark #10
202. Parvathaneni, Deepa deepa1 #12
203. Pelosi, Anthony apelosi #5
204. Penta, Pradeep penta #9
205. Pipes, Mark mpipes #4
206. Poon, Terrence tpoon #6
207. Portlock, Harry romedogg #14
208. Rabek, Jesse jesrab #2
209. Rafiuly, Paul rafiulyp #6
210. Ramakrishnan, Anand ananda #3
211. Ramakrishnan, Madan madanr #7
212. Raman, Sanjay sraman #9
213. Ramirez, Eduardo eddieram #6
214. Ramkissoon, Ravi ravir #2
215. Randall, Joshua jrandall #8
216. Ricciardi, Vincent jezter #9
217. Ro, Jae jro #11
218. Roach, Ken kenr #7
219. Rodriguez, Arturo amrodrig #1
220. Rodriguez, Daniel dwrodrig #8
221. Rolfe, Philip arolfe #14
222. Rosen, Mark mrosen #6
223. Rosenthal, David davidr #12
224. Roy, Amit amit #9
225. Ryan, Andrew andrew00 #13
226. Sadarangani, Nikhil nsadaran #3
227. Santos, Gustavo gsantos #14
228. Savvides, George savvides #2
229. Schafer, Uriel uschafer #12
230. Schalck, Richard rcory #11
231. Schloming, Rafael rhs #5
232. Schmidt, Justin jschmidt #4
233. Schmidt, Kevin kschmidt #13
234. Scott, Dana dscott #14
235. Scott, Quincy quincy #10
236. Self, T. Benjamin bself #3
237. Seshasai, satwiksai satwik #6
238. Shah, Archit ashah #10
239. Shamsul, Iqbal iqbal #12
240. Shatkin-Margolis, Joshua joshsm #7
241. Shu, I-hsiang ishu #14
242. Sieunarine, Clint clint_s #1
243. Singh, Arundhati asingh #11
244. Sivakumar, Ashok (Ishwar) ashok7 #11
245. Sobczynski, Thomas tcs #7
246. Sprague, Kara believer #5
247. Sridharan, Manu msridhar #8
248. Steinbach, Carl cws #11
249. Stout, Anita anita #5
250. Strauss, Jacob jastr #8
251. Strohm, John jstrohm #2
252. Strojwas, Marcin marcin #8
253. Sundquist, Andreas asundqui #5
254. Sunkavally, Naveen wilowen #4
255. Swenson, Shane sswenson #3
256. Switzer, Jason alika #6
257. Sylla, Tom tsylla #7
258. Tang, Derek djtang #4
259. Tateyama, Beau ueab #6
260. Teeters, Alea alea #5
261. Tellex, Stefanie stefie100@usa.net #8
262. Thies, Bill thies #7
263. Thompson, Anne althomp #13
264. Thompson, Brad yak #7
265. Thordarson, Paul kapunga #2
266. Tibbetts, Richard tibbetts #7
267. Todd, Jeremy jeremyt #3
268. Tolson, Edward etolson #12
269. Toro, Nestor nesone #4
270. Tseng, Erick erick #7
271. Tseng, Jessica jhtseng #8
272. Valade, Aaron melkor #3
273. Van Kleek, Max max #14
274. Vandevender, Aaron apv #12
275. Vicenti, Jasper jasperv #2
276. Vilasuso, Ann vilasuso #4
277. Vlasic, Daniel drdaniel #14
278. Walker, Ken kwalker #1
279. Wamola, Davis dawa #2
280. Wang, David dcwang #4
281. Wang, Grace bubblie #10
282. Wang, Tina twang #10
283. Werbos, Elizabeth ewerbos #11
284. West, David bdaddy #8
285. White, Geno geno #5
286. Whiting, James whiting #4
287. Whitney, Jonathan jwhitney #8
288. Winkel, Adam ajwinkel #1
289. Woodfin, Thomas twoodfin #12
290. Woodruff, David dpwood #11
291. Wu, Henry hw711 #4
292. Xu, Jon jcxu #2
293. Yan, Susan slyan #14
294. Yeh, Jessica jmyeh #9
295. Yip, Alexander yipal #3
296. Yoshida, Norimasa nori #5
297. Yu, Angela feraina #4
298. Yu, Jeffrey jeffyu #5
299. Yu, Kenneth kennyyu #3
300. Zeldovich, Nickolai kolya #3
301. Zhurakhinskaya, Marina marinaz #8
302. Zitser, Misha zeemish #3
303. Zoepf, Stephen zoepf #2


By Section

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14


Section 1

Horn/De Couto TR10 34-303

  Name E-Mail
1. Brown, Matthew morris
2. Chen, Yu yuchen
3. Choi, Hubert hhchoi
4. Dennis, Gregory gdennis
5. Dodoo, Nii dodoo
6. Ferguson, Roderick roderick
7. Follansbee, Grant drgrant
8. Guo, Liyan hell2001
9. Hinton, Danielle ayodele
10. King, Virgil vking
11. McFarland, Alton dgen
12. Milbert, Randy rmilbert
13. Rodriguez, Arturo amrodrig
14. Sieunarine, Clint clint_s
15. Walker, Ken kwalker
16. Winkel, Adam ajwinkel


Section 2

Horn/Sit TR11 34-303

  Name E-Mail
1. Ayenew, Befekadu befekadu
2. Bakr, Omar ombakr
3. Birtolo, Dylan wolfeyes
4. Blackwell, William Ted wtb2
5. Britton, Gerald gbritton
6. Byon, Edward yobofunk
7. Chu, Edward ecchu
8. Gabovich, Vladislav vyg
9. Huang, Angus ahuang
10. Kremer, Patrick pattyk
11. Langer, Pavel langer
12. Lopez, Javier jslopez
13. Marcus, Emily emarcus
14. Musa, Rami rmusa
15. Nightingale, Todd tnight
16. Overgard, Kenneth kovergar
17. Rabek, Jesse jesrab
18. Ramkissoon, Ravi ravir
19. Savvides, George savvides
20. Strohm, John jstrohm
21. Thordarson, Paul kapunga
22. Vicenti, Jasper jasperv
23. Wamola, Davis dawa
24. Xu, Jon jcxu
25. Zoepf, Stephen zoepf


Section 3

Rivest/Tse TR1 36-839

  Name E-Mail
1. Aguayo, Daniel superman
2. Bull, Steven smbull
3. Chou, Deanna deajane
4. Ethier, Mark msethier
5. Fisher, Daniel dfisher
6. Freedman, Michael mfreed
7. Kulkarni, Ajay kulkarni
8. Lee, Aimee akl
9. Leon, Orlando owl
10. Lim, Steve skul
11. Lin, Joyce joycelin
12. Ma, Vivian vma
13. Mehta, Arun marune
14. Miranda, Luis lmiranda
15. Ramakrishnan, Anand ananda
16. Sadarangani, Nikhil nsadaran
17. Self, T. Benjamin bself
18. Swenson, Shane sswenson
19. Todd, Jeremy jeremyt
20. Valade, Aaron melkor
21. Yip, Alexander yipal
22. Yu, Kenneth kennyyu
23. Zeldovich, Nickolai kolya
24. Zitser, Misha zeemish


Section 4

Rivest/Chen TR2 36-839

  Name E-Mail
1. Birka, Adrian adbirka
2. Bryant, Robert roc
3. Chan, Chiuyi chiuyi
4. Douglas, Luke darkwing
5. Gan, Terence gangan
6. Goodell, Geoffrey goodell
7. Jimenez, Tony tjimenez
8. Kent, Justin jkent
9. Ng, CheeWe cheewe
10. Pipes, Mark mpipes
11. Schmidt, Justin jschmidt
12. Sunkavally, Naveen wilowen
13. Tang, Derek djtang
14. Toro, Nestor nesone
15. Vilasuso, Ann vilasuso
16. Wang, David dcwang
17. Whiting, James whiting
18. Wu, Henry hw711
19. Yu, Angela feraina


Section 5

Poletto/Isla TR12 34-303

  Name E-Mail
1. Billing, Jeff jeffbill
2. Chang, Jolie joliec
3. Chow, Cynthia cychow
4. Drury, Todd tdrury
5. Ferraro, Michael mikef
6. Firestone, Spencer spencerf
7. Gnawali, OmPrakash om_p
8. Hernandez, John jhernand
9. Kim, Paul paulhkim
10. Lee, Jaebock jblee
11. Lin, Yi-Fung yifung
12. Mitchell, Eric ejmitch
13. Nervegna, Louis nervegna
14. Nwaneri, Ngozika guzi
15. Pan, Heidi xoxo
16. Pelosi, Anthony apelosi
17. Schloming, Rafael rhs
18. Sprague, Kara believer
19. Stout, Anita anita
20. Sundquist, Andreas asundqui
21. Teeters, Alea alea
22. White, Geno geno
23. Yoshida, Norimasa nori
24. Yu, Jeffrey jeffyu


Section 6

Rudolph/Chao TR11 34-302

  Name E-Mail
1. Adler, Jordan jsadler
2. Cheng, Mansim Connie ccheng
3. Chou, Jeremy jeremycc
4. Drake, Darrell darrell
5. Giffin, John gif
6. Huang, Orton kenshin
7. Jacobs, Joshua josh
8. Kim, Austin austin
9. Kim, Janice jjkim
10. Kwok, Chak ckwok
11. Lee, Frances flee
12. Lee, Ryan ryanlee
13. Li, Yan yanli
14. Lopez, Jorge jlopez
15. Lu, Peter plu
16. Ng, Joyce joyceng
17. Nolan, Timothy tnolan
18. Poon, Terrence tpoon
19. Rafiuly, Paul rafiulyp
20. Ramirez, Eduardo eddieram
21. Rosen, Mark mrosen
22. Seshasai, satwiksai satwik
23. Switzer, Jason alika
24. Tateyama, Beau ueab


Section 7

Saltzer/Isla TR1 34-303

  Name E-Mail
1. Alatovic, Tarik moslem
2. Castagnola, Luciano luciano
3. Chakrabarti, Samidh samidh
4. Chun, Benjamin benchun
5. Cohen, Joseph joecohen
6. Kao, Ang-Chih akao
7. Kelly, Andre ackelly
8. Kim, Philip pckim
9. Kwon, Dennis bigdenis
10. Litwack, Peter plitwack
11. Moy, Richard richmoy
12. Ramakrishnan, Madan madanr
13. Roach, Ken kenr
14. Shatkin-Margolis, Joshua joshsm
15. Sobczynski, Thomas tcs
16. Sylla, Tom tsylla
17. Thies, Bill thies
18. Thompson, Brad yak
19. Tibbetts, Richard tibbetts
20. Tseng, Erick erick


Section 8

Poletto/Borodavkina TR1 34-302

  Name E-Mail
1. Adkins, Daniel dadkins
2. Alaniz, Matt malaniz
3. Atkins, Henry todd
4. Chambers, Benjamin bac
5. Dutcher, Kevin kdutcher
6. Greenstadt, Rachel greenie
7. Johnson, Anthony anthonyj
8. Mirvis, Michal mbmirvis
9. Mishuris, Gary bheartg
10. Neumann, Shaun neumann
11. Randall, Joshua jrandall
12. Rodriguez, Daniel dwrodrig
13. Sridharan, Manu msridhar
14. Strauss, Jacob jastr
15. Strojwas, Marcin marcin
16. Tellex, Stefanie stefie100@usa.net
17. Tseng, Jessica jhtseng
18. West, David bdaddy
19. Whitney, Jonathan jwhitney
20. Zhurakhinskaya, Marina marinaz


Section 9

Saltzer/Tse TR2 34-303

  Name E-Mail
1. Bajracharya, Max maxb
2. Biesiadecki, John jbiesi
3. Cheng, Hoi Wai Thomas hoiwai
4. Chungfat, Neil chungfat
5. Craighead, Matt craighea
6. Davis, Gina rmd
7. Hao, Shirley minneyar
8. Hausmann, Matthew matyhaus
9. Kapur, Vishal vkapur
10. Knight, James jknight
11. Krishnamurthy, Ashwin ashwin
12. Lin, Justin jl79
13. Lin, Likuo brianlin
14. Lu, Kenneth kenlu
15. Melendez Diaz, William J. wjmelend
16. Mobin, Usman mobin
17. Nasser, Paola pbnasser
18. Park, Alex malex
19. Penta, Pradeep penta
20. Raman, Sanjay sraman
21. Ricciardi, Vincent jezter
22. Roy, Amit amit
23. Yeh, Jessica jmyeh


Section 10

Balakrishnan/Chen TR1 36-153

  Name E-Mail
1. Barrows, Ryan rbarrows
2. Bisen-Hersh, Seth seth42
3. Burkard, Timo tburkard
4. Chen, Andrew acbazuka
5. Cruz, Shane scruz
6. Dickinson, David davidrd
7. Fashoyin, Oludotun coolfash
8. Gao, Yang ygao
9. Gu, John johngu
10. Ho, Junius juho
11. Kim, Jang jangkim
12. Kothari, Kalpak kalpak
13. Lesica, Nicholas lesica3
14. Leung, Hsias bleung
15. Ly, Bryan bly
16. Morse, Benjamin scruffy
17. Music, Craig cmusic
18. Ochoa, Salvador sochoa
19. Osborn, Christopher csosborn
20. Park, Daniel dpark
21. Park, Seung Myon smpark
22. Scott, Quincy quincy
23. Shah, Archit ashah
24. Wang, Grace bubblie
25. Wang, Tina twang


Section 11

Morris/Chao TR10 36-155

  Name E-Mail
1. Cao, Ying yingyang
2. Elyee, Pierre Arthur paelysee
3. Fagerstrom, Fred fredf
4. Geller, Avishai avi_g
5. Goodman, Dan goody
6. Heffernan, Craig chef
7. Juang, Philip pjuang
8. Klann, Jeff jklann
9. Kuo, Justin kuoj
10. Lam, Derek dlam
11. Lin, Cathy (Ling) llin
12. Mokeddem, Kamal moke
13. Nye, Vernon jnye
14. Ro, Jae jro
15. Schalck, Richard rcory
16. Singh, Arundhati asingh
17. Sivakumar, Ashok (Ishwar) ashok7
18. Steinbach, Carl cws
19. Werbos, Elizabeth ewerbos
20. Woodruff, David dpwood


Section 12

Morris/Borodavkina TR11 36-155

  Name E-Mail
1. Adler, Aaron cadlerun
2. Agarwal, Shalini sagarwal
3. Aldana, Walter waldana
4. Benitez, Luis luisb
5. Berk, Jennifer jcberk
6. Cadwell, Thomas tcadwell
7. Challapalli, Sailabala sailu
8. Chiou, Christine cchiou
9. Chu, Miachel mchu
10. Cuevas, Yamel yamel
11. Currea, Laura laurac
12. Delao, Abraham compadre
13. Devore, Sasha sashad
14. Furman, Joshua jrfurman
15. Goyal, Amit goyal
16. Guajardo, Javier liberal
17. Jiminez, Dalie dalie
18. Montgomery, Andrew amonty
19. Nemzer, Lex lnemzer
20. Parvathaneni, Deepa deepa1
21. Rosenthal, David davidr
22. Schafer, Uriel uschafer
23. Shamsul, Iqbal iqbal
24. Tolson, Edward etolson
25. Vandevender, Aaron apv
26. Woodfin, Thomas twoodfin


Section 13

Rudolph/Sit TR10 34-302

  Name E-Mail
1. Belakovsky, Igor bull
2. Champaneria, Amay amayc
3. Chen, David dnchen
4. Cheung, Pearlin pearl
5. Copeland, Andrew adcopela
6. Ibrahim, Ali aibrahim
7. Knaian, Ara ara
8. Koul, Ashish ashish
9. Krams, Elizabeth lizkrams
10. Kuo, Annie anniekuo
11. Lee, Ying leeying
12. Liang, Chi-yu liang
13. Lieu, Christine clieu
14. Lin, Jocelyn jclin
15. Mosk-Aoyama, Damon damonma
16. Ojanen, Paul pro
17. Ryan, Andrew andrew00
18. Schmidt, Kevin kschmidt
19. Thompson, Anne althomp


Section 14

Balakrishnan/De Couto TR2 38-136

  Name E-Mail
1. Bodnar, Zachary zbodnar
2. Bourget, Marc marc01
3. Cheng, Christopher cjcheng
4. Dandage, Raj rdandage
5. Dhond, Sameer sdhond
6. Hao, Melissa mhao
7. Leffingwell, John jkleff
8. Liang, Shuehan shue
9. Michalakis, Nikos nikos
10. Miller, Edward ermiller
11. Portlock, Harry romedogg
12. Rolfe, Philip arolfe
13. Santos, Gustavo gsantos
14. Scott, Dana dscott
15. Shu, I-hsiang ishu
16. Van Kleek, Max max
17. Vlasic, Daniel drdaniel
18. Yan, Susan slyan


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