// File: zbt_6111.v
// Date: 27-Nov-05
// Author: I. Chuang <ichuang@mit.edu>
// Simple ZBT driver for the MIT 6.111 labkit, which does not hide the
// pipeline delays of the ZBT from the user. The ZBT memories have
// two cycle latencies on read and write, and also need extra-long data hold
// times around the clock positive edge to work reliably.
// Ike's simple ZBT RAM driver for the MIT 6.111 labkit
// Data for writes can be presented and clocked in immediately; the actual
// writing to RAM will happen two cycles later.
// Read requests are processed immediately, but the read data is not available
// until two cycles after the intial request.
// A clock enable signal is provided; it enables the RAM clock when high.
module zbt_6111(clk, cen, we, addr, write_data, read_data,
ram_clk, ram_we_b, ram_address, ram_data, ram_cen_b);
input clk; // system clock
input cen; // clock enable for gating ZBT cycles
input we; // write enable (active HIGH)
input [18:0] addr; // memory address
input [35:0] write_data; // data to write
output [35:0] read_data; // data read from memory
output ram_clk; // physical line to ram clock
output ram_we_b; // physical line to ram we_b
output [18:0] ram_address; // physical line to ram address
inout [35:0] ram_data; // physical line to ram data
output ram_cen_b; // physical line to ram clock enable
// clock enable (should be synchronous and one cycle high at a time)
wire ram_cen_b = ~cen;
// create delayed ram_we signal: note the delay is by two cycles!
// ie we present the data to be written two cycles after we is raised
// this means the bus is tri-stated two cycles after we is raised.
reg [1:0] we_delay;
always @(posedge clk)
we_delay <= cen ? {we_delay[0],we} : we_delay;
// create two-stage pipeline for write data
reg [35:0] write_data_old1;
reg [35:0] write_data_old2;
always @(posedge clk)
if (cen)
{write_data_old2, write_data_old1} <= {write_data_old1, write_data};
// wire to ZBT RAM signals
assign ram_we_b = ~we;
assign ram_clk = ~clk; // RAM is not happy with our data hold
// times if its clk edges equal FPGA's
// so we clock it on the falling edges
// and thus let data stabilize longer
assign ram_address = addr;
assign ram_data = we_delay[1] ? write_data_old2 : {36{1'bZ}};
assign read_data = ram_data;
endmodule // zbt_6111
This page: |
Created: | Thu Dec 8 21:40:00 2005 |
From: |
./zbt_6111.v |