Goal: Design a digital system (Car Alarm) with sequential circuit (FSM) based on a set of specifications.
Introductory Notes
Unlike previous labs with a cook book approach, is this lab you will create and implement your own design, a taste of engineering. This is a very difficult lab, the hardest of all the labs - so be forewarned. From F2018 course evaluation:
Checkoff 1 Show your testbench with waveform and Verilog for the timer module.
Checkoff 2 Please have the following available during checkoff:
Be able to respond to any of the following questions (and possibly others).
[Checkoff: 7-8 points depending on options. Full credit is 8 points. There is an opportunity to earn 2 bonus points.-- see the end]
Porsche Anti-Theft System
A recent MIT grad just completed a very successful IPO of her Cambridge startup and celebrated by purchasing a new Porsche. Though the car has a built in anti-theft system, she is concerned since this is a standard factory unit and many people know how to disable it. So she's looking for someone to design and build a system with some hidden security features only you two will know about! Your job is to create a working prototype.
In this lab you will implement an anti-theft system that uses several interacting FSMs to process sensor inputs and generate the appropriate actuator control signals. This lab provides you with a design methodology that will be useful in future labs and your final project.
Description of Anti-Theft System
Since your client is completely focused on her start-up, she wants an anti-theft system that's highly automated. The system is armed automatically after she turns off the ignition, exits the car (i.e., the driver's door has opened and closed) and T_ARM_DELAY has passed. If there is a passenger and both the driver's door and passenger's doors are open, the system arms itself after all the doors have been closed and T_ARM_DELAY has passed; that delay is restarted if a door is opened and reclosed before the alarm has been armed.
Once the system has been armed, opening the driver's door the system begins a countdown. If the ignition is not turned on within the countdown interval (T_DRIVER_DELAY), the siren sounds. The siren remains on as long as the door is open and for some additional interval (T_ALARM_ON) after the door closes, at which time the system resets to the armed but silent state. If the ignition is turned on within the countdown interval, the system is disarmed.
Always a paragon of politeness, your client opens the passenger door first if she's transporting a guest. When the passenger door is opened first, a separate, presumably longer, delay (T_PASSENGER_DELAY) is used for the countdown interval, giving her extra time to walk around to the driver's door and insert the key in the ignition to disarm the system.
There is a status indicator LED on the dash. It blinks with a two-second period when the system is armed. It is constantly illuminated either the system is in the countdown waiting for the ignition to turn on or if the siren is on. The LED is off is the system is disarmed.
So far this all is ordinary alarm functionality. But you're worried that a knowledgable thief might disable the siren and then just drive off with the car. So you've added an additional secret deterrent -- control of power to the fuel pump. When the ignition is off power to fuel pump is cut off. Power is only restored when first the ignition is turned on and then the driver presses both a hidden switch and the brake pedal simultaneously. Power is then latched on until the ignition is again turned off.
The diagram below lists all the sensors (inputs) and actuators (outputs) connected to the system.
The system timings are based on four parameters (in seconds): the delay between exiting the car and the arming of the alarm (T_ARM_DELAY), the length of the countdown before the alarm sounds after opening the driver's door (T_DRIVER_DELAY) or passenger door (T_PASSENGER_DELAY), and the length of time the siren sounds (T_ALARM_ON). The default value for each parameter is listed in the table below, but each may be set to other values using the Time_Parameter_Selector, Time_Value, and Reprogram signals. Time_Parameter_Selector switches specify the parameter number of the parameter to be changed. Time_Value switches are a 4-bit value representing the value to be programmed -- a value in seconds between 0 and 15. Pushing the Reprogram button tells the system to set the currently selected parameter to Time_Value. Note that your system should behave correctly even if one or more of the parameters is set to 0.
Interval Name | Symbol | Parameter Number | Default Time (sec) | Time Value |
Arming delay | T_ARM_DELAY | 00 | 6 | 0110 |
Countdown, driver's door | T_DRIVER_DELAY | 01 | 8 | 1000 |
Countdown, passenger door | T_PASSENGER_DELAY | 10 | 15 | 1111 |
Siren ON time | T_ALARM_ON | 11 | 10 | 1010 |
Block Descriptions/Implementation
The following diagram illustrates a possible organization of your design into modules.
You should implement this lab by programming each module individually and then instantiating and connecting the modules together in the toplevel lab4_main.sv module. Then compile your implementation using Vivado, download it to the FPGA, and demonstrate its operation. Please use the following FPGA devices for the various sensors and actuators:
Sensor/Actuator | Nexys 4 device |
Hidden switch | btnu up button |
Brake depressed switch | btnd down button |
Driver door switch | btnl left button |
Passenger door switch | btnr right button |
Ignition switch | sw[14] |
Time_parameter_selector | sw[5:4] |
Time_value | sw[3:0] |
Reprogram | btnc center button |
Status light | led[0] |
Fuel pump power | led[1] |
Siren output | jb[0] |
System reset | sw[15] |
Here's a more detailed description of each module:
A second problem arises from the mechanical "bounce" inherent in switches: as a metal contact opens and closes it may bounce a couple of times, creating a sequence of on/off transitions in rapid succession. So you need to use debouncing circuitry to filter out these unwanted transitions. debounce.v (available on the Handouts page of the course website) is a Verilog implementation of a digital retriggerable one-shot that requires that an input transition be stable for 0.01sec before reporting a transition on its output. This module happens to produce a synchronous output, so a separate synchronizer is not required. You should use an instance of the debounce module to debounce any switch inputs you use in your design.
On power on, the parameters should be set to the default values specified above. However the user may modify any of the values by manipulating Time_Parameter_Selector (2 bits), Time_Value (4 bits), and Reprogram. Whenever a parameter is reprogrammed, the FSM should be reset to its ARMED state (after which it may transition immediately to another state depending on the sensor inputs).
Note that more than one FSM state may be needed to implement the required functionality of each mode, i.e, your state transition diagram will have many more than 4 states.
The IO pins cannot drive the speaker directly. We will use a 74HC08 as a driver. The speaker, cables, headers and protoboard are available on the staff bench. Using a male to male wire, connect the output of the siren generator to the jb[0] output of the FPGA, which appears on a connector on the right side of the board. Wire up a protoboard and connect jb[0] to pins 1 and 2 of the 74HC08 AND gate.
Check and make sure pin 14 is attached to 3.3V and pin 7 is attached
to gound. Attach the speaker to pin 3 of the AND gate and ground. In
this application, the AND gate is used to drive the speaker. The
74HC08 and speaker are operated way out of spec (and abused) - not recommended as
an engineering design - but okay for lab use. Note the average
voltage for a 0 to 3.3 volt square wave is 1.65V. Speakers should
have an average voltage of zero! Another bad enginering practice.
After the lab is checked off return the speaker assembly for other students to use.
You're anxious to make a good impression on your client in the hopes of getting the design commissions (and earning an extra point on the lab). So once you've implemented the basic functionality described above, create a different sound effect with your Siren Generator. Some ideas:
Getting Started
At this point, you should be sufficiently proficient to create your own project files. To get started, download the default xdc file. Uncomment the required I/O ports in the xdc file. Create a new project and using the Clock Wizard from the IP Catalog, generate a 25MHz clock. It is useful to make a simple project such as controlling a LED with a switch to verify the process. It may be useful to have additional switches and leds available to help with debugging. You will need the seven segment display to display the timer values. Name your top level file lab4_main.sv.
One of the most difficult module for this lab is the timer module. The timer module must be able to handle any value from 0-15 seconds. During countdown (or if you choose count up) it must be able to be restarted. For a value of zero (a valid input), expire is asserted at the next clock cycle after start_timer. We recommend using a pulse to start the timer and output a one cycle pulse for expire. Other approaches have worked but with some difficulty. There is a sample starter Verilog sample_tb.sv testbench and sample.sv Verilog module.
The waveform below shows a timer module that meets all the requirements for the car alarm. A five second timer is started, re-started near the 3 second mark and times down to zero. Another five second timer is started followed by a zero second timer. Note for this simulation, the "one Hz" clock is only 4 clock cycles and not millions. For simulation, it is not necessary to be real time.
The signals counting and count_out are used to debug the timer and not required for operation. Here is the timer_tb.sv test bench used to run the simulation shown above and empty timer.sv Verilog module. .
Recommended Process
You can shorten your development time by building a test-bench for each module of your design and then the overall test-bench to verify the expected behavior of the system on several sequences of inputs that you expect to test on a real FPGA. Once the system passes these tests you can proceed to the implementation on the FPGA.
For Checkoff 1, show a simulation for your timer restarted midway through and with a time value of zero. Your timer simulation need not match exactly the waveform shown but your timer must be able to restart while counting and perform as specify with a timer value of zero. You can use our testbench or create your own. We have not provided other test benches since they are highly dependent on the design. Getting the timer right is an integral part of the car alarm.
For debug on the FPGA you have several options. Use the 8 seven segment display from lab 3 to show state and time information. You will need the display to show that your timer is working correctly. Use one digit to show the current state of the FSM, another digit to indicate currently selected time parameter, yet another digit to show the current value of the timer's module internal counter, etc. You'll want to use this handy module for displaying debugging info for all your designs!
Using the Integrated Logic Analyzer is very useful in debugging your design. Consider using it if you are stuck. (See lab 3.) Viewing real time waveforms with periods of seconds and sampling at megahertz clock speeds is not feasible. In this case, "speed up" the one hertz clock by reducing the divider to 10 or so.